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big mickey

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Genuine question. Have you spent much time in London?

Not as much as you obviously. Which is strange seeing as you seem to have no idea of the unemployment gripping your own borough and other surrounding areas.

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I've just seen that clip of that laddie getting helped to his feet, then robbed. Absolutely disgusting.



Whatever's stopping the police from acting needs to be put of their minds immediately. These wee shits need to be dealt with and given something to fear. If they face a backlash for going in too hard, then so be it. The people who're not tearing apart the city and endangering lives need to be the priority now. As it is, they're doing the exact opposite, by standing off and letting those animals do what they want.

Edited by CleetusVanDamme
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Not as much as you obviously. Which is strange seeing as you seem to have no idea of the unemployment gripping your own borough and other surrounding areas.

I have every idea thankyou.


You don't seem to realise just how big London is. When i lived there if i had restricted myself to looking at Haringay and neighboring places i would have found it 10x more difficult to find work.


I also know from spells of unemployment myself that most of it was due to being young and lazy. Another thing i have first hand see is that many of the gangs have no intention of working unless it involves them being either a musician or a multi millionaire immediately.

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You're really making a fool of yourself here, Whiskey.


Explain how. Also I will gladly concede around issues of employment if anyone wants to show me some actual evidence of all of these jobs that are available.

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I'm trying to get a feeling from news sites but I'm struggling ( and meltzer has been no use). Is it over? Are we waiting for round four? Or is this 'just' people picking up their lives afterward

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I've just seen that clip of that laddie getting helped to his feet, then robbed. Absolutely disgusting.



Whatever's stopping the police from acting needs to be put of their minds immediately. These wee shits need to be dealt with and given something to fear. If they face a backlash for going in too hard, then so be it. The people who're not tearing apart the city and endangering lives need to be the priority now.

I think the public want to see action now, if it kicks off again. They tried a low violence policy (given how out numbered they have been, their options were limited) for a few days and you see what has happened. I think people want their police to police now and clear the streets. My Facebook is filled with people wanting to see some lessons dished out by the police.
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I'm trying to get a feeling from news sites but I'm struggling ( and meltzer has been no use). Is it over? Are we waiting for round four? Or is this 'just' people picking up their lives afterward


I think we are in the wait and hope for the best period now.

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At this point, as long as they don't go in with shotguns, I don't think the police would face much of a backlash for cracking a few skulls anyway?


That's not wishing for the best for everyone though is it? You've got thousands of people involved in these riots, would you just throw them all in prison?

What would you do with them? I don't want to trot out the "give 'em an IT course and a cuddle" line again, but what do you think is a sensible thing for the police (and later, the rest of the justice system) to do in this situation? Just let them keep rioting and robbing until they get bored, then never follow it up for fear of causing tension? Letting them off the hook sets a far more dangerous precedent than punishing them.


It's all these posts with the implication that they shouldn't be punished or deterred that are making it come across like you're excusing them. Just like the disconnect between the rioters and the authorities, there's a huge disconnect between your grandstanding and the actual immediacy of the event. Considering this is a real world scenario happening right now, what would you actually do to resolve it? Creating a youth centre for the looter's little brother to go to in a couple of years is all well and good, but how does it help the current situation?



Yeah, fine. But that's not going to help tonight, is it? You seem to have nothing to suggest other than vague future plans for some sort of social rebalancing. Fiddling while Rome burns. I've been a liberal all my life but your blinkered and wet posts in this thread are an embarrassment.

Very well put. That's the crux of the matter.


Possibly something to do with it not being as easy as "create jobs". It's like telling someone who's depressed to "be happy". They've probably considered it.


Perhaps you should tell these people to "get a job".

Tremendous stuff.

Edited by King Pitcos
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The thing is though, I haven't been debating how to deal with the riots in the short term. I have been talking about the causes just as others have. I certainly don't condone 'cracking skulls', half of these people are kids! I'd say more police numbers and the possibility of water cannons I suppose. Though that'd be something that'd have to be considered, and I'm not sure how safe water cannons are.

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I think we are in the wait and hope for the best period now.

Bugger. I thought you might say that. Again, apologies for the stupid question but is this kind of what happened the last three days? Everyone went to work, left and had a cheeky riot?

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Bugger. I thought you might say that. Again, apologies for the stupid question but is this kind of what happened the last three days? Everyone went to work, left and had a cheeky riot?


I don't think anyone expected this kind of escalation so it was business as usual until it became obvious that things were getting well out of control by that time though iot was too late.

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Explain how. Also I will gladly concede around issues of employment if anyone wants to show me some actual evidence of all of these jobs that are available.

If you live in London, you can travel a damned sight fucking farther than the tiny local area you live in. My Dad lived in the east end of London (Plumstead/Woolwich as that's where I grew up) and works right over in the West End. Before we had the public transport system we have now as well.


Now, with the public transport, you could do the exact same, work one end, and live the other, and not pay through the nose for public transport, and have a massive wide range of options for work. While you are giving the excuse of "there's no jobs where they live" right, there might not be... so tell them to get on a train, or a tube, or a bus, and go looking in different areas that aren't 2 minutes walk down the road.


There's a massive difference between not having jobs to apply for, and not bothering to find jobs to apply for.


I have more right to complain about being in an area with it being shit to find work than they do, as people living in my village that rely on public transport have restricted times they can work as well, and the option of one town and nowhere else. If you live in London, you don't have that issue.

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I have every idea thankyou.


You don't seem to realise just how big London is. When i lived there if i had restricted myself to looking at Haringay and neighboring places i would have found it 10x more difficult to find work.


I also know from spells of unemployment myself that most of it was due to being young and lazy. Another thing i have first hand see is that many of the gangs have no intention of working unless it involves them being either a musician or a multi millionaire immediately.

I think this sums it up perfectly to be honest. The jobs are there, if not in one borough then in another. But it's the same as anywhere else, it's easier to sit and moan about there being no jobs than it is to go out and work to get one. If there's 20 people applying for each job, fuck it, go out and apply for 40 or 50. I remember applying for probably close to 50 jobs and going through perhaps 8 or 9 interviews before I found something. Trouble is like S4L says that most kids don't want to start at the bottom working their way up, they want to instantly be footballers, musicians or nothing at all.

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If this carries on I don't think it will long before the vigilante mob feel they have no choice to take to the streets themselves to sort this problem out then the police with have 2 mobs to deal with.


The vigilantes won't care about cracking a few skulls or doing whatever they feel they have to do then the families of the yob who gets beaten up will be bitching about how it's not fair that this mob were allowed to beat up their kid forgetting the fact that he and or she were just setting fire to the local Argos or someones house.

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