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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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So now we have the original Avengers crew, plus Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Vision, plus likely others from the interim films, versus Ultron

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and potentially HYDRA


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");document.close(); AND now possibly the Hulk as villains? Christ, that's a lot of plates Whedon's got in the air. Unless the Hulk thing is a minor setpiece, which I can't see happening because (a) it's kinda already been done in the first film, and (b) the effects cost would be ludicrous as it is without blowing it on brief nerdgasms. I've not seen that image of Stark before (inducing the Hulk?).


If they are going with Stark being the creator of Ultron my money would be that he a) builds a shit-ton of cannon fodder robots (the guys being chucked about in the Quicksilver concept art) and b) takes control of the remaining Iron man suits which is why Hulk is fighting Hulk buster armour. Thats my guess anyway. I'd probably take a wild stab that Vision and ultron will both be created by Stark and will be the good / bad versions of each other.

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Any mid or post credits stuff? Spoiler tags please boss.


Yes there are, one mid credits and one post. Won't say anymore, but they have leaked online so details are easy to find.



So I saw Captain America 2 last night. Awesome, really awesome.



Good to hear. I got tickets to the regional premiere next week, really excited for it.


You won't regret it. Might be one of my favourite Marvel movies thus far, and quite different in tone, feeling more like a political thriller, or a espionage adventure than a typical action film at times. Also has some fairly big ramerpercussions for the Marvel Universe going forward too.



Just back from the regional preview screening and absolutely loved it. I'd pretty much echo everything written here, the genre and tone of the movie is pretty far removed from standard superhero fare and it pays massive dividends. As a massive Marvel nerd , I get excited at so much that gets in these movies now that I never thought or expected to see in a mainstream film. The way Kevin Feige have built the Marvel universe on film just continues to get better. I don't want to give anything away so it just gets a massive double thumbs up from me and I highly recommend you give it a go. Can't wait to see it again at the IMAX next week.

Edited by Harvey Dent
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I think that would sum up the franchise to be honest, it's either really good like first class or shit like X3. We can only hope this is more like first class. I think the trailer is great though, has this big epic feel to it, that none of the other x films had. You're right, it's going to be juggling act with all those characters. I heard rouge got cut out already, she wont be missed since her character has been shit in these movies, looks like Storm might be out of it for awhile too with that trailer, again not a loss, because of how badly they've handled the character.


Fox is betting big on this, I think it's their 2nd biggest movie of all time, obviously everybody is trying to cash in on the superhero gold rush, and for the most part it has lead to better produced movies. Plus if theirs one villain I would love to see on the big screen who hasn't appeared yet, it would have to be Apocalypse, who would be surely showing up in the end credits.


Looking forward to this and Spiderman2.

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Best look yet at the new Green Goblin. Interesting that they've gone part way between him being a normal guy and him being a real goblin head (he's been both in the comics). Is it the best of both worlds or the worst of both worlds? I'm sure the decision was influenced by the fact that Dafoe's naked power ranger goblin was fairly recently and they wanted to do something different. I'm really confident this film will be great.

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Went to see Winter Soldier last night, totally agree its a fantastic film, so different in tone to any of the other films, they really do play it like a thriller, but still amazing fun with plenty of set pieces. Plus any Robert Redford is good

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I watched The First Avenger tonight and I'm going to see The Winter Soldier tomorrow. The first Cap movie is just good fun. It has a great sense of humour and adventure it's one of my favourite Marvel movies. Very stoked for the second.


All Amazing Spiderman 2 has to get right is the villains for me. Absolutely adored the first one, especially the stuff between Peter and Gwen but the Lizard let the whole thing down.


Rumour are circulating that Michael C. Hall could play Daredevil in the Netflix series, not so sure on that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Went to see it at IMAX last night and that mid-credits scene was cut. A lot of us stopped to after the credits so there was some exasperated laughter at waiting all that time for nothing.


Question about Amazing Spiderman 2:

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In the trailer Harry tells Peter that Oscorp have had surveillance on him. And Norman tells Harry that "not everyone has a happy ending" in regards to Peter. Neither was in the film tho, right? I was waiting for Norman to still be alive pre-Harry's transformation in order for them to have that conversation.


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Went to see it at IMAX last night and that mid-credits scene was cut. A lot of us stopped to after the credits so there was some exasperated laughter at waiting all that time for nothing.


Question about Amazing Spiderman 2:

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In the trailer Harry tells Peter that Oscorp have had surveillance on him. And Norman tells Harry that "not everyone has a happy ending" in regards to Peter. Neither was in the film tho, right? I was waiting for Norman to still be alive pre-Harry's transformation in order for them to have that conversation.


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Plenty of the stuff from the trailer wasn't in the film at all. I remember there was a scene where Harry says "Isn't that the question of the day?" that also didn't make the cut, plus the whole character of Mary Jane Watson. And this is stuff that was taken out of a film that's nearly TWO AND A HALF HOURS LONG.


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Edited by Daaaaaad!
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It didn't feel as bloated as its prequel, I'll say that much, but there really isn't the need for these films to be as long as they are. I felt like it couldn't decide whether it wanted to be all "Dark Knight, brooding and moody, dark side of Spider-Man" or "Fun and cheerful, weird German doctors and wacky accident-induced powers, not far off Batman and Robin", and the overall tone suffered as a result.

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