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big mickey

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Birminghams Childrens Hospital is having trouble right now, i know someone who's in there at the moment.


What utter cunts.



Anyone got any more on this as it was reported yesterday and it turned out it was just rumours.

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I don't think they work harder, I think they have higher intelligence, see openings and take chances. Either way, that's life, live with it.

By working hard I didn't mean physically, but some jobs can be really taxing and stressful on your brain. Some big executives likely put in long hours etc. My Uncle used to earn big money as a Sales Manager but he'd often go on only 2-4 hours sleep.


Why live with it? Why not try and change it? No human being is worth more than another.

I know others have already pulled you up on the stupidity of this, and to a point I get what your saying about how some more valuble jobs pay less than others. I don't really like drawing comparisons between unrelated stuff however, a movie star earns big money, more than someone in the forces, but does that mean the movie star should earn less? If it does then who should earn the money from whatever film they starred in? It's a commodity that people want and are willing to pay for, so if the star of the show shouldn't be getting a good slice of the profits, who should?


Another thing to consider is that if one job didn't pay more than another then people would have nothing to strive for. If certain types of business wasn't big money then people wouldn't bother with it. If movies, music, etc weren't good earners, sure we'd still have singer, actors, etc, but we wouldn't see the level of entertainment so many of us enjoy.

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I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank you fine fellows in this thread, out of nearly everywhere on the net suprisingly this place has been the best place for up to date info and sorting through all the b.s. rumours and providing the best links to alternative news sources, eyewitness reports, twitter photos and videos.


Not you though RIP Sunny Diva, you suck.

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No - the police do not have the power to convict somebody or set sentence


and that is a good thing given that the catalyst for all of this started off with the line (at the very least heavily implied) "we had to shoot him, he opened fire first - look at this bullet lodged in the police radio"


then quickly became "ok, that was actually a police bullet, but he fired first"


has now become "well, fine - he didn't fire but he had a gun and we determined he was about to use it"


not all Police officers are corrupt, but more than a handful are & given how quickly their story is falling apart, would anyone REALLY fall off their chair if way down the line it turns out that the gun was planted (or even that it was pure luck for them that he did have one -however illegal- but was not brandishing it in any way)?



Except for the police themselves, according to the IPCC anyway, never even claimed that they were shot at in the first place. That was all the media.

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No - the police do not have the power to convict somebody or set sentence


and that is a good thing given that the catalyst for all of this started off with the line (at the very least heavily implied) "we had to shoot him, he opened fire first - look at this bullet lodged in the police radio"


then quickly became "ok, that was actually a police bullet, but he fired first"


has now become "well, fine - he didn't fire but he had a gun and we determined he was about to use it"


not all Police officers are corrupt, but more than a handful are & given how quickly their story is falling apart, would anyone REALLY fall off their chair if way down the line it turns out that the gun was planted (or even that it was pure luck for them that he did have one -however illegal- but was not brandishing it in any way)?


The police officers in question have never said he fired his weapon, that was rumour and conjecture built around the IPCC's investigation and misleading sources leaked to the press.


You play with guns, eventually you may get shot ... simples.


Suggesting it was planted on him is ridiculous also, his 'partner' admitted through slip that he carried a gun, one of his good friends came out saying he always kept his gun in his sock. Face facts, he was a scummy little cunt with a firearm in the public domain. Attempting to lay this on the officer that fired the two rounds, and to claim this is an illegal shooting is farcical.

Edited by Teedy Kay
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The police officers in question have never said he fired his weapon, that was rumour and conjecture built around the IPCC's investigation and misleading sources leaked to the press.


You play with guns, eventually you may get shot ... simples.


Suggesting it was planted on him is ridiculous also, his 'partner' admitted through slip that he carried a gun, one of his good friends came out saying he always kept his gun in his sock. Face facts, he was a scummy little cunt with a firearm in the public domain. Attempting to lay this on the officer that fired the two rounds, and to claim this is an illegal shooting is farcical.


He may or may not of shot first but he did carry and gun and I highly doubt it was because he really enjoyed playing cowboys and Indians.



If he was shot by another dealer and or gang member most of these people would just say in the words of R Truth "He just GOT GOT"

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misleading sources leaked to the press.



Suggesting it was planted on him is ridiculous



And where might these misleading sources come from? I think over the past month or so we have established that police are often one of the main press sources


Don't get me wrong - I am not suggesting it was planted, I am suggesting that it is not beyond the realms of possibility that given previous form (Harry Stanley, Jean Charles de Menzes etc...) there could be shennanigans and simply taking any one account (whomever it comes from) at face value is naive

Edited by courageous
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And where might these misleading sources come from? I think over the past month or so we have established that police are often one of the main press sources


Don't get me wrong - I am not suggesting it was planted, I am suggesting that it is not beyond the realms of possibility that given previous form (Harry Stanley, Jean Charles de Menzes etc...) there could be shennanigans and simply taking any one account (whomever it comes from) at face value is naive

Pray tell, what was planted on either of the above?

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