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WWE Money In The Bank 2011


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My only gripe was the sad attempt at rubbing some support on to Cena by having him floor Vince's stooge, because it cheapened the finish.


But, that aside, there was still a masterful match and something I watched with great anticipation for every sequence. Even though Cena was inept and appeared indifferent, there was still a fascinating event to watch in the ring when it appeared that Punk legit kneed Cena in the jaw.


The STFU escapes were so masterfully executed that I literally breathed a sigh of relief each time Punk escaped them.


Overall we had a near perfect ending. CM Punk achieved an immense and built up goal while we as the audience simultaneously crave to find out what will happen next.


I hope CM Punk takes that belt to ROH. But whatever happens, I await it with baited breath.

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A great show overall and i can't wait until tomorrow night because Raw should be awesome. That was exactly how the show should have ended with all the other matches being up to standard. Best PPV of the Year so far probably best PPV for a few years

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Everyone whos anyone, who saw that PPV or even glanced at the results will be watching Raw tomorrow.


Hope WWE dont make Punk loose the belt to Del Rio on Raw IF they have a CM Punk leaving do. It'll be too obvious.

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Absolutely speechless! That match had you guessing all the way through.


I thought Punk was going to tap out when he was in the STF a second time. Then I thought we were going to get a hokey countout finish just after the GTS that sent Cena to the outside, and the Vince distraction. Then my heart sank lower than it's ever sank before when I thought they were going to "Montreal" Punk.


Shattered after watching that. Incredible PPV. I cannot wait for Raw tomorrow.

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WWE showing that they still know how to put on a top notch wrestling PPV when they want to. Surprises throughout the card. I certainly didn't have Daniel Bryan down for winning the Smackdown MitB and went crazy for that when he pulled the briefcase down. Orton/Christian never really felt like it got out of second gear to me and ended abruptly with the DQ finish and subsequent title change.


Punk/Cena was everything it needed to be and more. Both men played their roles perfectly, the crowd was hot throughout the match. I was stood up for the final few minutes with the various submission attempts and close finishes, and when Vince came out, I was prepared to get a bit angry if the screwjob went ahead. Fantastic result, I'm so glad that they've pulled the trigger with this. It gives them potential to do something completely different and away from the normal. Punk had Del Rio's number with a swift kick to the head and then bailing, and I'd expect the same thing tomorrow if they tried it on Raw with a "leaving party".


There's so much potential gold here. Hats off to WWE, you've reminded me why I love wrestling.

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first off, Daniel fucking Bryan won Money in the Bank! Unbelievable! Awesome. Sin Cara also looked dapper in his new tights.


Christian and Orton have unbelievable chemistry, I can't believe I'm excited for one last match, like a No Holds Barred at Summerslam. Great, great finish, and Captain Charisma is a 2 time World Champion!


Then CM Punk vs John Cena, more thoughts tomorrow but I've never felt like that watching wrestling. I was screaming at my TV when McMahon signaled to ring the bell and when Del Rio came out but they turned it on its head with a magical ending. So proud of Punk. I couldn't even care they tried to get Cena into the good books by having him deck Johnny Ace but fuck it. Cena also deserves loads of props for his performance too.



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Amazing Main Event because thats all I'll remember this PPV fo in my opinion. The place was off the hook for CM's entrance. The crowd played their part perfectly tonight. Absolutely loved Punk's shirt saying "BEST IN THE WORLD" Never have I been one to want a shirt but my god I want that one asap!


Cena and Punk's finest hour I'd agree. Great planning and a fantastic ending to the match. What has taken the company so bloody long to do stuff like this because it's been stale for a while for situations like this, and finally WE get to see what we want for an ending....thus far!


I watched this on stream, so I presume that was Cobana at ringside. My god that sent goosebumps down my neck when we finally realised what was happening. For a minute I did think a cash in was on the cards straight after, but fuck me that was the best way to end seeing Punk at the top of the steps with the crowd. Raw will be hot for sure tomorrow.


Thank You WWE, Cena and of course CM PUNK.

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