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WWE Raw 13/06/2011 3 Hour "All Star Night"


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@HeelZiggler just tweeted the following:



You didnt rib 'the kid' tonight, you ribbed the fans, Long Island & the boys in the back! AND kicked him in the nuts! #RyderOrRiot 3 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone Retweeted by you and 68 others



It's good that fellow wrestlers are pissed off too. This really has to be a case of that Vince McMahon didn't create Zack's YouTube series, thus Zack won't be getting over on TV.


It's 'We Want Matt' all over again.

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@HeelZiggler just tweeted the following:



You didnt rib 'the kid' tonight, you ribbed the fans, Long Island & the boys in the back! AND kicked him in the nuts! #RyderOrRiot 3 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone Retweeted by you and 68 others



It's good that fellow wrestlers are pissed off too. This really has to be a case of that Vince McMahon didn't create Zack's YouTube series, thus Zack won't be getting over on TV.


It's 'We Want Matt' all over again.

he cant get away with saying that can he? I dont get how the wrestlers are allowed to show more character on twitter then they can on Raw which is there bread and butter so to speak

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I don't mean to sound condescending here but surely nobody actually expected them to have Ryder on or have him shine in any way? In their eyes that would be them acquiescing to the wants of "the net marks" and they wouldn't do that., They view anything that is formed or followed online badly, as we all saw with the brian danielson nxt thing. The constant comments of "internet darling" or "internet following" all the time interspersed into running him down for not being a wwe star (which instantly makes you sub standard) musthave proven that this was going to happen. They apparently detest the online fanbase, shitting all over it as a tiny 9-10% percentage of the demographic. Which is stupid because it's still a demographic. Plus they never give the fans what they want, they seem to see that as weakness. And they find it funny to rib the workers, as Ziggler's tweet seems to show.


You would think with their dreadful ppv buys, plummeting stock prices, dwindling live attendance figures that they would be looking capitalise on anything.

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You would think with their dreadful ppv buys, plummeting stock prices, dwindling live attendance figures that they would be looking capitalise on anything.


Come on, it's not as if the WWE is a publicly traded company, and thus legally obliged to make their shareholders as much money as possible. Oh wait.

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It would be easy to say if Vince and Co arn't going to use Ryder on Raw properly then release the poor bloke. He must be propper pissed off that they didn't capitalise on the whole thing last night.


People are also right in saying that because good ol Vincent didn't create this internet storybook (in Ryder's eyes) then the rest can fuck off and get what we're given.


3 hours next week? Fuck off E!

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As predicted, that just went on and on and on.... The only thing of note was seeing some refreshingly good mic skills with Austin in the first segment, and the crowd being real hot for the main event. But other than that, the whole thing was just so dull. I'm gutted that Zack Ryder didn't even get on the show as well. Another 3 Hour next week? Why would anyone in their right mind pay all that money for the Pay Per View on Sunday, when they have just gotten two 3 hour shows within the same week for free?

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That was the only reason i have sat and watched Raw this morning on a download was to see Zach Ryder. Nothing else. Im livid ive wasted just over two hours to see something that never happened.

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It just seems so stupid that people are so indifferent to half the roster, and there is someone the crowd genuinely like and could get behind (and its not just in Long Island) they don't bother with him, and it seems they intentionally are not using him.


Gonna be the hottest Superstars match ever!



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To the people complaining that WWE shouldn't do 3 hours Raw and even worse 2 in a row it's not their fault it's the USA Network who makes them do it WWE doesn't really like doing them in fact the USA Network wanted every Raw to be 3 hours and Vince really had to do all he could to talk them out of it but the compromise was they had to do a few every year.

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Im reckoning the only thing that might convince Punk to stick around is the promise of a match vs Stonecold Steve Austin at WrestleMania next year.


Austin's apparently a big fan of Punk and, as seen on Tough Enough, he can still bump around the ring like a good 'un.


SO disappointed WWE was too petty to capitalise of Ryders hometown popularity and have him at least appear on the show. It would have been all sorts of good to have had Foley appear as Raw GM and finally put that angle to bed too.


A motivated, desperate and challenged WWF from 1997/1998 would have done this. An unmotivated, cruise-control WWE of 2011 would never do this. Shame.

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I thought it was one of the better three hour Raws, simply due to Stone Cold.


It's a shame that WWE will never get fully behind the likes of R-Truth (and to a lesser extent Zack Ryder). Truth is genuinely watchable but WWE will make sure he only gets so far.


A bit gutted Zack Attack never got his Raw moment. By the look of Zigglers tweet, this was a very nasty rib by Vince - building him up, only to tell him he's not on this Raw, so he can pretty much crush the poor lad. He was fucking about with Mark Henry a few weeks ago too, crazy old dude.


I thought the crowd was awesome all night. It made the company appear hotter and fresher than it actually is.



Im reckoning the only thing that might convince Punk to stick around is the promise of a match vs Stonecold Steve Austin at WrestleMania next year.


Austin's apparently a big fan of Punk and, as seen on Tough Enough, he can still bump around the ring like a good 'un.


SO disappointed WWE was too petty to capitalise of Ryders hometown popularity and have him at least appear on the show. It would have been all sorts of good to have had Foley appear as Raw GM and finally put that angle to bed too.

A motivated, desperate and challenged WWF from 1997/1998 would have done this. An unmotivated, cruise-control WWE of 2011 would never do this. Shame.

This sadly sums up the past five years or so. They'll have something good but now have this habit of fucking it up because 'they can'. Given that their last PPV did 65,000 buys, they really can't.


CM Punk v Stone Cold at Wrestlemania is as juicy as it gets. Both played off each other great on Raw (Punk fed Austin and Austin replied with a couple of crackers).

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Very upset for Ryder. Wasn't a great Raw and i think Punk deserves more than a cheap victory over Cena even though it was focused more on Truth.

Promo between Punk and Austin was great and i just wish it lasted longer.


Absolutely zero reason to have Morrison there. That segment could have been done with Ryder and would have got MAJOR hometown heat for Truth going into the ppv this sunday.

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