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Bellenda Carlisle

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First image of Apocalypse in the new X Men film, I'm normally really positive about this stuff but his head looks whack. Maybe I'll like it more in action/different photos.


Also isn't he supposed to be like 8 feet tall? He looks like a guard from stargate there.

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He looks like the genie from the Wishmaster films. They made his body look more Egyptian as well. The height thing I'm not too bothered about. It's like Galactus in the fantastic four. You have him totally faithful to the comics and there's only so much you can do with the character. Plus in the comics he can change his height.

Psylocke looks great though.

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Interview with Ezra Miller talking about playing the Flash and the complexities of having separate TV and movie Flashes. He seems cool with a good attitude and seeing a guy like that interact with the stone faced movie Batman, Superman and others could be fun.





Check out this picture of the new Apocalypse a fan augmented, it makes the real one look so sad, he's shorter than Storm!




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The trailer for Suicide Squad looks all well and good but absolutely no one seems to be talking about the elephant in the room: why the fuck is Will Smith in this movie?


It's a concern of mine and I think it could ruin the movie. Surely he must have cost a fortune so the only reason to put him in a big ensemble movie is because he's going to be the star and main focus. Otherwise why have him in it? An actor that's used to headlining all his movies and not sharing the spotlight...I don't buy that he's going to step aside for the other moe interesting and colorful characters. Judging by the trailer too, while the characters are all described as "bad guys" and presented as psychopaths and monsters he is presented as a more straight laced caring father shown hugging his daughter(I presume) and a hero figure toting "let's save the world!". It's worrying.

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I don't know what everyone's problem is with Will Smith. I know he's had some shitters lately, but he was alright in Focus and I think he's going to do a good job as Deadshot.

I didn't like the "some kind of Suicide Squad" line, but anyone could have said that and I'd have felt the same way.
He has a commanding screen presence, is going to dial back his Mike Lowry routine and despite the internet having a shit fit over his "Let's go save the world" line, I think that was delivered with contempt.

I dunno, I say give him a chance. I like the mang.

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I presume Smith was cast because he's a good actor? Or at least I think he is.

As for Dead-shot, didn't he have a family in the comics? But that's part of the backstory though, like he has a daughter that he attempted to provide for, but he means of doing that are by bumping people off because he's very good at it. 


Honestly I think he'll be good, and because of his importance and an actor, I wouldn't be surprised if he died in the movie and had a really epic death scene as well.

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You can see him hugging some nipper in the trailer. I assumed that was his kid as per the comics, so it looks like they're going down that road.
He's goosing Harley in this too isn't he?

Funny enough, I had that feeling myself. I think Deadshot's job in this flick is to die.
Whether it happens early enough or intended heartwrenching style towards the end of the flick, is anyones guess though.

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You can't have everyone playing an over the top psychopath.  It would lessen the impact of other characters if they were all like that.  Deadshot will be a different character type by the looks of things in comparison so it will give the rest of the ensemble some diversity.

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I must admit that, purely on character basis alone, I wouldn't have cast Smith in that role. Deadshot is a murderous psychotic, who has admitted on numerous occasions to being only a nudge away from murdering everyone in the room with him, just because.


Of course, I may be a little ill-informed, but I've never seen him written as the Kevin Owens character described above. He's a villain being forced to work in a hero role, he's not a hero or anti-hero.



You can't have everyone playing an over the top psychopath.  It would lessen the impact of other characters if they were all like that.  Deadshot will be a different character type by the looks of things in comparison so it will give the rest of the ensemble some diversity.


Deadshot's not an OTT psycho. He's a regular psycho, who behaves like a normal guy, even when he's killing people. That provides more than enough contrast to Harley Quinn. I can't think of many others in the Suicide Squad who are like that. Rick Flagg certainly isn't, Deathstroke isn't really either, neither is Scandal Savage (is she in this)?

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