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Have you ever felt

Richie Freebird

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I honestly don't think there's ever been a period where I've felt like that, which is quite weird. I guess things are always changing and evolving in one way or another, and WWE has always managed to hold my interest.


Even when I've got into UFC over the past year or so, it hasn't made me feel more negative towards WWE. I've dipped in and out of TNA/ROH etc, but that's about it.

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I honestly don't think there's ever been a period where I've felt like that, which is quite weird. I guess things are always changing and evolving in one way or another, and WWE has always managed to hold my interest.


Even when I've got into UFC over the past year or so, it hasn't made me feel more negative towards WWE. I've dipped in and out of TNA/ROH etc, but that's about it.


How long overall have you been following wrestling to a hardcore degree out of interest bud?

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The last time I stopped watching was from February 2009- June 2009, aside form PPV'S


These days I only flick through RAW, I gave up on TNA slowly over the years, by last year I gave up and I rarely if ever watch Smackdown. I havent enjoyed RAW recently so maybe I will stop watching that, I will still watch PPV'S as a friend comes round for them and its a laugh.


My interest in MMA amongst other things have contributed but I think I would watch again if the product got more interesting, im bored of the Cena era now to be honest

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I completely lost touch with wrestling from about 2006 to 2010 and got back into it again mainly through leaving my TV on with Sky Sports 2 in the background. Not into it as much as I was back in the early 2000's but I'll watch a couple of shows a week now and have got back in the habit of watching the PPV's live with a few mates.

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I dont watch it as much as I used to. I keep up with it, but I dont watch WWE hardly ever, expect the main PPV's and the odd Raw. Recently I was into it, because of WrestleMania being on but before and after that my interest wasnt into it. I was big into TNA early last year because it had old wrestlers on it and the interviews were better, but even thats slipped off my radar and I havent seen a full episode of Impact since about February. There just isnt many people who interest me anymore. Every now and again they make you watch but then its easily taken away from you. Like the Nexus angle last year. I remember thinking the buildup to SummerSlam was amazing. Then after that the Nexus were slowly broken down and made to look like shit then destroyed. And there's no DSF on anymore.

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Yeah I've completely fell out of watching WWE regularly. From a child since 1989 I always watched as much as I can and watched every Raw, Smackdown and Pay Per view live from about 97 till 2003. These days I hardly bother to watch unless I'm awake when Raw is live, don't bother ordering PPV's except Mania and Rumble.


The standard and quality WWE have these days is at a all time low for me. I had to get tickets for a friend recently and they are giving me a ticket for getting them since I managed to get front row, I'm not even excited about being front row anymore, certainly somethings happened which makes WWE not interesting anymore, and its not that I've fell out of love with wrestling, since I'm now in training and like it more then ever.

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I remember in about a 3 or 4 week period in 2003 Rock, Austin and Hogan all left so I just gradually stopped watching and didn't come back until around Wrestlemania 21, so I missed most of 2003 and all of 2004.


I'm definitely starting to get that feeling again, I haven't watched a single second of WWE since Wrestlemania and I'm not really bothered. I know Rock is back this Monday so I'll probably watch his segment on Youtube but aside from that I think I'm done. It's not a nice thought really but aside from Rock/Cena there's nothing to really keep me watching. Once Wrestlemania 28 is over I don't know what's left that I enjoy.

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Started watching WWF/E with my mates around 1990, I first lost interest in mid 1994, then it only picked up again when we got Sky in late '95. From 1995 up until 2005/6 I hardly ever missed an episode of Raw and Smackdown. Watched every PPV too. In the last few years I have lost interest so much that WrestleMania has been the only wrestling event I have watched each year since then. Going by how shit this years Mania was, I might not even bother next year.

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I stopped watching after Summer Slam 2003. I lost interest in Raw in 2002 and caught the occasional Smackdown episode. THEN they got Bill Fucking Goldberg signed up and I was all excited again. WWE then went about making sure Goldberg was never the star he should be, by booking him in daft skits, making sure he looked like another guy not 'Goldberg' and limiting his range of awesome power moves.

The thing that finally made me realise it was a bit shit and not worth it was after the Elimination Chamber at Summer Slam, where they finally allowed Goldberg to be the 'Goldberg DA MAN' that people want to pay and see. I was marking like it was 1998 again, as Goldberg had the crowd going mental as he kicked arse. I was thinking maybe WWE have finally turned the corner with their counter productive booking with big Bill. Anyway minutes later Sledgehammer, 1-2-3, I say "fuck this" and turn off. I didn't have the heart to tune into Raw anymore, as I knew it will be same old. TBH if it wasn't for Goldberg coming in I would have stopped watching months before.


I watched my first Raw in years after hearing about Chris Jerichos comeback. It wasn't until I decided to watch the 2008 Royal Rumble that I was hooked again. WWE in 2008, on PPV, was great. The 'Mania build that year was cracking too. A few months passed and WWE started getting crap again, so I gave TNA another chance. Turns out it was better than Raw.


Roll on to today and I'm getting a little jaded with wrestling again. I don't really watch TNA, bar an occasional Sting segment on YouTube. WWE is on the verge of getting chucked too, you wonder if Vince is even arsed with it these days the way things get booked (reports state he isn't).

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Still watch Raw and Smackdown every week, so I think I'm in the minority here. I know the product isn't aimed at me but I still enjoy a lot more of the shows than I dislike. I often find they do one thing to annoy me, and one thing to impress me which balances it out. I don't see myself giving up on it, even after a crappy Wrestlemania. They build-up from the Rumble to mania often had great TV, and this new "is it PG, who knows?" type idea is working for them.

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I had a real fall out with wrestling in 1995 and didn't become a regular watcher again untill 1998. I was getting bored for a while but since I found ROH in 2002 and then the other stuff from over the world, I've never really stopped. It helps going to local shows as well. I just pick and choose my WWE and TNA these days. I've not watched any of them regularly for a great length of time for a while now. I don't think I've EVER watched TNA regularly actually. I always have different phases with different promotions and different wrestlers and if even THAT isn't good enough, I'll go back and watch old stuff that I haven't watched.


I have no idea what it'd take to stop me watching or get me uninterested now.

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I honestly don't think there's ever been a period where I've felt like that, which is quite weird. I guess things are always changing and evolving in one way or another, and WWE has always managed to hold my interest.


Even when I've got into UFC over the past year or so, it hasn't made me feel more negative towards WWE. I've dipped in and out of TNA/ROH etc, but that's about it.


How long overall have you been following wrestling to a hardcore degree out of interest bud?

I'm 28, and my first memory of wrestling was either Summerslam 1989 or Wrestlemania IV on video when they came out .. bit fuzzy! I've seen every single PPV, Raw and Smackdown since then. Got into ROH around 2007 and followed that all the way through til 2009/2010 then got a bit bored, so only dip in and out of it now. And TNA I watched quite a lot when Angle went, then in recent years lost interest. But WWE I've stuck with the whole time.


So however long that is!

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I think if you watch wrestling every week it's easy to keep watching, out of habit or maybe even addiction, or just because you want to but if something stops you watching it it's hard to get back into it.


I watched raw, smackdown and impact every week without fail for years and years, I'd tape it or download it and watch it whenever was convenient except raw which I'd watch live as 2am on monday night wasn't a time I had anything better to do. I moved to Canada from the uk as this year began and I wasn't able to easily watch wrestling, I saw the rumble after downloading it and thought it was ok, then I watched mania and liked some of it, then the draft which was terrible, I'm now in a position where I can download whatever I want but 3 months is too long away from it and the habit is broken, the only new person in WWE who interests me is Sheamus, and he wasn't even on mania, I'm sick of all the other main eventers and what they do with them, Cena is amazing but I'm bored of him, Miz is a great promo and character but he doesn't have the 5* matches that someone in his position needs to have. All the midcarders bought in in the last few years bore me and I'm not really excited about seeing any of them progressing to the main event. It's the time away from wrestling that makes it easier to not watch. I like watching wrestling and I'd love it to grab my attention again but I think it would need to be less dry and predictable, at the moment I feel like I could stop watching for 3 years and it would be exactly the same when I started again.


I wished I watched TNA though as Angle is my all time fave and I feel like I'm missing the last few years of his career, maybe I'll try to get back into it (it's easier to not watch than WWE though)


I just realised, I watched The Rumble, Mania and the draft and the thing that excited me most was R-Truth's heel turn! I hope he runs with it, Aggressive black heels > smiley black babyfaces.

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