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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Did I mention that Impact tapings start going on the road for every other taping some time in August? HH


Fucking HUGE news! This has always been the key to me for TNA stepping up a gear. What about PPVs though? I'm starting to suspect TNA might ditch PPVs altogether, or at least reduce the number severely.

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Hopefully TNA are still producing good TV in August. If they can keep this up until the big live shows, they'll be unmissable.


On another Sting/Impact note, his Stinger Drop DDT is one of the few finishers in wrestling that looks like it can knock you out for three. It's daft that a DDT/Spinebuster/Bulldog/Powerbomb are used as transitional moves when they look like they hurt, and instead people use shite like the AA and the Mic Check as finishers.

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I always thought they missed a trick with Ken Anderson not using the Spinebuster. If for nothing else, just so we get to see some sort of proxy feud with Arn, who could then cut a mocking, retaliatory promo, finishing with something like "you don't ever wanna mess with Arn Anderson...Anderson".

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I always thought they missed a trick with Ken Anderson not using the Spinebuster. If for nothing else, just so we get to see some sort of proxy feud with Arn, who could then cut a mocking, retaliatory promo, finishing with something like "you don't ever wanna mess with Arn Anderson...Anderson".

I was gutted when I saw Robert Roodes beautiful Spinebuster still being used as a transitional move. People were telling me he started using it as his finish, but it only lasted a couple of weeks.


Cody Rhodes ditching his DDT, for that generic CAW move he uses now, was a huge mistake too.

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Take that for what you will from Hogan's twitter:

Did I mention that Impact tapings start going on the road for every other taping some time in August? HH

To be fair, they've said that before and it's not properly materialised. I really hope they do, because they're much better outside of the impact zone.


Meltzer was talking the other day about TNA can't be making much, if any money, because if they were they'd be on the road, so if that tweet is gospel, then that's great news for the company.


They've made half the show interesting, now thye just need to work on the other half not being nonsensical shit.

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Bonza. Game on, really, as we'll soon see who's over and who's not once they get out and about. And I don't just mean in front of a one-off PPV audience (and therefore, ex-WCW guys) but who gets over based on the previous week's tv.


They should just have 20 minutes each episode of Bobby Roode hitting a spinebuster. I agree it's one of the most beautiful sights in wrestling today.

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I always thought they missed a trick with Ken Anderson not using the Spinebuster. If for nothing else, just so we get to see some sort of proxy feud with Arn, who could then cut a mocking, retaliatory promo, finishing with something like "you don't ever wanna mess with Arn Anderson...Anderson".

I was gutted when I saw Robert Roodes beautiful Spinebuster still being used as a transitional move. People were telling me he started using it as his finish, but it only lasted a couple of weeks.


What? Is he not using it any more? Say it ain't so, Blackson.


Cody Rhodes ditching his DDT, for that generic CAW move he uses now, was a huge mistake too.


I initially thought that myself, especially as that was a fucking sweet DDT, but in fairness, he's the first guy in WWE ever to get the CrossRhodes over as a finish, and he hits it pretty nicely. It also looks pretty neat that both the Rhodes boys use similar-looking, neckbreaker-type moves.

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They gave Roode that horribly weak looking fujiwara armbar as a finish now. They should have kept him with the spinebuster and that amazing Northern Lariat he used to do.

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I always thought they missed a trick with Ken Anderson not using the Spinebuster. If for nothing else, just so we get to see some sort of proxy feud with Arn, who could then cut a mocking, retaliatory promo, finishing with something like "you don't ever wanna mess with Arn Anderson...Anderson".

I was gutted when I saw Robert Roodes beautiful Spinebuster still being used as a transitional move. People were telling me he started using it as his finish, but it only lasted a couple of weeks.


What? Is he not using it any more? Say it ain't so, Blackson.

He's using a version of the armbar as his finisher now. He still breaks out his glorious Spinebuster, but only for a near fall. It's daft, as I remember during the March show outside the Impact Zone, the crowd went mental when he hit it. Thing is only Triple H uses the Spinebuster these days (and he's never on TV now), so it's not like people are whoring it out as a nothing move, like a bulldog.

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I like the armbar finish, I don't see why he can't have both. Either is better than the Perfectplex as a finisher, which nobody besides Mr Perfect is ever going to get over.

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I like the armbar finish, I don't see why he can't have both. Either is better than the Perfectplex as a finisher, which nobody besides Mr Perfect is ever going to get over.


I think the only way anyone could ever really get the Perfectplex over as a finisher is if they dropped with it a bit, to give it more of a slam-like impact, before hooking the leg. Hitting it like Perfect used to do lacks the "oomph" a finisher needs.

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As long as they can break even after ticket sales and merchandise sales then it is going to be a win win.


If TNA can continue to deliver the product they are putting out at the moment, with them getting out of the iMPACT Zone we are on for a winner. I really do wish them the best in succeeding and hope they don't panic like they did in early 2010.

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