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big mickey

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I have more right to complain about being in an area with it being shit to find work than they do, as people living in my village that rely on public transport have restricted times they can work as well, and the option of one town and nowhere else. If you live in London, you don't have that issue.


Apart from the issue of paying for transport.

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As is City/Swindon. Our chance of getting through to Round 2 has gone up 500%.


Well im sure they'd find some way to go out before then :thumbsup:



Just seen Adrian Mills, yes, him of That's Life fame on the telly on the BBC News Special. What an odd sight. He is a restaurant owner in Ealing, and it was robbed and the footage put on youtube.


Im not convinced that increased police numbers will do anything, as has been seen with the last few nights( most especially last night), the rioters will go where the police are not, so as they are being pulled away from other places Id expect them to go up instead

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The thing that gets me is that, if all of you are right and it is so easy for these kids to get jobs, to have prospects, life-chances etc, then why the fuck would they start burning down their own communities? Then we just come back to there being no earthly reason whatsover. And that does not explain why these riots started and continue in the more deprived areas of London (or Birmingham, Liverpool and Nottingham).

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I don't think anyone expected this kind of escalation so it was business as usual until it became obvious that things were getting well out of control by that time though iot was too late.

Ah, so everyone is an uncertain as I am then. Sodding arseholes.

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I think this sums it up perfectly to be honest. The jobs are there, if not in one borough then in another. But it's the same as anywhere else, it's easier to sit and moan about there being no jobs than it is to go out and work to get one. If there's 20 people applying for each job, fuck it, go out and apply for 40 or 50. I remember applying for probably close to 50 jobs and going through perhaps 8 or 9 interviews before I found something. Trouble is like S4L says that most kids don't want to start at the bottom working their way up, they want to instantly be footballers, musicians or nothing at all.


When I was at school and we had the careers officer come around and asked what jobs everybody wanted I swear the biggest answer was "None I'm going on the dole" and from what I understand most of them did live up to that promise.

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I suspect that there will be more vigilante defence of property tonight if the police lose control as they did last night. And who can blame them? If it was my street, my local businesses and neighbours, I'd get down there.

Edited by Loki
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Basically if these bastards aren't off the streets by the end of the week it raises alot of serious questions. One of which being "why the fuck do we pay taxes for a police force that cannot protect us?". Obviously there current tactics (which appear to be standing around in riot gear) aren't working, it's time for force and lots of it. All the mass group texts these cunts have been sending, the thing that keeps popping up is "the police cannot stop us!" and thus a mob mentality of no fear has grown. Give these fucks something to fear, even if it's just one night of extreme police brutality. I doubt many people in the public will kick up a fuss except for some limp dick pussies. It's all good to talk about the human rights related to police force etc. during peace time but not when the streets are filled with fires, chaos and destruction. It's only a matter of time before there is a body count.

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The thing is though, I haven't been debating how to deal with the riots in the short term. I have been talking about the causes just as others have. I certainly don't condone 'cracking skulls', half of these people are kids! I'd say more police numbers and the possibility of water cannons I suppose. Though that'd be something that'd have to be considered, and I'm not sure how safe water cannons are.

Oh my life! These people, kids, teenagers, adults are burning down buildings, people's place of work, people's homes, they are seriously putting people's lives at risk! Last night I was concerned about heavy handedness, today it's time to kick some arse! I don't give a fuck if you 10 years old or 30 years old. If you're on the streets tonight robbing, burning, stabbing, whatever your contribution to the trouble that you shouldn't be doing I want you stopped. I want the Prime Minister on the TV this afternoon making it 100% clear that this will not be tolerated tonight or any other night and anyone who goes forward with plans of anymore riots will be putting their own safety at risk the the Police have been authorised to use the necessary force to clear the streets.


Tomorrow when Mrs Thing is bitching that her little boy got hurt by police in the riots someone ask her what the hell he was doing out in the first place then have her in court right next to him.


Enough is fucking enough, stop making excuses for your shit lives and start doing something about it. No one owes you shit, it's not my fault I have a job and you don't, it's not my fault my parents gave a fuck and yours were happy for you to raom the streets. Take responsibility for yourselves!


Am I being too harsh?

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Of course you are, Chris. All we need to do is create a thousand new jobs in Hackney by tonight, and all this will be cleared up. Don't be so blinkered.

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All the mass group texts these cunts have been sending, the thing that keeps popping up is "the police cannot stop us!" and thus a mob mentality of no fear has grown.


That's what gets me the looting is been controlled via text-facebook-twitter so these people can't afford to live yet can afford mobile phones (possibly Iphones) and computers and laptops

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The thing that gets me is that, if all of you are right and it is so easy for these kids to get jobs, to have prospects, life-chances etc, then why the fuck would they start burning down their own communities? Then we just come back to there being no earthly reason whatsover.

As the great Morgan Freeman said in Se7en.


"It's easier to steal what you want than it is to earn it. "

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Enough is fucking enough, stop making excuses for your shit lives and start doing something about it. No one owes you shit, it's not my fault I have a job and you don't, it's not my fault my parents gave a fuck and yours were happy for you to raom the streets. Take responsibility for yourselves!


Am I being too harsh?


Well judging by those comments you couldn't give a fuck about these people. So why should they give a fuck that you want them to stop?

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The thing that gets me is that, if all of you are right and it is so easy for these kids to get jobs, to have prospects, life-chances etc, then why the fuck would they start burning down their own communities?

The thing that gets me is that, if you're right and it's all down to deprivation and lack of jobs, prospects, life-chances etc then why the fuck isn't every single person from these communities out on the pillage?

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