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The 2010 UKFF UK50(+) - Results

Big Benny HG

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So if it was only the actual fans votes that were taken into consideration, he probably wouldn't be here.

Surely if it was only the actual fans votes that were taken into consideration, the shitlist wouldn't exist. Near enough every entry is full of stories of backstage gossip. I'm not criticising it, either. I've less than zero interest in BritWres, I don't know who 90% of the people on these lists are, but the comments in the shitlist entries are fantastic.

I think it would exist but it'd be a different landscape. I'm not saying any votes should be discounted from anyone or anything like that. And I agree the stories for the most part are great fun. My point although badly made earlier on, is that niceness or lack of, does matter in these situations. Maybe if Rainz was a twat, he'd even top the list or maybe if he'd been nicer to certain people he'd have been lower. Yes he'll have got votes based on his talent but it seems some just had an axe to grind.

Maybe a better example is Dragon Aisu hitting the Top 10 on the Shitarse 50, if he was a nice chap that didn't enjoy pissing people off both sides of the curtain, would he have been as high as he was or even on the list. I maintain that how nice a wrestler is, can affect how they are voted for in these things.

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I love the part where Barri called Brad a fucking cunt. Good old welsh attitude right there! ;)


Just spotted myself in the crowd !!! It was such a rip off :( On a brighter note the girl Miss E Heartbreaker was quite good :thumbsup:

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so who done the old shitlists? derice has retired? i thought he was a brilliant prospect. worked comedy matches so well
Moj did the Shitarse 50 in 2008. It should be in UKFF Gold. Apart from that & this one, there is no others


Edit - Oh wait I can't do Kenny's Bawbag 15 a disservice, so theres that one too. Its right next to Moj's thread in UKFFGold.

Edited by LegitBritWresFan
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~~SHITLIST - No. 13(equal) - Joey Starr~~




Midlands wrestler who has worked for FCW, EDW, UWA and Wales' BWP.


"Looks the part, but the illusion is shattered the instant he tries to start wrestling"

"Joey Starr is just crap"


(Apologies - I haven't been able to find, or was provided with, much of substance for this guy. Anyone able to tell us more?)



I'm bored so will try to fill in some backstory for this goof. (It might actually stop him lording it over every other wrestler mentioned on here on facebook.) Joey Starr is the definition of someone who saw wrestling on tv and thought 'I can do that' except he obviously cannot. Doesn't understand the basic psychology of a wrestling match - i.e. hit a move and try to pin your opponent. Can't/Won't bump. Steals the majority of his MOVEZ~! from WWE guys, watch one of his matches and count off as many as you can see (Will be every other move.) Has a major hard on for Randy Orton to the point where its actually homo.


Probably has one of the biggest ego's going - the fact he's a skinny 5'9 fuck who has pumped himself full of steds doesn't register with him. Has a contigent of girls of questionable legalness following him at every show where he will gloat over the botches of others despite the fact he's totally shit. Promos actually seem to be legit in that he moans bitterly about not being champion in every single promotion.


SLEAZE~!wise - one of the Dunne Bros broke up with a girlfriend, the day after Joey had deleted them both off facebook and was harrassing the poor girl, then in another case of him thinking of himself as some sort of Romeo attempted to chat up Becky James via FB to the point of asking if he could come to Cardiff to give her a seeing to - despite her showing no real interest in him.


Shit wrestler, will end up pissing off the wrong person eventually. That person shall become a Britwres hero.

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^He doesn't have any old Shitlists, this is his first one.






Oh yeah while I'm covering up this double post, I heard that #22 (I think) on the good list, Derice 'D-Rok' Coffie has retired. Is that the case?



A better way to put it would be "on vacation", just in case. If he decides to come back, he will, if not it's a great, great loss. He did a lot more than comedy matches very well, but I guess it's what you know him for.

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^He doesn't have any old Shitlists, this is his first one.






Oh yeah while I'm covering up this double post, I heard that #22 (I think) on the good list, Derice 'D-Rok' Coffie has retired. Is that the case?



A better way to put it would be "on vacation", just in case. If he decides to come back, he will, if not it's a great, great loss. He did a lot more than comedy matches very well, but I guess it's what you know him for.

Cheers for that. I much prefered him as the serious D-Rok myself but he was amusing as the bob sledding character too. :)
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