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Aye they both seemed sober to me and both are very good. Waltman seems to have that thing that longtime addicts like Gazza have where it takes their brain longer than normal to process what's being said to them and what their going to say, apart from that he's fine.

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They are always sober on these Kayfabe Commentary things. After Jamie Dundee make a tit out of himself, they dont allow anyone to have a drink or come in fucked up on set.


Oh and go to 39:10 on this video and watch Eugene's face when he cracks a joke about Billy Gunn shagging our mate Pinky, and he doesnt realise Billy is there.


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Have revisited old shoots of mine on MP3 when trying to sleep at night, and Bad News' is still my all time favourite.

I was listening to the first New Age Outlaws shoot again and although Road Dogg is actually quite funny and tries his best at times - but ultimately fails - not to sound bitter, Billy Gunn really is an interminably, arrogant prick. In saying that, the dichotomy between the 1st and 2nd shoot is ridiculous. Poles apart, from absolutely caning people to brown nosing them. No middle ground.

Very entertaining stuff though.

Worst two I ever heard were Scott Steiner "Y'know?' and Ken fucking Anderson.

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The full length last RF video shoot with Sunny is on YouTube, if anybody wants to watch it.


Is there anywhere online I can watch Stevie Richards full shoot without having to download it?


Had a look in the usual places mate but no joy. If it is anywhere i'd image it'll be in multiple smaller parts as i'm sure it was close to 5hrs from memory.

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