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The moment you thought: "Wrestling is awesome!"


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I started watching wrestling during the WCW upcoming. AFter recently watching the " Best of Nitro" DVD I remembered many "mark out" moments from my younger years.


My moment:


Goldberg vs Hogan on Nitro


The moment I thought "I'm done with this crap":


Nobody cared, he doens't draw a fly and he was undeserving in general.



When were the times when YOU remember smiling and thinking "This is so awesome"!

And when were the times when you were truly embaressed to be a wrestling fan?

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The first match I ever saw was Hart/Perfect at Summerslam 91, after my brother borrowed a tape from a friend. its weird because Im now aware that this was not the first match on the card, so either everything before was instantly forgetable or I just plain didnt see it




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My Moment I thought: "Wrestling is awesome!"


The first wrestling I saw on TV post being a kid (so discounting the odd times when i was a kid and got to see WWF round a mates, or WCW Worldwide on ITV).


Backlash 2000. I video recorded it on C4, on the off-chance it would kill a few hours instead of going to uni the following Monday. Been a big fan since.


Can't remember which way Round it was but Hogan and Earthquake for me.


Remember watching them as the last two in the Rumble in 1991 and also at Sumerslam, thats defo one of my earliest memories.

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Probably not the exact moment but Hogan was what got me hooked on wrestling. Once I'd experienced and felt part of Hulkamania, there was no turning back.



Nothing against these two but I just strongly dislike women's wrestling. I can't get behind it and it's been pushed harder over the last few years. Not for me.




Rock v Benoit, can't remember which PPV.



Why do I watch this shit?


Benoit tapping out.


Wrestling is Awesome!




Hogan superplexes Bossman from the top of the steel cage!


Wrestling Sucks




Vinny Ru... how is this man still getting paid money?

I started watching wrestling during the WCW upcoming. AFter recently watching the " Best of Nitro" DVD I remembered many "mark out" moments from my younger years.


My moment:


Goldberg vs Hogan on Nitro


The moment I thought "I'm done with this crap":


Nobody cared, he doens't draw a fly and he was undeserving in general.


I hated that too, at Wrestlemania Christian should have won the MITB, the World and his mum thought he was going to win it, and so word is wwe decided to swerve it because everyone knew and expected it :( stupid Swagger.

I hated that too, at Wrestlemania Christian should have won the MITB, the World and his mum thought he was going to win it, and so word is wwe decided to swerve it because everyone knew and expected it :( stupid Swagger.


Really? I thought everyones money was on McIntyre that year?




Can't find any photos that will link properly, but it's pretty much the entire Flair/Savage match from Wrestlemania 8. Wrestling was just a live action cartoon to me up until Wrestlemania 8 - just like watching Transformers, with Hogan and Bulldog as the Autobots and Sid Justice and Papa Shango as the Decepticons, and you knew the Autobots would win in the end. During the Flair/Savage match though, I realised how awesome it was when I just couldn't help but cheer the bad guys - it was completely unique in all the films, TV and cartoons I'd ever seen. Ric Flair bled, cheated and begged his way through his match with the Macho Man, and ultimately lost, but when him and Mr Perfect kicked fuck out of him after the match and then kissed Miss Elizabeth, I realised how cool he was, even with that bloody mop of white hair. I've liked heels ever since.


Why do I watch this shit:




Ever since the standard Cena 'same old shit' PPV ending kicked in on WWE TV, I'd been getting bored with it, but what stopped me from packing in altogether was the occasional hint of a killer storyline that they came up with from time to time. This was the moment I realised I'd never see another 'Deadly Game' payoff from the WWE in the near future, the type of breathtaking twist or swerve that made months of seemingly nonsensical TV seem like a retrospective work of genius that made you want to re-watch the build-up almost as much as you wanted to see what happened after it. When they decided to pay off the months-in-the-making 'Vince's son' storyline with a stupid joke involving a midget, I decided I was done with the WWE for the immediate future.


Wrestling is awesome




As a 6 year old kid seeing this guy for the first time was like a massive light bulb going on above my head. Wrestling was massive at the time and I used to play with my mates figures in the garden and watch tapes in his house. Undertaker just had everything, even compared to the over the top characters like Warrior, Hogan and Savage there was something about Taker that made me want to keep watching and it was the only reason I went back to WWF after switching to WCW in about '94.


Why do I watch this shit




No. No. No


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