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30 Days of Gaming

Super Cena

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Sons Of Liberty is clearly the best of the lot. Don't see why it gets so much flack even amongst the fanbase. The last few hours are insanely brave and quite possibly the craziest shit ever printed to disc. I love the music in it too. Just the regular backround music. It's nothing outstanding enough to merit a place in one of this threads questions but it does it's job very well along with the Big Shell's repetetive surroundings to preserve the games weird, simulation like atmosphere.


The entire game is designed to throw you off and feel out of touch and slightly off balance as a player and it works fantastic. If your of the geeky persuasion the MGS2 Grand Game Plan is worth a read. Sort of like a development blueprint. The final game underwent quite a few changes.

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I have a question for all you gamers out there.


I have a handful of Playstation 1 games on my bookshelf that I just could never come to getting rid of, Resident Evil 1-3, Metal Gear Solid etc. I havn't played them in ages, and I no longer have a PS1, but I do still have a PS2. In the few years since I last played those games, I have got myself a big high definition wide screen tv. This thread made me blow the dust off Metal Gear Solid and have a go, but the screen is all shakey. Any text is wobbling, the graphics are shaking, its really annoying. I've tried all my PS1 games, and its the same for them all. All the PS2 games are fine, so its not the console.


I'm thinking that these games were probably not intended to be played on a tv as big as mine, and its struggling to adjust or something. I tried changing the picture settings in the PS2 System Configuration menu, i've treid all 3 possible settings, but no joy. Has anyone else ever encountered an issue like this? Do I just have to play it on a small screen tv?

I've got a similar problem with my Wii, and I've gone through every display setting on the Wii to try and fix it, with nothing working.

I have the same problem with the Wii. Fair enough it's not HD, but christ the quality of a Wii on my 42" Plasma is attrocious. I've changed settings and everything. It's to the point where I don't play it anywhere as often as I want to. Quality-wise it's probably on par with watching terrestrial TV 20 years ago, with conjunctivitis.

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Why don't you buy a composite cable.


You can get 480p out of the Wii, it's miles, miles sharper.




Well worth the investment.


Edit - I'm amused by people calling HL2 overrated then going on about how great Halo is. One lived upto the hype and it isn't Halo. HL2 was and still is exemplary and has stood up to time completely.

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Personally, may get shot for this, but I was a big fan of call of duty for the pc when it came out, I've honestly thought that every cod game since then has been way over rated, personal opinion.

The Appeal of the game vanished for me, I know lots bum the series, fair enough and il grant you that the first game was fucking brilliant, everyone since then, na.


Good shout on halo too. It was a decent game, but stupidly overated

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Why don't you buy a composite cable.


You can get 480p out of the Wii, it's miles, miles sharper.




Well worth the investment.


Edit - I'm amused by people calling HL2 overrated then going on about how great Halo is. One lived upto the hype and it isn't Halo. HL2 was and still is exemplary and has stood up to time completely.

I'm amused by people fapping over a twelve hour long trudge through a nameless European dystopia shooting Slipknot DJs in the face with roughly the same arsenal of guns given in roughly the same order as Doom had.


Then again there was that awesome ~gravity gun innovationz bit where I had to put a brick on a bit of wood so the bit of wood would raise on one side and I could jump off the raised side to reach pipe #653 and proceed on to the next visceral airboat through a swamp journey.


To each their own but I'd take Halo over that anyday.

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Are we still on overrated? If so, I put forth Spacko the Dragon.


I'm not 7. But if I was I'd be embarrassed to play on the game I gave my mam the money for to buy my niece for christmas. Dragons are big and hard. Not little fucking shit things jumping on ledges. The Dragons on Golden Axe piss all over it. Waste of fucking money.


Close second is GTA San Andreas. I want a game for half an hour, not a fucking cyber life.

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Everyone should play Turbo Esprit on the Spectrum, btw. It's a 3-D game where you drive round a realistically modelled city chasing bad guys' cars (using a scanner) and blowing them up, there are pedestrians to avoid (including window cleaners), you have to stop periodically at petrol stations to fill up.. it's GTA3 in 1987 basically.

Damn, that takes me back, although it was probably to a few years after 1987. I used to love that game (on the amstrad CPC) yet hardly anyone seemed to know about it. It was so far ahead of its time, yet i'm sure it was still only a

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The entire game is designed to throw you off and feel out of touch and slightly off balance as a player and it works fantastic. If your of the geeky persuasion the MGS2 Grand Game Plan is worth a read. Sort of like a development blueprint. The final game underwent quite a few changes.


See, I reckon that's wishful thinking. I think the game throws you off because it's gone a bit wrong in development. Those final levels scream of development problems to me. What often happens is that you polish the shit out of the first half of the game, and then spin out later levels with repetition because the gameplay time is lower than you'd promised.


I've never worked on a game where the final product is really anything like the original concept document, so the fact that it underwent changes is neither here nor there really.


Kojima strikes me as the sort of producer who'll tinker his game into the ground. Tinkering can be the kiss of death for a game.

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