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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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DC are going about it completely backwards, if you ask me. Marvel built up a fanbase first with their Phase 1 movies, then announced Phases 2 and 3 and tie-in TV shows/comics etc. DC have announced movies all the way through to 2020 without building up a fanbase. Granted, films featuring Batman and Superman are going to attract people regardless, but Shazam and Cyborg? Seems like a crazy gamble to take off the back of Man Of Steel.

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I put it down to studio execs thinking "comic book movies are popular, let's make fecking loads of them" and just commissioning any old thing they can afford the rights to. Every minor character now seems to be getting either included in one of the movies of the big hitters or getting their own movie. 2020 even has a movie for Cyborg for fucks sake


I really don't think that's the case with Marvel. Its not like they've taken the easy route. Iron Man was a massive risk for them to be the first film the self financed. He was never a really well known character to casual fans but they made it work. Going with something like Ant-man is still a massive risk and they could easily have just gone for another Hulk film or a more widely known character (Daredevil would have had a lot more name recognition for a film and been a safer bet) Thor as well was a pretty big gamble.


DC has decided to try a similar approach and are chucking everyone into one film then giving them all a spin off. I honestly dont think its the right way to do things and I'd be shocked if all the films they are teasing / announcing end up getting made. No one is going to see 20 minutes of Cyborg standing in the background of Batman vs Superman and start flocking to see him in his own movie. Its the equivalent War Machine or Sif getting films based on their short scenes in Iron Man / Thor. Plus WB is a studio that managed to mess up the last 2 Superman films.


I like that Marvel are trying different things with the films. Yes they are all Superhero movies but they are really trying to get different tones in everything and Ant Man is looking like the first comedy-Action film they have tried and i assume they are still using the bulk of Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish's script.

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I haven't been interested in Ant-Man all that much despite being a devout follower of the MCU, but the trailers have probably changed my mind from "watch on VOD" to "go see at the cinema". I do get the feeling that the movie wouldn't be happening if Edgar Wright hadn't expressly pursued it, and there probably won't be a sequel unless it makes huge business; however, any film which stages an epic battle on a Thomas the Tank Engine Trackmaster set will at least garner some attention from me.

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Olivia Munn has been cast as Psylocke for X-Men:Apocalypse.


Are the X-Men prequels seperate from the other Marvel Universe? I only ask as the article I read mentioned that she played Chess Roberts in Iron Man 2

Yep, the rights to X-Men (and Fantastic Four) are licensed to FOX. This dates from before Marvel had a studio in their own right and so licensed out all of their properties.


Spiderman is technically licensed to Sony, though is being brought into the Marvel Cinematic Universe through an agreement between the two houses.

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The vagueness of the original agreements mean that anyone classed as a 'Mutant' (Deadpool!) is held by Fox which led to all the Quicksilver/Scarlett Witch kerfuffle. Also any character that originated in the Xmen comics is theirs to use. This has led to Marvel intentionally not introducing characters in Xmen comics first over the last decade or so so they can retain the rights to use them themselves. Its all very murky ground. Marvel pretty much hates the fact that Fox are clinging on to the characters and intentionally screw them over as much as they can. A great example being the fact that Marvel still have final say over merchandising for the Fox / Sony deals and pretty much refuse to make toy lines for the Xmen films so they don't have to pay any royalties back to Fox.


So at the minute there is:


The X men / Mutant Cinematic world

The Fantastic Four World (Fox have the rights to this as well but dont seem to have linked it in to the Xmen franchise)

The Marvel Cinematic world

Spider-Man world (Which is now overlapping with the Marvel universe in a lovely Venn Diagram type of way)


To add to that Universal still claim they own the rights to Namor and Lionsgate have Man-Thing


Edit: oh and it's just come out that Marvel don't own the rights to make a solo Hulk film, Universal still do so he can oddly only be used in other peoples films

Edited by chokeout
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Batman vs. Robin first trailer. The next animated film from the DC Animated Universe series. While Kevin Conroy is to feature as Thomas Wayne, I wish he could always be Batman. For me, he is the definitive animation Batman.

The Court of Owls are set to feature as the main antagonists, although the the film is not a direct adaptation of the Court of Owls story-arch

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The trailer for Batman vs Superman has leaked online but it's a poor quality cam,this is the film I'm most excited about (possible ever) so I'm going to wait and see if a proper one gets put up now but if you want to see it it's here.



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