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Whose made you believe the most - ending streak!

Jetta's G-string


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Just wondering what you all think. Who do you think has made it more believable that they can end the streak? For me it has to be Triple H. I think we all know Taker will win, but in terms of stories and what the 'kids' will think, I think Triple H has made it realistic that he'll win the match. As my 6 year old nephew said "Triple H will win easy" lol

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Obviously hard to tell atm,


In the build up Triple H has actually made me believe more, there was no instant in the build up where I though Shawn could do it, but during the videos I started actually thinking HH could do it. The videos have been awesome, everything after the first staredown hasn't been as exciting.


...but I honestly don't think HHH and Undertaker will capture anything as great as Michaels and Taker was, during the match there were a bunch of times when I felt "he could do it here" so I'll reserve my judgement until Wrestlemania!

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Shawn Michaels all the way. Watching the build up those two matches, I couldn't see Shawn beating Undertaker the PPV, but actually during the match, I actualy thought there was a 50-50 chance of either winning. I really don't see Triple H ending The Undertaker's streak, because it would be suicide to the next few year's Wrestlemania buyrates until the next boom period ends up coming around.

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Has to be Shawn Michaels at 26 as at the time i couldn't see HBK retiring yet with HHH it just seems like a rehash of wresltemania 17 and when undertaker ends the streak he will be more likely to put over a younger guy and give him a massive push instead of adding to HHH's ego

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Neither you knew neither man would/will end it. The HBK matches had some great false finishes but even when they happened you knew they were false. If Triple H ended the streak they'd be a riot. What's stupid is the Wrestlemania Documentary where he states "No-one should end the streak".

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At X7, I would have bet my house on a Triple H win, but at this Mania, I wouldn't even bet a quid. I'm excited about the match, but I'm in absolutely no doubt as to who wins.


Mid-match at the last two Manias, I thought HBK could do it, I don't think HHH has it in him to suspend my disbelief quite as well.

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I'd love for Triple H to win as I think 'Taker is a ginger streak of piss. The only time I've ever been interested in the streak was the past two years, but that was all to do with Shawn Michaels.


The sooner the streak dies the sooner 'Taker fucks off.


Triple H said on the Story of 'Mania DVD that he thinks the streak should go on forever. Thankfully Triple H is masterbullshit, so hopefully he gets in Vinces ear.

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Shawn Michaels made me believe during Wrestlemania 25 I really did think on a few occasions he was going to win. Triple H is not going to beat the streak no one will. The only time I ever thought it was under threat was Shawn in the first match.

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If Taker DOES ever lose the streak, it must surely be to put over the next big star, the next Brock Lesnar as it were. It was never going to be HBK, and it's never going to be HHH (whose win/loss record at WM is pretty poor!)

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