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Randy Orton candid interview on Cena, Kelly Kelly and The Rock

The Natural

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WWE World Hvt. champion Randy Orton talked off-the-cuff for 42 minutes with KUPD radio in the Phoenix, Ariz. area promoting this week's TV tapings. The following are highlights of Orton's interview:


-- Orton talked candidly about past drug abuse issues, including a documented incident five years ago when he "stopped breathing" and his wife called an ambulance to save his life. Orton said his wife, family, and he will talk about the "bad choices" he's made on Orton's forthcoming DVD.


"I was ashamed of it (drug issues) for a long time, but now talking about it and getting it off my chest - when my in-laws and mom watches it, they're going to cry. My wife talks about when I stopped breathing and the ambulance came. I was 26. I'm 31 now," Orton said.


-- Orton referenced his recent concussion in Spain and candidly discussed his concussion history. Orton said the live Raw taping the day afterward was "the biggest blur" and he "couldn't focus or concentrate." Orton noted it was his sixth concussion and WWE was worried. He said it's been three years since his previous concussion, then discussed having some "bad ones" earlier in his career.


-- This led into a concussion of not being able to say he's a wrestler, but a "WWE Superstar." At this point, half-way through the interview, Orton said, "Honestly, a lot of things we've talked about thus far in this interview, they'd be upset with. I'm not like, 'eff it,' but I try to be real."


Orton then shared a story about The Rock trying to get him in trouble before WrestleMania. Orton said he gave his opinion on Rock during a media interview - that he wasn't buying Rock's return speech about coming back to WWE and never leaving again. Orton said he heard he "got in trouble" with Vince McMahon through John Laurinaitis, who pulled him aside. Orton said Rock called the office and claimed Orton buried him and Triple H in the interview. Orton said he suspects Rock threw Hunter's name into the mix to get management to pay attention even though he didn't disparage Hunter in the interview.


Orton brought up John Cena, who he claimed is "light years" ahead of everyone in WWE and Rock on the microphone. After talking up his co-headliner on the mic, Orton played into criticism of Cena's wrestling ability by laughing at his in-ring style.


"When I watch him, I feel he's a little stiff, hard to move, robotic. It certainly hasn't hurt him. I'm much better than John Cena, but on the mic, he's light-years ahead of all of us, including The Rock," Orton said.


-- Earlier in the interview, Orton knocked the actors who have played his wife on TV in various storylines. "Both those women were actresses. Not even actresses. They were like models who couldn't act; it was awful. (hosts laughed) It actually ruined both segments because they couldn't act," Orton said.


-- Orton sounded like a typical jock talking about Kelly Kelly, saying he could name ten guys who have "method acted" with Kelly. The hosts tried to pry same names from Orton, who tried to deflect from the topic by joking it's all the big guys on the roster.


-- Orton brought up Chris Jericho, who he said is missing from the locker room as a leader. When asked about Jericho's "Downfall" game show on ABC, Orton said he doesn't think Jericho had permission and there was some conflict over it, but Jericho is the type of wrestler to tell Vince McMahon what's going on rather than the other way around.


"Jericho is type of the guy to go in Vince's office and tell him this is what he's doing and tough. A lot of newer, younger guys are intimidated by Vince. They're scared to knock on his door. Jericho - I miss him being around - would go tell McMahon what's going on."


Orton was asked if he's now assumed the role of a locker room leader. Orton said he'll help guys with matches, but he's the last person to come to seeking real-life advice. This led into a discussion of his DVD with details on his past bad decisions and drug issues.


-- Orton covered several other minor topics in the interview, including saying he wishes there were four or five more younger wrestlers like Sheamus who would come along, Mark Henry being tough to work with in the ring, his infamous baby oil look, John Cena crapping himself in the ring, and more topics.


Link: Orton's full interview on KUPD can be heard at Randy-Orton.com.


In previous interviews Randy Orton has spoken his mind and that hasn't changed in this one either.

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People should listen to the interview (Pitcos posted it yesterday in the Comments ... section). He's in good humour throughout the whole thing, and you'd have to be incredibly thinskinned to take anything he says as an insult, so I'm sure he'll get no heat over it. He comes across great in it I thought. Didn't know he was so funny. His answer to whether he likes Jericho's band is his best answer and the revelation that Mark Henry is a rapist.


I listened to the whole thing yesterday and it's utterly unprofessional by the lad. He thinks he's untouchable. Vinnie Mac will see to this I'm sure. It's decent to go on things like that and be relaxed and it's okay these days to not be in character but some of the things he was saying, while supposedly representing the company and his peers, went too far. I hope he gets suspended too.


Its excellent good stuff.Seems like a good guy cracked me up about Cena. What is it with wrestlers they all seem to have a story bout either themselves or someone else shitting them selves during a match

he's apoligised on twitter for what he said about kelly kelly


In Maria's shoot interview they did a name game thing where she had to put the names of the Divas who were the biggest slags in the 'ho' bin, or something.


Given Kelly's name she was about to deposit it in said bin before stopping, going 'she's young' and moving on.


Kelly Kelly wrote the following on Twitter, apparently in response to Randy Orton's comments about her in a Tuesday radio interview:


"The best way to fight stupidity, is by ignoring

I listened to the whole thing yesterday and it's utterly unprofessional by the lad. He thinks he's untouchable. Vinnie Mac will see to this I'm sure. It's decent to go on things like that and be relaxed and it's okay these days to not be in character but some of the things he was saying, while supposedly representing the company and his peers, went too far. I hope he gets suspended too.


Really? Wow. Get over yourself. It's maybe a wee bit unprofessional, but you want him suspended over it? Over-reacting much?


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