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Ask Dixie! She Answers!


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Earlier this week, TNA President Dixie Carter asked fans to submit questions to her via Twitter (@TNADixie) and Facebook (Facebook.com/TNADixie). Read Dixie's answers below - another round of questions and answers are coming soon! Keep submitting your questions!



@TNADixie < is tna going to get a new world belt so they wont all wear the hardy belt?

Dixie: Are you kidding, YES!! The sooner the better.



@TNADixie < do you plan on moving the Impact Zone to somewhere else. I believe that keeping it in Universal is crippling the audience numbers

Dixie: There are no plans to move the production to another single facility. However, we are excited about taking the iMPACT! taping on the road to Fayetteville, NC on February 24th, and hope to do more iMPACT! tapings from different locations in the future.



@TNADixie > hi dixie what have been your best moment(s) in tna alan (scotland)

Dixie: Signing the Spike deal was huge. The Kurt Angle/Thursday night Spike announcement, the Hogan press conference in NYC, Wembley Arena

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she didnt answer my question


@TNADixie can UK have a full fan interaction like BFG? Disappointed with poor meet & greet, got shouted at to rush& not allowed to take pics


in London we were so rushed, no pics with wrestlers allowed or some bald muppet gave you a telling off???

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she didnt answer my question


'why was your interaction so shit? can we have a real interaction like BFG in the UK?,


in London we were so rushed, no pics with wrestlers allowed or some bald muppet gave you a telling off???


I agree with Butch. Did you honestly expect her to answer that question, especially given the arsey way you put it? You're not an acquaintance of hers that you can hurl up swear-words at her, and she can't really in any professional capacity acknowledge that kind of phrasing.


If you'd said something like "I was very disappointed with the fan interaction, would you be open to fan suggestions as to how it can be improved?" she might have answered you.


I have edited it top how I said it was actually wrote. I was dissapointed with the interaction. They sold too many tickets and when the wrestlers arrived late they were really rushing us through.


Its the same every year, but if you give the burly man a wowwypop he lets you have an extra 20 seconds with Hernadez. I took a nice girl with me last year and he let us have a full minute with Sarita and Taylor Wilde. Of course we were rushed on when we go to Earl Hebner....

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What's the point in asking Dixie anything? She doesn't really understand the wrestling business, I can't see how she could offer any insight. Jarrett might be a better person for this kind of thing.

What's the point in asking Dixie anything? She doesn't really understand the wrestling business, I can't see how she could offer any insight. Jarrett might be a better person for this kind of thing.


People are asking her questions about the running or future and TNA, not to explain the psychology of a good feud - she's going to have a good insight into these things. I mean, I think Stephanie McMahon's a shit writer who's presided over the creative ruin of the WWE product (and hence doesn't seem to 'understand the wrestling business' herself), but if she did a Q&A on the creative workings of the WWE, I'd still be interested.

What's the point in asking Dixie anything? She doesn't really understand the wrestling business, I can't see how she could offer any insight. Jarrett might be a better person for this kind of thing.


So a lifelong wrestling fan and president of the second largest wrestling company in North America with TV deals all over the world knows nothing about the "wrestling business"? :rolleyes:

Dixie: Kevin Nash was under contract with TNA and was just recently released for reasons I will not disclose.

^ I found that to be the most interesting part, especially since yesterday Nash confirmed in an interview that he had indeed signed a contract with TNA back in January but decided to back out last week:


Nash admitted to signing with TNA in early-January, but after watching a few of the storylines unfold, including the segment where Angle dominated all members of Immortal and Abyss falling over on top of the entrance ramp, he decided there wasn't any reason for him to return.


Shortly after watching that edition of Impact, Nash and his wife both decided that going back to TNA wasn't in his best interest. Follow that with a call from WWE's John Laurinaitis (Executive Vice President of Talent Relations), the decision to back out of of his TNA contract and return to the WWE was an easy one to make.

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What's the point in asking Dixie anything? She doesn't really understand the wrestling business, I can't see how she could offer any insight. Jarrett might be a better person for this kind of thing.


So a lifelong wrestling fan and president of the second largest wrestling company in North America with TV deals all over the world knows nothing about the "wrestling business"? :rolleyes:


What you have to remember though is that this is the bloke who termed a Davey Richards feud as this generation's Flair v Steamboat.


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