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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Perhaps the point of the cage was also to keep angle & anderson inside? Bear in mind the setup to the match was bubba 'volunteering' anderson to have the match, so it stopped him running off and escaping from angle. also it kept them away from the inevitable brawl. just a thought.


on the whole i enjoyed the show and didnt even dislike the bird (sorry!). really enjoying sting at the moment and loved the finish to the ultimate X but struggled a bit with the velvet sky/odb/jacqueline/traci bit - went too long imo but im sure someone somewhere loved it.

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So the 4th of August episode of Impact was another enjoyable one, it mainly consisted of storyline stuff going into this Sundays PPV but there were some really great matches too.


First of all; Bully Ray is awesome and his match with Anderson at Hardcore Justice should be a good one.


Tessmacher/Madison was acceptable but the real purpose of this match was the inevitable post-match beatdown of Mickie James (who was on commentary) by Angelina Love and Winter.


Devon/AJ was short but decent and set up the Devon/Pope PPV match nicely as well as the issues between AJ and Daniels. I'm continually surprised by the audiences love for Devon too, they always seem to be in to him.


Pope/Samoa Joe was a great match which led to Joe finally going berserk. Joe's eyes rolling into the back of his head looked a bit silly but the backstage promo he cut after the match made up for it. I hope and pray that he's not going to do that stupid Nation Of Violence thing again though.


I'm surprised that Mexican America didn't protest more over Roode volunteering to sub for Storm in the Street Fight match, as a heel you'd have thought that Hernandez would much rather fight an injured man than a healthy one, none the less it was a good old fashioned weapony brawl that lead to Roode re-injuring his arm which sets up an interesting storyline going in to the tag title match at the PPV.


Aries/Shelley was enjoyable and I'm interested to hear who the new X-Division signings will be next week.


RVD/Crimson versus Steiner/Gunner was a good match with the "winner gets the points" stipulation making this contest delightfully unpredictable, anyone could have won this match it's just a shame that it had to be RVD.


I don't like contract signings and I'm not particularly enamored with Sting but I'm kinda looking forward to Sting/Angle and as long as there's no funny business it could be a really good match.

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Deavon beat AJ! A few of us thought that Joe losing to Deavon was a burial for Joe, but evidently it was more like the start of an elevation for Deavon. AJ and Daniels had better get it together for their 6 man tag match.


Austin Aries is such a star! I loved him getting on the mic and screaming to Alex Shelly that he beat him with a clean wrestling maneuver.

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Perhaps the point of the cage was also to keep angle & anderson inside? Bear in mind the setup to the match was bubba 'volunteering' anderson to have the match, so it stopped him running off and escaping from angle. also it kept them away from the inevitable brawl. just a thought.


on the whole i enjoyed the show and didnt even dislike the bird (sorry!). really enjoying sting at the moment and loved the finish to the ultimate X but struggled a bit with the velvet sky/odb/jacqueline/traci bit - went too long imo but im sure someone somewhere loved it.

That's also what lumberjacks are for. So yeah.


Edit: And, as already pointed out, the cage door wasn't locked.

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It changes from person to person week to week :laugh:


But in all seriousness I can't believe someone hasn't laid the law down on it by now.

If it were up to TNA, I think it would just be the World Heavyweight Championship. But I'm going to say TNA, and like someone previously mentioned, "IMPACT WRESTLING" is just the brand name rather than the organisation's name.

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Can't speak for anyone else, but I think they're working toward phasing out "TNA" in favour of "Impact Wrestling" as the promotion name. I'm not really a fan of either, but there's not much else they can use right now, I think. Maybe WIW (World Impact Wrestling)? Sounds more global, and sounds closer to the WCW configuration of letters; they could, in a sort of subliminal, suggestive manner, "lay claim" to the wCw heritage, as it were.

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I'm not really a fan of either, but there's not much else they can use right now, I think. Maybe WIW (World Impact Wrestling)? Sounds more global, and sounds closer to the WCW configuration of letters; they could, in a sort of subliminal, suggestive manner, "lay claim" to the wCw heritage, as it were.

Oh God, that sounds absolutely hideous. Although the company has rebranded itself as "Impact Wrestling" the company website and PPV posters still feature the TNA logo as presumably TNA is the parent company and Impact Wrestling is the television product, in the same way Raw and Smackdown are the WWE's television product. The World Heavyweight Title should simply be known as the TNA World Heavyweight Title, calling it the Impact Wrestling World Heavyweight Title, or any variation of that, is stupid. It'd be like John Cena referring to his belt as The Raw Title.

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Can't speak for anyone else, but I think they're working toward phasing out "TNA" in favour of "Impact Wrestling" as the promotion name. I'm not really a fan of either, but there's not much else they can use right now, I think. Maybe WIW (World Impact Wrestling)? Sounds more global, and sounds closer to the WCW configuration of letters; they could, in a sort of subliminal, suggestive manner, "lay claim" to the wCw heritage, as it were.


Why don't you write WCW consistently in posts? Instead typing it in several different combinations of upper case and lower case.


I hope they do completely phase out TNA as a brand name though. It's tacky. It was tacky when T and A was oft used, and now it's almost archaic. "Impact Wrestling" would be a fine name for the promotion on the whole. The PPV's could be titled "Impact Wrestling presents... Genesis" or what have you, and most importantly the two initials "IW" would be hard for a crowd to chant thus saving me from wanky crowds chanting a promotions initials like arses.




Oh God, that sounds absolutely hideous. Although the company has rebranded itself as "Impact Wrestling" the company website and PPV posters still feature the TNA logo as presumably TNA is the parent company and Impact Wrestling is the television product, in the same way Raw and Smackdown are the WWE's television product.


Not necessarily. World Championship Wrestling's flagship programme at one point was called "World Championship Wrestling". Most of the studio wrestling shows were just the name of the promotion. I'd love to see a wrestling company do a studio wrestling show these days.

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Why don't you write WCW consistently in posts? Instead typing it in several different combinations of upper case and lower case.


A bit of mild trolling, nothing more. It's just been funny in the past to see people exploding over such a small matter.


I hope they do completely phase out TNA as a brand name though. It's tacky. It was tacky when T and A was oft used, and now it's almost archaic. "Impact Wrestling" would be a fine name for the promotion on the whole. The PPV's could be titled "Impact Wrestling presents... Genesis" or what have you, and most importantly the two initials "IW" would be hard for a crowd to chant thus saving me from wanky crowds chanting a promotions initials like arses.


"WIW" was just a suggestion, I know it's not particularly good. I just don't like "TNA" or "Impact Wrestling" - the former sounds tacky, the second just sounds really indy. It needs something with "World" in it, to make it sound properly big-time, IMO. Maybe "WWI", but it's too close to "WWE", which is why I didn't suggest it.


Not necessarily. World Championship Wrestling's flagship programme at one point was called "World Championship Wrestling". Most of the studio wrestling shows were just the name of the promotion. I'd love to see a wrestling company do a studio wrestling show these days.


In a way, the Impact Zone is a studio show - it's a studio converted for the purpose of wrestling fans. A shame that purpose has been defeated by the Zone Mutants.

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Can't speak for anyone else, but I think they're working toward phasing out "TNA" in favour of "Impact Wrestling" as the promotion name. I'm not really a fan of either, but there's not much else they can use right now, I think. Maybe WIW (World Impact Wrestling)? Sounds more global, and sounds closer to the WCW configuration of letters; they could, in a sort of subliminal, suggestive manner, "lay claim" to the wCw heritage, as it were.

Yep. TNA is indeed awful, and 'Impact' is just as bad. If they need an 'I', have it be "International" rather than a word to describe how hard-hitting it is. It sounds almost as cheap and bush-league as "Pro-Pain pro Wrestling"


To me, a major organisation name should sound like there's a bit of prestige and stature associated with it, and ideally should explain where it's based or where it covers (eg. state, US, World, International...), albeit there will always be some exceptions. For example I thought the Major League Wrestling was pretty good for an indy, and obviously ECW lets you know what the theme and selling point of the fed is.

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In a way, the Impact Zone is a studio show - it's a studio converted for the purpose of wrestling fans. A shame that purpose has been defeated by the Zone Mutants.

Let's hope that Hulky's comments about making TNA Impact Wrestling the company a touring entity will actually happen and they can finally say goodbye to that section of their fanbase forever.

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