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I am retired wrestler born from Russia, I fight all over UK and the Europe in 1975 for 20 year.

Please excuse....my English not very good.


I am disgust by way all you speak of other wrestling peoples and company.

I see many shows in UK in last years and all you good but nothing special yet talk like all you are of the top class.

Anyone who step in ring is brave, maybe not all as good as other but should not be talk bad about.


I see many people here talk of bad ring, crowds not care about this, only all you care I think.

Not all can afford good big ring, not their fault, maybe no money for good ring yet.

All must start small, I bet same for all you too when you start.


In my time as wrestler, all company respect other and work together.

I know time change since my day but you no respect other, you give wrestling no more of bad name than any other who all you say are not good wrestler and should not fight.


All you put wrestling on web site for opinion of people who not matter and who you not even know.

This stupid and only for all you who need to hear good things said of you.

Only opinion that matter is of bigger company and they not look on site for you.


I think all you talk bad of other company because you not like other wrestler for personal reason not because they not very good in ring.

I think all you can be good wrestler if you get on with all other and help all other not just talk bad of them.


This behaviour shame me to call myself wrestler. In Russia if you no respect other wrestler you not last 5 minute in business.

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I am retired wrestler born from Russia, I fight all over UK and the Europe in 1975 for 20 year.




In my time as wrestler, all company respect other and work together.


Well, in 1975 the established promoters were fucking over Dixon when he ran independent shows. And 20 years later Dixon was warning customers not to go to shoddy IWA (Hammerlock) shows.

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Well, in 1975 the established promoters were fucking over Dixon when he ran independent shows. And 20 years later Dixon was warning customers not to go to shoddy IWA (Hammerlock) shows.


Stop spoiling fun with dull facts!


All I could hear reading that OP was Nikita Koloff shouting. That's a good thing.

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Did anyone else read this in a Russian accent?

Of course! I also thought it was a good read. Not sure it was aimed at Joe Public fan though, I think he was talking more to the people in the business who post on here, particularly the ones who pretend not to be in the business!


Vladik, what was your wrestling name in the UK?



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