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2011/2012 Scottish Football Thread


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If Rangers/Newco are refused membership into the SPl then is there an option of taking a year out of football should they then be accepted into the league? Given the nubmber of Rangers fans I know who have stated how they want to start from the third division would it be the worst option?



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If Rangers/Newco are refused membership into the SPl then is there an option of taking a year out of football should they then be accepted into the league? Given the nubmber of Rangers fans I know who have stated how they want to start from the third division would it be the worst option?




The SFL can't exactly just leave a place open for them.

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A few weeks ago I was sure a new Rangers would be in the SPL next season. So I'm quite surprised by this outcome but given the outcry from supporters that has obviously had an effect, I'm not as surprised as I might've been. I guess the thing is that while clubs are going to lose money and are probably going to have to cut their budget, they are at least all in the same boat. Long term, I think this will prove disastrous for Scottish football but I'd love to stand corrected on that thought.


Who plays in the SPL then? Dunfermline or Dundee?


Thing is, having Rangers around has hardly been beneficial to Scottish football, has it? To quote this post from May:


The others made my point. Rangers are part of the problem rather than the solution. They drove the costs up so nobody else could compete with them and when Celtic finally caught them and then overtook them, they resorted to ever more sophisticated tax fraud and ran up unsustainable debts. They bully, bribe or discredit the press depending on what they want or need from them and enjoy ridiculous levels of institutional bias. Their actions have seen pretty much every team who has been in the top division in financial peril at some point, such was the cost to compete when Rangers were at their peak, damaging the fanbase and reputation of those clubs and stifling youth development. They're bad for the game. In other sports and other situations, a club that did these things would have sanctions brought against them but, instead, the SPL will somehow reward them.


And I also look to Kenny's post from back in March:

Worth a read. Basically covers stuff I've said here before, but with evidence'n'shit.


Why Scotland Doesn't Need Rangers.


Yes, I'm well aware that it could apply to Celtic too, but there's no reason why other teams getting more competitive and us going on a bad run couldn't change the whole scene. No Rangers and Tony Mowbray back at Celtic could change the entire league. Plus Rangers are a despicable club that cheated their way to success. Celtic may have some less than savoury aspects to their identity, but we're not cheats, liars and thieves.


Scottish football doesn't need Rangers. If anything, they've got in the way for years. What astonishes and dismays me in equal measure is that Rangers fans seem so used to being the establishment club, they just won't mobilise, they don't know how. If it were my club, I'd be finding like-minded fans and trying to create a genuine successor club, starting from the East of Scotland League and determined to work their way back the right way. With no Rangers, the SFA, SPL and SFL can finally come together and create a single professional league with a free gangway to the senior non-league ranks. Scottish football is fractured and, it seems to me, that Rangers have been stopping that from healing.

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Aberdeen are a "no". That's Aberdeen, Hibs, Hearts, Dundee U and Inverness confirmed. Celtic is a given. Rangers are fucked. Where to now?
I find it highly amusing that for all the years that Rangers supposedly shafted Celtic, and all of the so-called persecution their support feel that it's down to the "diddy clubs" to stand up and be counted when it comes to making a decision one way or the other.

Alternatively, the rest of Scottish football has been complaining for years that Celtic and Rangers run the game and make all the decisions, and with some justification. The floor is now theirs. This is an opportunity for a fresh start in Scottish football, where all the decisions are shared and not down to the wishes of one city. The "diddy clubs" as you say, should enjoy it. This shouldn't be a Celtic/Rangers story. It's a much healthier message for the other 10 clubs to be wielding the power for a change.


As for feeling sympathy for Rangers fans. Naw. They were warned time and again about the corruption at their club, long before Craig Whyte showed up. The EBT issue was being whispered about for a good four years before it was finally acknowledged last year. These guys begged Craig Whyte to buy the club, shrugging off the warnings from Timmy and the "internet bampots". The day the Daily Record broke the story that "Motherwell born billionaire" Craig Whyte was interested in buying the club off David Murray Celtic message boards were flooded with Google links to all sorts of stories from Whyte's murky past. The Rangers fans accused us of being jealous!


When the BBC and Mark Daly aired their documentary looking at Craig Whyte's past in October the reaction of the Ibrox support was to boycott the BBC. They didn't want to hear about it and responded with pure hate.


People like Alex Thomson at Channel 4 and Phil MacGiollaBhain brought the issue into the mainstream, and instead of sitting up and realising that something was very rotten at their club, the bluenoses took to vile threats and abuse.


The fact that more people turned up outside Ibrox to burn scarves and season tickets on the day that their club signed a Roman Catholic for the first time than turned up to demand answers from Craig Whyte on 14th February or on the day their liquidation was confirmed says to me that they deserve no sympathy.

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Lee Wallace has pledged to remain with (The) Rangers and will attend pre-season training.


I could understand Lee McCulloch, but Wallace? He has ability and potential. I'm surprised to see him be so quick to commit.


That is a bit of a shock, as he was 1 of the few players I would expect to get a move to a prem club and get played.

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Lee Wallace has pledged to remain with (The) Rangers and will attend pre-season training.


I could understand Lee McCulloch, but Wallace? He has ability and potential. I'm surprised to see him be so quick to commit.

It's not likely he'll stay and play in the lower leagues though. It'll just mean they get a transfer fee for him when he does leave.


And I won't even go into the morality of that one...


I'm surprised he's only 24, feels like he's been around for ages.

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It's not likely he'll stay and play in the lower leagues though. It'll just mean they get a transfer fee for him when he does leave.


And I won't even go into the morality of that one...


I'm surprised he's only 24, feels like he's been around for ages.

Oh I know that, but logically, wouldn't it make more sense for him to just leave? It's surely more likely that bigger clubs will come in for him on a free than if they have to pay for him.

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Rangers have given me some of the happiest moments of my life - the ridiculous scenes of Helicopter Sunday, the tears of joy in Fiorentina, Mendes' goal at Parkhead, the trips up and down the country, meaningless friendlies down south leading to brilliant weekends, McGregor in Bremen, Walter's return, Lovenkrands' Cup Final winner, I could go on forever. I've met some of my best mates through the club and it's those moments that make the club for me, not the change of a company number/name, and it's the reason I'll be back next season. If we have to start again, then that's exactly what we do - start again. I'm not gullible enough to think we'll get 45,000+ in the third or first division, but as far I'm concerned if you could afford to be there when we wrapping up title after title and enjoying runs in Europe, then you can afford to be there when we're playing Falkirk and Cowdenbeath in the first division, or Peterhead and East Stirling in the third.

+1. Well said, mate.

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I dunno who Alex Thomson is but that's pretty funny.

I thought it was funny too but expected to be accused of "mocking the dead" or some other shite.


He's the channel 4 journalist who has been annoying Rangers fans with some pretty in-depth reporting as well as exposing the Scottish media as the joke they truly are.

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