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big mickey

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I recognise the connotations, but have to say that that's not necessarily race related. I've seen it off one lad on my facebook feed, an Indian, but the analogy had occurred to me myself. It's topical because there's a film out at the minute where apes take over the world, and groups of 'people' with sub-human intelligence levels are currently trying to take over the country, indiscriminately smashing everything in their path. Like apes might.

It looked very monkey-esque when them ones jumped up and started ripping the telly off the wall in Ladbrokes yesterday as well.

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The excuses being offered up by these scumbags involved are pathetic. The best one being ; "The VAT's gone up!", I thought he was having a laugh but he wasn't. There's been quite a lot of appalling behaviour over the last few days, but the one that stuck with me was shown earlier on Sky News, when some poor guy who looked like he was just trying to get to work or something, and one of those scumbags cracked him in the face, and he began to bleed heavily, at which point another two guys appeared, and it looked like they were going to help him, but one just distracted him by pretending that he was trying to clean him up, while his mate opened the poor sod's rucksack and helped himself to whatever.


Fucking disgusting, and anyone who tries to justify any of these actions that we've seen over the past few days should be rounded up with those scumbags, lined up against a wall and shot dead.


It's even worse when you consider how many young men have died over the last few years, fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq for their country. I've no doubt that some idiot will pop up and try and dis-credit that fact and spout all of the usual anti-army/government bollocks, so I'll say in advance ; fuck off.


The nicey-nice manner in which these kind of disgraceful, pathetic excuse for human beings are dealt with is a joke. They bitch and complain about things like ; "Da guvernmint treet us like we are naffin blud, ya get me?" No I don't get you, but I wish I could....right between the eyes with a hollow-point bullet. What are they complaining about? No jobs? Well, join the fucking club, there are people who have slogged at Uni for years to get a degree and they can't even get a second interview for a dead end job. I wish we could put these idiots in a time machine, and drop them right in East London in 1888, now THAT was squalor and something to complain about....They are just scum, looking for any excuse to cause trouble, and are the kind who blame everybody else for their problems. I grew up in the worst area of Sunderland, in a house so cramped that I not only shared a bedroom with my brother and sister, but we also slept in the same bed, all three of us. I saw all kinds of things growing up, you name it. At the moment I'm not exactly a millionaire, infact I still have fuck all really, but I've achieved some good things in my time, and I certainly haven't blamed everybody around me for my misfortunes. These people just can't help themselves from degenerating and destroying themselves.


I'll say it again, these cunts have NO reason for doing this. Nothing but the desire to behave like cunts.


Fucking scum. :angry:

Edited by Taylorslade
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Yeah man...all quiet. I'm hoping we miss it here. I live in a nice leafy suburban street 5 mins from Blockbuster Video the last thing I need is a bunch of little hoody flids setting fire to my Peugeot 306!

I've got a feeling you live very, very close to me. I'm on the road just off the Clock Face pub. Where abouts are you?


Has anybody heard from Surf in Bootle since the Digger nailed the Post Office?

I've not seen him on here but to be honest I've gone near no other thread. Aside from the JCB it seems the dickheads are all at the south end, so he should be safe enough.


200 missile throwing kids in Toxteth. Fucking cunts! I hope they all get runover by a tank.





My cousin and his new born baby, in their ground floor flat half a mile away, are fucking shitting themselves. I feel sick.

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I've got a feeling you live very, very close to me. I'm on the road just off the Clock Face pub. Where abouts are you?



I've not seen him on here but to be honest I've gone near no other thread. Aside from the JCB it seems the dickheads are all at the south end, so he should be safe enough.







My cousin and his new born baby, in their ground floor flat half a mile away, are fucking shitting themselves. I feel sick.



Fuck man. Hope your family stay safe. It's all very disturbing and I'm fascinated by it all but at the same time feeling a certain sense of fear. Don't get me wrong I'd fight to protect my family and our castle but I couldn't fight much against a mob of feral twats.


I live VERY close to you in that case. The Clock is my local. I'm assuming you live Knowsley Park Lane?

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It looked very monkey-esque when them ones jumped up and started ripping the telly off the wall in Ladbrokes yesterday as well.


Well all of this most certainly appears to have a tribal nature to it, and I'm really hoping that it doesn't continue to keep spreading across the country, because there are enough idiots and scumbags in every city in the UK for it to start catching on, and lasting for several more days.

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I grew up in the worst area of Sunderland, in a house so cramped that I not only shared a bedroom with my brother and sister, but we also slept in the same bed, all three of us. I saw all kinds of things growing up, you name it. At the moment I'm not exactly a millionaire, infact I still have fuck all really, but I've achieved some good things in my time, and I certainly haven't blamed everybody around me for my misfortunes. These people just can't help themselves from degenerating and destroying themselves.


Fucking scum. :angry:


I'm both proud and relieved it hasn't kicked off up here yet. I think it's probably mostly because of the lack of a real gang culture despite the omnipresent charvas, but I think there's probably also the realisation that we have such a predominant population of working class men in the area that the charvs would likely get kicked all over the shop if they started any shit. At least the precedents have been set now as regards vigilante groups, so it shouldn't take too long for areas like Sunderland and Newcastle (especially considering how relatively small the city centres are and the amount of local pubs) to get organised if anything did kick off.

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JD Sports down Cardiff Bay has been smashed up within the last hour..


how come Sports Direct keeps escaping from the looting, Fat Mike Ashley deserves to lose a fortune for the way he is fucking up our club far more than the JD lot do

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JD Sports down Cardiff Bay has been smashed up within the last hour..


The front window was smashed by a couple of kids and the police chased them off. It wasn't looted. I don't think that fits the description of a riot. You tried spreading rumours in this thread about Cardiff last night. Are you eager for your hometown to get involved or something?

Edited by MinceMcMahon
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how come Sports Direct keeps escaping from the looting, Fat Mike Ashley deserves to lose a fortune for the way he is fucking up our club far more than the JD lot do

Prices are so cheap, it makes little economical sense to loot.

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