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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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I saw Iron Man. It's a great film, but....


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Really surprised and disappointed to see a great character like The Mandarin, Iron Man's arch nemesis, relegated to no more than a punch line. It a embarrassing. I mean, it was good for a cheap laugh and it served the story they were trying to tell but it just felt sour to me as a long time comic fan


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That said, there's a lot to love about it. It's very much a Tony Stark movie and showcases both how brilliant a character he is and how perfect Downey Jr is in the role. His best turn as Tony for my money and if this is his last solo outing then it's a strong and fitting finale for him. He just has that perfect blend. Rhodey was much better utilised in this one too which I really enjoyed. Also highlights that Shane Black needs to direct more, he's awesome.


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He wasn't. Who you *thought* the Mandarin was was a punch line, but the real Mandarin was Killian the whole time. Apart from the fact he yelled it at the end, he also had all those dragon tattoos. He's a reimagining, but they had to reimagine the character tbh


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yeah I get that, but Killien saying he is the Mandarin just didn't really have any weight. It was just a throwaway line after he'd already explained his ruling from behind the scenes. I've seen it a few times now and it doesn't bother me anymore anyway. They couldn't do the comic Mandarin and the more I thought about it I really like what they did, even if I'm still a little disappointed not to see a big, bad movie iteration of Mandarin. One really great thing the movie does is take a story very familiar to me and surprise me with it. I still prefer the first one but its a cracking movie nonetheless.


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And in non spoiler talk, Iron Man 3's international opening took in $195 million, which is $10m more than Avengers did.

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Iron man 3/Dark Knight Rises spoilers & whinging



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All of your complaints are attached to your preconceptions created by being a fan of comics.



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This is sort of a double edged sword for me. On the one hand its obvious that not everything that works in the comics is going to work in films and changes have to be made so it can appeal to as broad an audience as possible and not just fan boys. On the other hand if they are going to change a character so drastically, why bother using them at all? People with no prior knowledge of them have no extra investment in them and the only people these changes will actually annoy are the fan boys. Bane in DKR wasn't Bane, Mandarin in IM3 wasnt the Mandarin, the only similarities was them using the name and part of the look (which again means nothing to people whos only knowledge comes from the films) The version of the Mandarin in the first half of the film was a fantastic re-imagining of him and could have been something special. The same with Bane. Its the equivalent of having a big reveal at the end of Spiderman2 and finding out Dr Ock is just a traveling salesman with some hoover pipes strapped to his back


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This is sort of a double edged sword for me. On the one hand its obvious that not everything that works in the comics is going to work in films and changes have to be made so it can appeal to as broad an audience as possible and not just fan boys. On the other hand if they are going to change a character so drastically, why bother using them at all? People with no prior knowledge of them have no extra investment in them and the only people these changes will actually annoy are the fan boys. Bane in DKR wasn't Bane, Mandarin in IM3 wasnt the Mandarin, the only similarities was them using the name and part of the look (which again means nothing to people whos only knowledge comes from the films) The version of the Mandarin in the first half of the film was a fantastic re-imagining of him and could have been something special. The same with Bane. Its the equivalent of having a big reveal at the end of Spiderman2 and finding out Dr Ock is just a traveling salesman with some hoover pipes strapped to his back


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Haha. The big difference between the two is that with Dark Knight I spent the whole film buying into Bane as the big badass threat, only for him to be discarded right at the end really carelessly, in favour of a "main villain" about whom I knew almost nothing, and gave very little of a shit about. Iron Man spent enough time building Killian up and didn't try to force The Mandarin as the main focus as much so that it didn't feel like being totally cheated when the reveal happened.


I guess I can't satisfactorily answer your question "why bother using Mandarin at all?", but I can say that the way they did it didn't bother me the way Bane in DKR bothered me.


But "why not?", I guess would be my question. If you take the plot - Kilian needs some fabricated crazy ass terrorist character as a diversion - the character fits in, and gives comic book readers a nod but doesn't detract for non-comic fans. Maybe you can say they misjudged that because they ended up pissing comic book fans off where they could have avoided it.. but I think that's being over-precious to get so upset about.




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yeah I get that, but Killien saying he is the Mandarin just didn't really have any weight. It was just a throwaway line after he'd already explained his ruling from behind the scenes.


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eh, I don't agree. I thought it was a great little bait and switch. We all had exactly the same thought process as Tony Stark, which was this looming ben kingsley. And then it's been that bugger Killian all along. He's got all this dragon imagery going, he's got this proper grudge, and he can go toe to toe. I loved the way it fitted together


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yeah I get that, but Killien saying he is the Mandarin just didn't really have any weight. It was just a throwaway line after he'd already explained his ruling from behind the scenes.


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eh, I don't agree. I thought it was a great little bait and switch. We all had exactly the same thought process as Tony Stark, which was this looming ben kingsley. And then it's been that bugger Killian all along. He's got all this dragon imagery going, he's got this proper grudge, and he can go toe to toe. I loved the way it fitted together


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oh yeah, I'm not saying it didn't work from a story point of view, it's well constructed. But just from the point where he says "I am The Mandarin", it doesn't exactly change anything. By that point he's already done pretty much everything and explained why and what he was doing. There's no big reveal to a larger plan, it wouldn't have changed anything if he hadn't said that. I liked the way he had the plan to create the focal point Ben Kingsley's fake Mandarin and the bait and switch was great.


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Spider-Man's costume in the next film is the best live action Spidey costume ever, I love it. He's talking to a pre Electro Jamie Foxx








here's a really cool article with tons of photos about the 1989 Batman movie set at pinewood studios, that thing was massive!

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Spider-Man's costume in the next film is the best live action Spidey costume ever, I love it. He's talking to a pre Electro Jamie Foxx








here's a really cool article with tons of photos about the 1989 Batman movie set at pinewood studios, that thing was massive!


Garfield should really stuff a bratwurst or some Reebok socks down there. He's no Tobey Maguire!

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Genuine question, what do you think makes it look the best yet? It looks identical to the previous ones to me.


It's very similar to the Raimi movie ones but the eyes are larger and white instead of mirrored which makes them look much more like they are in the comics (also Andrew Garfield is taller and skinnier that Tobey Maguire which makes it look better), it's really different from the "Amazing Spider-man" one which was more rubbery looking and dark, with the red and blue laid out in a different pattern with yellow goggle eyes.

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Lots of Superhero movie shit going down today


First look at Falcon in Captain America - Winter Soldier. Obviously to have the wings added in digitally later, I personally think they pussied out a bit by not having him look remotely flashy or superhero like, they could've come up with more of a compromise, I'm not saying he should be in white and red lycra with a birdface on his forehead but this is just pretty boring.


First glimpse (probably) of what Rhino will look like in Amazing Spider-Man 2 (along with other set pics) It's assumed this is a shot of Paul Giamatti's stunt double, don't know if he'll get a power suit or not, time will tell.


Joss Whedon says Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver will be in Avengers 2, studio stays quiet. Don't care for either of these characters, hope DC get The Flash in a film before Quicksilver makes it onto the screen or it will lessen his impact.


also Human Torch in the reboot of Fantastic Four will probably be black (I bet they don't make his sister black)


New Superman poster


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Just saw Iron Man 3, and tbh I really enjoyed it. Just as the superhero genre's getting a bit stale Shane Black gives us a different type of story. This feels so much closer to the Iron Man comic books in tone and style than either of the other films.


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Not sure if anyone noticed, but apparently Killian's tattoos were of Fing Fang Foom, which would support the idea that he's actually the real Mandarin, but with Rhodes's reaction to him 'breathing fire' perhaps he was meant to be Fing Fang Foom himself..... It's also interesting to note that while Killian's character in the comics appeared for about 2 pages and was pretty inconsequential, in this film he acts more like the comic book version of Justin Hammer than the character we saw in IM2. It's quite a messy re-imagining in that respect, but I guess it was needed for the slightly clumsy Tony & His suit / Killian & Mandarin parallel. There also seemed to be a layer of subtle nods to someone (Red Skull/Loki) pulling Killian's strings, so I'm wondering if maybe there's a missing piece to the story that we'll see somewhere else in Phase 2, perhaps something setting up the Masters Of Evil for Av2? Red Skull, Loki, Mandarin, Winter Soldier?

The whole thing with the kid seemed a bit off, but I've read people suggesting that he's meant to be Star-Lord from GoTG. If that's not the case then it was a massive waste of screen time.


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