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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Does he have any wrestling experience? He's definitely got a great look and he might've inherited Bischoff's gift of the gab.

Don't know actually. The words "he cant be as shit as David Flair" spring to mind though. He's definitely going to wrestle though. He's been in TNA doing the referee thing for the last year, and they've been leading the this so hopefully he's been training and taking bumps. He has a better look than a lot of the shit they are pushing.


Garrett was trained in Karate by Ernest Miller. Its how The Cat and Bischoff first met.

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To be honest when watching bound for glory and seeing the result of the sting match i was expecting something similar to what happened after the alliance got beat at survivor series in 2001 we saw heyman get fired and shane and stephanie booted off the air by vince and various allaiance members punished for what they'd done, yet bischoff and the rest of immortal seem to have gotten away with it they even got into the arena/backstage/ring areas unchallenged by security or sting/dixie which puzzled me a bit but the opening segment was ace.

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Good look on the boy. How old is the lad?

How does he size up against crimson? Both have shit tattoos (just my personal preference / opinion)

But yeah both shit tattoos but crimson is ginger. GB wins this round for me folks!

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Just saw the 20/10 episode.


James Storm's title win came out of the blue. It went over well enough, and I accept the argument that its more beneficial that people see the title change, so I don't oppose to the title change being on Impact. But this deserved at least an Impact's worth of build so that the match could be promoted a week in advance.


Nevertheless, what's done is done, and I think there is potential now for a Roode vs James Storm feud. I would like to see Christopher Daniels put a word in Roode's ear and convince him that Storm has stolen his thunder and that he risks being James Storm's number 2. It would be a nice way of feuds crossing over and getting an overall story arch of the breakdown from within of Fortune.


Speaking of AJ and Daniels... so no injury to AJ Styles after that Angels Wings on the stage? He looked fine celebrating Storm's title win. Its a minor point, but they could have given this a nod. I actually enjoyed the 'I quit' match between AJ and Daniels, and while Daniels threat was a bit hoaky, I think both guys overall did a nice job of having a more story orientated match. Daniels has done a nice job as the cowardly, sneak attacking guy and it should be satisfying to see AJ give him his comeuppance on the next PPV.


Nice return for Gail Kim, and an overall good women's segment with Karen Angle. Does anyone else rather like Karen Jarrett? I think she does a splendid job of being this power abusing bitch. I'm not really big on Velvet Sky, but I'm interested in what Karen shall put her through with the help of Madison Rayne, Gail Kim and possibly other knockouts.


Does anyone else see potential in Robbie E and Big Robbie's partnership? I think a Jersey Shore knock off paired with a Welsh man could have some good interplay off one another.


And Sting and Hogan got 2 segments of glory. 1 too many for one show imo. Hopefully Eric Bishoff's son can get the rub off the 2 legends.


Gunner did a good job of putting Abyss over, but I can't find it in me to care. Abyss would be better off taking a break. And do the remnants of Immortal need another foe? They're already over matched by Hogan and Sting.


No Austin Aries on the show, that's a bummer.

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I thought last night's show was a little too promo centered. I don't mind TNA promos as much as a lot of people but I did find myself itching for some actual wrestling during this episode. Overall I think that this show did a great job of pushing the two main storylines of Hulk's Immortal departure and the World title scene; which in my opinion looks to become a lot more interesting after Storm's win. As a big Beer Money fan I am looking forward to Storm vs Roode a hell of a lot more now than if Roode had been victorious this past Sunday followed by Storm becoming number one contender. It may not be to everybodies taste but compare the thought of Storm vs Roode to Sting vs Angle vs Anderson from two months ago and I know which I prefer.

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Last nights Thursday episode of Impact was the highest watched episode EVER. Two million viewers watched it. Considering TNA have averaged around 1.5 million for about 5 years, thats a huge increase. Especially considering they were expected to get battered by the World Series game on the other side.


Last night’s TNA Impact Wrestling broadcast on Spike TV (10/20/11) drew 2.02 million viewers following Sunday’s Bound for Glory pay-per-view with a 0.8 rating amongst adults 18-49. In total viewers, that was a significant increase of 29% in total viewers compared to last week (1.44 million viewers last week) and an increase of 37.5% in adults 18-49 (up from the 0.5 rating last week).


TNA Wrestling President Dixie Carter is noting on Twitter and Facebook that this is the highest viewed episode of Impact ever. While that is true for its regular timeslot of Thursdays, the highest non-regularly-scheduled episode still remains the Monday, January 4, 2010 live special when Impact went head-to-head with RAW for the first time, featuring the debut of Hulk Hogan. That particular episode drew 2.2 million viewers.


Last year’s post-Bound for Glory Impact broadcast drew 1.90 million viewers. The other high in total viewers this year was the February 3 episode, which drew 1.95 million viewers, so last night’s episode is the highest rated episode of the year and the most-viewed since the aforementioned 1/4/10 broadcast.


As evidenced by Dixie Carter mentioning the rating on Twitter, this is a big deal to the company. Even more impressive is that they were able to generate a large audience against game two of the World Series on FOX, which drew an average 14.28 million viewers throughout its three-hour telecast, with major viewership increases in its last two hours when it went head-to-head with Impact.


The key now for the company, of course, is to see if the viewership can be sustained in the weeks to come. TNA has drawn big ratings pops in the past but on every occasion, the rating has dipped back in its typical 1.4-1.6 million range in the weeks that followed.

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I couldn't believe it when I saw that on twitter! It just shows that there is certainly an awareness of TNA and I hope that last night's show and future decisions keep this extra audience hooked. It's great to see TNA get some success in the US opposed to just celebrating new deals and expansion abroad. I wonder what the quarter hour breakdown will be like for this.


Edit - 'Ever notice how the shows that the dirt sites put over get the lowest ratings and the ones they bury get the highest? hmmmm.' - From Bischoff's twitter account.

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Ratings quarter by quarter


Q1: 1.38 rating - Sting promo, Sting calls out Hulk Hogan, Dixie Carter walks to the ring before the commercial break


Q2: 1.38 rating - Sting and Dixie Carter in the ring, Kurt Angle and Beer Money segment


Q3: 1.32 rating - Sting books the main event, Storm steps up and takes the title shot when Roode contractually could not, Eric Bischoff and Immortal confront Hulk Hogan backstage, two commercial breaks


Q4: 1.42 rating- Brooke Tessmacher and Tara vs. Angelina Love and Winter, Jeff and Karen Jarrett call out Jeff Hardy


Q5: 1.38 rating - Jarrett and Hardy pull apart, Angle promo backstage, Hogan and Sting video package, Eric Young announces to Robbie E and Rob Terry that he's bringing in a guy from Jersey Shore, Gunner calls out Abyss


Q6: 1.30 rating - Abyss vs. Gunner, Velvet Sky backstage, Gunner backstage, Velvet video package, Velvet, Karen Jarrett, and Traci Brooks in-ring segment


Q7: 1.34 rating - Knockouts continuation, Immortal and Hulk Hogan segment with Sting and Garrett Bischoff


Q8: 1.29 rating - Beer Money backstage, James Storm beats Kurt Angle for the TNA Title


Credit to Pro Wrestling Dot Net


Knockouts highest rated. thats not the first time thats happened isnt?


abyss loses viewers (big shocker there) and theb title match being the lowest part of the show cant be a good sign


still higher than average all across the show so thats good

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Can't see how you think its not a good sign. Its far better than the final part of the TNA show usually does, and its not like ratings fell of a cliff. It was as consistant as you usually get as far as keeping a large chunk of the overall audience watching. A 1.29 is decent for what they usually get for the final bout.

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It's good but it's not amazing. A decent show should be gaining throughout because new viewers should be tuning in while the original viewers stay tuned. Something they did got a lot of people to tune in at the start this week, but the show itself didn't spectacularly attract viewers.

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As Loki said, it was obviously, Hogan's face turn coming off that match of the night at Bound For Glory. Two of the highest rated segments on the show. He's turning this ship around, he had the red and yellow on, he was hanging, he was banging, there was no more hide the ball, no ying/yang, yes/no, Marco Polo, he was making Bischoff's back crack, his knees freeze and his liver quiver, they were coming at him like double fisted Kangaroos and he was turning into the real life Terminator and doing the whirly twirl and the penny loafer shuffle and playing a game of 'Hulk Says' on the viewing audience. The old Hulk was back, and the fans responded with their viewership. He'll probably be doing a tag or six man at the PPV as well.

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