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Two big names supposedly confirmed for the Rumble


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On paper this is easily shaping up to be one of the finest rumbles of all time. I'm going to hate myself on Monday morning but yeah this has to be watched live.

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Imagine Nexus vs Corre vs nWo! ♥


I'd also settle for an outsiders tag match at Wrestlemania.

settle for an Outsiders Match? If that happened, it would probably be my only reason for watching the show.


On paper this is easily shaping up to be one of the finest rumbles of all time.

Lets not go mad. I love Nash, but if an appearnce from him is the only highlight then the show will be rather shit.

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An ideal situation would be for Nash's music to hit while both the Corr and the Nexus are standing in the ring together, and Nash can chuck the lot out.

Oh my. I love the Nexus & Corre, and want them protected like anything, but christ I would moisten if this happened.


The chances of HBK being inducted by the Kliq have increased here I think :thumbsup:

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Imagine Nexus vs Corre vs nWo! ♥


I'd also settle for an outsiders tag match at Wrestlemania.

settle for an Outsiders Match? If that happened, it would probably be my only reason for watching the show.


On paper this is easily shaping up to be one of the finest rumbles of all time.

Lets not go mad. I love Nash, but if an appearnce from him is the only highlight then the show will be rather shit.

On paper you have a 40 man match with Nash, Booker T, more possible choices for oldies returning than ever, and the almost certain possibility of one or two big name stars returning.


Again, on paper. I have never felt the day before a Royal Rumble that a more promising one could be upon us. Maybe you have?

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I have never felt the day before a Royal Rumble that a more promising one could be upon us. Maybe you have?

Of course you're entitled to your opinion but there are plenty of years that have had great build up. 98, 99 with Austin vs McMahon, 2000 with the HHH Foley street fight, 2002 with HHH's return etc.


Ive not been too bothered about any of the rumbles for quite a few years, so this on probably stands out slightly in recent times. But its still a bit "meh"


and almost broke Big Show's neck

Because Big Show ate lots of pies in a six month period and when asked by Nash about whether he'd be able to get him up, Show assured him that it would be fine.

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Again, on paper. I have never felt the day before a Royal Rumble that a more promising one could be upon us. Maybe you have?


Yes, pretty much every other Rumble (and I'm not joking). This year's line-up is piss-poor, and Booker T doesn't help. He was a mid-carder during the majority of his WWE run, and had approximately zero memorable matches. Kevin Nash is a step up, but has still been over-exposed during his career and doesn't have much novelty value anymore.


In fact, the current roster(s) is so bad, that they should've reduced the Rumble by ten men, if anything. Everyone seems to be getting moist about 40 men, but it's only going to water down the value of the Rumble and make each entry less important. What happens next year, 50 entrants? In most years, you get the 30 'cream of the crop' superstars on the current roster; this year, there will be numerous wrestlers who've never even had a PPV match before. In essence, I'm trying to say that I'd rather go for quality, not quantity. The 'surprise' element, which is one of the key factors in making the Rumble so enjoyable, will soon wear thin when you realise that the 'surprise' is in fact yet another faceless jobber in any of the generic factions currently muddying WWE TV.


As somebody pointed out a couple of days back, WWE is more interested in breaking records during the Rumble than in weaving together an entertaining, well-constructed match. Surely the extra ten men is just a gimmick in which Cena breaks Kane's record of most eliminations? Or to create a new record for longest lasting competitor? If/when these do happen, they really don't mean anything, because you can't compare them to the traditional 30-man match; obviously WWE won't mention this. Which is fine, because wrestling isn't real and it's about getting today's talent over, but it's a pretty lousy shortcut. Why not get the talent over by putting them in engaging feuds and creating compelling storylines for them?


Austin owned at the '97 Rumble, and it wasn't because he was in there for four hours, or eliminated 50 other guys single-handedly. It was because he was booked in the right manner in accordance with his character, and the fans reacted accordingly. Tomorrow night, I'm dreading the modern day 'elimination and then generic pushing in the corner' routine that's taken place in recent years. They can't even find a way to book an entertaining 30-man Rumble, how on earth are they going to cater for an extra ten men?


The mind boggles. Still, no doubt R-Truth will do his inaudible rap and Cena will throw out Heath Slater, and everyone will go home happy.



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I have never felt the day before a Royal Rumble that a more promising one could be upon us. Maybe you have?

Of course you're entitled to your opinion but there are plenty of years that have had great build up. 98, 99 with Austin vs McMahon, 2000 with the HHH Foley street fight, 2002 with HHH's return etc.


Another rant on the way I'm afraid. I agree with this Rob Lowe chap. In the 90s, and 2000s to an extent (up to about 2008), watching the Rumble unfold was spectacular, as it began piecing together the jigsaw for the upcoming Wrestlemania. Whether it was Yokozuna emerging as a main-event player, Austin entering the title picture or Benoit finally earning his title shot, you knew that the winner was going to set up a fresh rivalry that hadn't been played out on weekly television a hundred times over. The projected winners, and current champions, on this year's card have been in matches with one another so many times in recent months that I'm simply not hankering to see any possible combination. They've all been done to death as far as I'm concerned. But Hart/Yokozuna, Michaels/Diesel, Sid/Undertaker, Angle/Lesnar, Batista/HHH and such like were all new combinations that people were relatively intrigued in seeing. Also, the title actually meant something in days gone by. Who cares if Cena wins the title at WM27? He'll probably lose it the next month at Backlash (oops, am I allowed to call it that?), and nobody will even remember. What tomorrow night needs is somebody like Alberto Del Rio, or some other random, winning it and setting up a new rivalry for WM, but WWE doesn't have the balls to have surprise winners in the Rumble. Well, unless they're already established stars making a comeback.


The other reason I'm not excited by the build-up is because we all know that everything will change at No Way Out (or whatever it's called) next month, so what's the point? I may as well just tune into that instead. Don't get me wrong, I love the Rumble, and it's a highlight on the WWE calendar (one of the few remaining). But let's not believe that 2011 is suddenly the peak of its powers, and that we've reached an all-time high for Rumble build-up. It's ludicrous.

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I personally think Booker is getting some harsh critism on here. Whilst I have not seen his TNA run the guy worked well for both WCW/WWE. He did well hanging around the main event in WWE and was quite good when it came to the comedy aspect as well. Again everybody as there own opinions on wrestlers but for me Booker was mostly good and sometimes great.

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I personally think Booker is getting some harsh critism on here. Whilst I have not seen his TNA run the guy worked well for both WCW/WWE. He did well hanging around the main event in WWE and was quite good when it came to the comedy aspect as well. Again everybody as there own opinions on wrestlers but for me Booker was mostly good and sometimes great.


Name one decent match Booker had in his WWE stint.

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I personally think Booker is getting some harsh critism on here. Whilst I have not seen his TNA run the guy worked well for both WCW/WWE. He did well hanging around the main event in WWE and was quite good when it came to the comedy aspect as well. Again everybody as there own opinions on wrestlers but for me Booker was mostly good and sometimes great.


Name one decent match Booker had in his WWE stint.


Ha I should of added when I said he was great sometimes I was in fact meaning with Goldie. It might just be me (I know it will end up only being me) but I thought he had a great feud going on with the Rock around 01/02?

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