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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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I can't for the life of me think how having Hogan (who doesn't pop a tv rating in the slightest) as the new GM will in anyway encourage more people to watch the show.


Unrelated, I think some freshness is needed in the roster. I know the purse strings have been tightened but the x-division needs some new blood for sure. My picks: El Generico & Kenny Omega.



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I can't for the life of me think how having Hogan (who doesn't pop a tv rating in the slightest) as the new GM will in anyway encourage more people to watch the show.


Unrelated, I think some freshness is needed in the roster. I know the purse strings have been tightened but the x-division needs some new blood for sure. My picks: El Generico & Kenny Omega.




I'm not saying put them in the main event, although quite frankly Kenny Omega is good enough and definitely has the look, they're just to fill out the X-division instead of hiring more Andy Reeses and bringing back Shannon Moore every three months. Personally I find them both exceptionally entertaining.


Disagree with Finlay and Morrison aswell? Who else is there?

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Its pointless spending money on anyone at the minute. Morrison, Kenny Omega, King Kong Bundy or whoever arent going to make the difference currently. TNA has a new booking team in, but the smell of the old regime is still in the air. TNA has a settled roster as it is. They have people to pamper at this current time. Like Gunner, Aries, Bully Ray, Roode and Storm, as well as the returning Machine Guns and the brilliant Magnus and Joe. Bringing in a host of new wrestlers will create the same flustered problem TNA have always had, and they dont need that at the minute. Bringing in a few new names is not going to change things. If you want to bring in new talent wait until the Summer, pre-Bound For Glory. TNA has gotten better in recent months, but the perception is still the same as it always has been and the bad things are highlighted over the good things they are doing, because the wrestling fanbase feels like a beaten wife. Its going to take a while until they regain the trust of the audience. Bringing in new wrestlers is the wrong time at the moment. Personally, I'd bring in Morrison, Finlay and Chris Masters in, but I'd do it around August time. Try and establish some new star names in time for their big show in October.


As far as Hulk Hogan goes, he's better than most, if not all of their roster when it comes to carrying himself like a star and cutting promos. He proved that in the run up to Bound For Glory. Having him on the show is far better than having him sitting at home. You can talk about ratings all you want, but if we were to use that criteria, Hogan, Sting, Sheamus, CM Punk, Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, all the Smackdown brand, the whole TNA roster, the whole ROH roster and pretty much everyone currently on TV not named Rock and John Cena would be sent home and asked to never come back.

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I actually turned off the program for the Hogan/ Dixie segment at the end. I love the Hulkster, but I have no desire whatsoever to see him on a wrestling program I'm watching. He just brings nothing to the table, at least for me. /same with Sting, really, but at least he can still work. His "I'm trying to sound like the joker but really just sound like Jim Carry in ace ventura but even more cartoony" thing is just the absolute worst. I have never understood why sting NEVER went back to his pre-crow look at any point. It's like if Hogan has never put the red and yellow back on at any point after the Bash in 96. Just seems mental to me.

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When are the next tapings? Tomorrow?


I thought they usually tape a full month's worth in 2/3 days, so presumably this is to catch some of the Wrestlemania tourists who are scouting around the theme parks in Florida?

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due to either nobody caring(word is everyone went to watch raw on monday. that is actually one of the reasons people have stated.) or they actually managed it there are no spoilers for this thursday/sunday's impact but for april 12th/ 15th we have


These may not be in order


Bobby Roode and James Storm had a final face off/promo segment to hype their World title match at Lockdown.


- There was final hype for the Lethal Lockdown match, which will be a five on five match this year. While this is not confirmed, the two teams are presumably:

1) Austin Aries, AJ Styles, Mr. Anderson, Rob Van Dam and Garett Bischoff

2) Bully Ray, Christopher Daniels, Kazarian, Gunner and


- Austin Aries faced Christopher Daniels in what was described as an exceptional match.


- Bully Ray defeated AJ Styles.


- The Motor City Machine Guns cut an in-ring promo and brawled with Samoa Joe & Magnus and Mexican America.


- Eric Young & ODB tied the knot in what was described as a must-see segment.


- Mickie James & Velvet Sky defeated Gail Kim & Madison Rayne


and the lethal lockdown is


This year's TNA Lethal Lockdown bout at the Lockdown PPV will feature Team Garrett Bischoff vs. Team Eric Bischoff.


Team Garett will feature Bischoff, Austin Aries, AJ Styles, Ken Anderson and the returning Rob Van Dam vs. Eric Bischoff's team of Bully Ray, Christopher Daniels, Kazarian and Gunner and a fifth competitor who may in fact be Bischoff.


The stipulation for the bout will be that if Eric Bischoff's team loses, he will forced out of TNA.


reports say the last member definatly is eric

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"Recently released TNA star Scott Steiner".




I knew he was off doing Ring Ka King but didn't realise he'd actually been released from TNA's roster. Boo.


I don't suppose... I mean, he's too old for WWE now, right?

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Steiner is actually far better now than he was when he was a shell of himself in WWE, I think he would make a fine addition.


I agree about not taking in more stars, they need to build their current roster (I wouldnt have a problem with them cutting and replacing a few X divisioners, especially with morrison being free). I only watch on and off, but it seems that a lot of guys have been shining recently, and with new blood like Roode hovering at the top now, it would be stupid to waste money bringing in every ex WWE guy on the market.

Hogan is also an essential, I think, he may not boost the ratings, but I personally know a few people who sometimes watch TNA ONLY to see the likes of Hogan and the other oldies. Gives them a sense of legitimacy in the eyes of the casual fan.

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Based on cable estimates, TNA's Victory Road pay-per-view bombed with around 7,000 buys. This is less than half of what Victory Road 2011 did with Sting vs. Jeff Hardy. Sting vs. Bobby Roode headlined this year's event.


Holy shit thats bad. But when I was watching it I was wondering who would pay for that as a ppv?


Scot Steiner rants:

Scott Steiner, who parted ways with TNA Wrestling last week, posted numerous messages on Twitter Thursday slamming his formerly employer's brain trust, particularly Hulk Hogan. He also alleges that TNA controls Sting's account on the microblogging site.


* When these assholes got control they tried to takeover everybodys twitter page


* u didnt have twitter they made one up for U...so u people who think yur tweeting sting its not him


* He told me he doesnt watch the show.so hes not tweeting about a show he doesnt watch


* Evrybody refused to sign over twitter so every wk u get an email begging u to twitter what they want


* Got one today,Please tweet this;Hogan take over as GM wonder what he will do...WTF really


* Even if u r not on show Please tweet..so the booking team of pritchard bischoff n hogan wont book U want u to tweet about hogan


* Tweet about yurself hogan nobody else wants to tweet about u u fucking mark


* Im tweeting what they wish they could


* Wondeting what hogans going to do...hmmmm...hes a fn mark so hes going to make a couple of matches that ppl want to see


* Nothing more unprofessional than a heel wanting to be cheered


* So ppl cheer him which pissd everybody off especially sting bcuz he had to wrestle him


* Have the future of wrestling garrett do something bcuz eric told him to in booking meeting....what a fucking joke


* Now hes good but hes going to everything like he did when he was bad bcuz he was first good


* And that produced the worst ratings ever so he went bad which was just as bad as when he was good


* Then his bad wasnt any good bcuz his ratings still sucked so he turnd back to good from bad


* Wtf y'all get his bullshit ....dont forget to say BROTHER ..bcuz its fresh


* Stupid mofo


* Remember deny u had anything to do with the release of the sex tape to try n get more sales


* How kardashian of u....Homomania running wild..his shit writes itself


* His w


* His ex-wife said he was gay right!!!..hhmmm who brought in Orlando Jordan

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Based on cable estimates, TNA's Victory Road pay-per-view bombed with around 7,000 buys. This is less than half of what Victory Road 2011 did with Sting vs. Jeff Hardy. Sting vs. Bobby Roode headlined this year's event.

If these figures are in any way accurate then heads should be rolling in Nashville, although one has to wonder what they can possibly do to get people to watch. Very rarely do any TNA PPV's come across as good value for money and while the talent is there the writing and booking certainly isn't, I haven't watched a TNA PPV in a long time which I would have been happy to have paid for and these numbers clearly show that the rest of the audience agrees. Is a 7,000 buyrate the worst in the companies history? I'm genuinely interested in knowing what these numbers mean in the grand scheme of things, especially as TNA have just extended their TV deal with Spike.

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Does 7,000 buys break even though? I doubt it.


I don't even know why they bother with PPVs any more. They should either take them on the road, have 6 a year, or just fuck them off and be a tv only company, with a 3-hour special on Spike every 2 months.

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