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Smackdown 19/08 Results


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As much as Henry deserves a World Heavyweight title run for his current character - and as much as I'd like to see it - I don't think it should happen at this present time. I think Orton needs to hold the title for a while from here, preferably till Wrestlemania when he can face Daniel Bryan. Orton/Bryan's potentially a very intriguing match.

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In a great match, WWE champion Alberto Del Rio defeated Daniel Bryan, who was cashing in his Money in the Bank contract. Bryan taps to rolling armbreaker. Sin Cara hits the ring to make the save.


I just caught this match this morning. I could only watch the one, as my old fellah was in control of the TV but I managed to blag this contest on whilst checking what time the football started. The match itself was fairly entertaining I thought, though nothing world beating. My old fella sat through and (I suspect) quietly enjoyed it too. He used to usually come out with how stupid it was when dumb shit used to happen when I regularly watched WWE in the house, but not a word this morning.



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I just caught this match this morning. I could only watch the one, as my old fellah was in control of the TV but I managed to blag this contest on whilst checking what time the football started. The match itself was fairly entertaining I thought, though nothing world beating. My old fella sat through and (I suspect) quietly enjoyed it too. He used to usually come out with how stupid it was when dumb shit used to happen when I regularly watched WWE in the house, but not a word this morning.



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Have you even seen Mark Henry over the past 6 months? Huge improvement, works his gimmick brilliantly, his matches have been alright as of late, and he's really fucking interesting at the moment


Couldn't agree more.


His last two PPV matches have been enjoyable I thought - his match with Big Show was better than anyone had any realistic right to expect and his match with Sheamus was great. Two big meatheads pounding the crap out of each other. I loved it.


Orton/Mark Henry makes sense to me.

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Justin Gabriel is awesome, and rather handsome.


I'm starting to come back around with Alberto Del Rio as champion, this 'man of the people' thing is great, and Ricardo's facial expressions during his promo were hilariously slimey and evil. Good stuff. I really like Daniel Bryan too, intense promo, and his "i'm going to do MITB right" is great, I can only assume he'll do a heel turn and win in it in a cheap way...


Cody was fantastic too, gold just looks good around his waist. Big Zeke must be on his way out, he's awful..


all in all really enjoyed Smackdown, I think there should be a Booker T quote depository thread so we can keep track of every hilarious thing he says. I really enjoy him as a commentator aswell but some of the stuff he comes out with! "My Goodness!"

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I just caught this match this morning. I could only watch the one, as my old fellah was in control of the TV but I managed to blag this contest on whilst checking what time the football started. The match itself was fairly entertaining I thought, though nothing world beating. My old fella sat through and (I suspect) quietly enjoyed it too. He used to usually come out with how stupid it was when dumb shit used to happen when I regularly watched WWE in the house, but not a word this morning.



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Just saw Alberto/Bryan there, thought it was really good and the hype was justified. Best TV match since Cena/Rey.


It's a strange situation with Sin Cara. The new one looks pretty good and can fly quite well. He's American so can speak if necessary and communicate easily in-ring, and has been in the system for a couple of years so should be pretty capable, not just of working the WWE style but even taking the lead in some matches. It would all point to the obvious choice being just to keep him in the character and cut their losses with Mistico.


However, the reason Sin Cara was created was to have another small, quick, underdog in the Rey Mysterio mould, and they wanted the man under the mask to have superstar status south of the border. Hunico ticks neither of those boxes; he's too big to effectively play the role which the character was intended for, and outside of Ciudad Juarez he has no name value at all in Mexico.


Unless they plan to drag it out, I can't see it being good Sin Cara v Evil Sin Cara, otherwise Hunico would have had some subtle heel touches and hints in his matches. If Hunico stays in the mask, you have someone who'll probably be pretty dependable, can have good, spectacular matches, and they'll still be able to make money from merchandise domestically. Yet if they brought someone in based on their popularity in Mexico despite the inevitable difficulties he'd face adapting, there must have been a lot of money to be made from it, whether it's merch, sponsorship, tv viewers, ticket sales or whatever. If they cut Mistico, those streams will all be gone.


It all makes it rather intriguing as to what their next step will be.

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I really hope that Mistico returns to work the Sin Cara character, I can't believe some of the praise Hunico is getting. He flies with all the grace of chicken. I'd take a slightly botchy but rapid, graceful Mistico over him anyday. Anyway, Sin Cara was well over on SD this week- it's clear that there is money in the character, whoever is under the mask.


Delighted to see Mark Henry win the number one contender spot. Excited to see him get a shot at Orton, he's the best thing going right now and is the obvious choice for the main event heel role with the form he's in. I would still expect Sheamus to get involved in the angle though, and Christian is due a rematch, so maybe we'll get a 4-way at Night of Champions?


Booker T is mental, but I actually like his commentary. I loved it when he called the team of Natalya and Alicia 'Salt and Cracked Black Pepper'. You could hear Cole cracking up for ages afterwards. Cole's heel commentary is way over the top at times- needs to be toned down. I fail to see how him consistently calling Daniel Bryan a nerd achieves anything other than irritating the viewer. Aside from the awful commentary, the Bryan vs Del Rio match was fantastic.

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I loved it when he called the team of Natalya and Alicia 'Salt and Cracked Black Pepper'. You could hear Cole cracking up for ages afterwards.


They didn't even respond to that one it's like you could hear them thinking "What the hell did he just say" it's one of the most random things I think I've ever heard a commentator say

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