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Dillkid posted that on publicly accessible UKFF facebook group.


So if some one on here has their facebook profile on open access some one can post as many pics as I like, as its "publicly accessible" much like that group?

How does that go with items from news articles? I think Loki got some shit for quoting from a news article linked by some one else, yet posting pics of the PTW guy from crime watch or the police on line was a laugh a minute for some.


Context I know, but still it does raise a question what is and isn't out of line. I'm not going on any of your facebooks any way, I'm just curious.


What if some one links thier facebook in the sig or something and its open look?

Edited by Tommy!
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If you're hunting down information on someone in order to be a cunt then that's probably not going to go unpunished. The Staniforth CCTV is somewhat different that kind of thing is relevant to On Topic.


Boils down to moderator judgment ultimately.

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If you're hunting down information on someone in order to be a cunt then that's probably not going to go unpunished. The Staniforth CCTV is somewhat different that kind of thing is relevant to On Topic.


Boils down to moderator judgment ultimately.


I don't know as I'd agree with that completely, but I see what you are getting at I think. I also assume if they post a link or pics themselves its game for a laugh


As long as no one finds out I'm Ian Huntley.












Shit :(

Edited by Tommy!
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Boils down to moderator judgment ultimately.

Well everyone knows that.


It's always been the way here. Have vague rules and then if a mod decides they've had enough of someone, they just get rid of them.


Often seems like there's no point in rules if it's going to come down to judgment.

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  • Paid Members
If you're hunting down information on someone in order to be a cunt then that's probably not going to go unpunished. The Staniforth CCTV is somewhat different that kind of thing is relevant to On Topic.


Boils down to moderator judgment ultimately.


I don't know as I'd agree with that completely, but I see what you are getting at I think. I also assume if they post a link or pics themselves its game for a laugh


As long as no one finds out I'm Ian Huntley.












Shit :(



My wife actually knows a guy called Ian Huntley. He has to use a fake name on Facebook due to the ammount of shit he gets.

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That isnt what he did though.

It is what he did though, he just edited it out later on. Fair play he apologized, but he still took the effort to go and hunt out a picture to post. Regardless of whether he deleted it later or not.

Well he didn't. Your facts are totally wrong, because no picture was posted. I was there when he originally posted it and I saw it. The edit job wasn't even worth it, but he just thought bringing personal shit into it was a bit harsh. Thats the reason he apologized. AAA saw it originally and actually replied with an insult back. He never posted a description or any other insult about his lass other than saying "your 4/10 lass". It was no different from when everyone has a go at Dangerously420's girlfriend and calls her Tevez. Actually it was less than that, because Butch hasnt actually seen her before. We've all saw Dangerously's lass.

Edited by Ian_hitmanhart
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That isnt what he did though.

It is what he did though, he just edited it out later on. Fair play he apologized, but he still took the effort to go and hunt out a picture to post. Regardless of whether he deleted it later or not.


He didn't post a picture. Hence my original enquiry, as if he HAD done I'd have thought the suspension fair enough, particularly if he'd already had warnings (credit: Neil 2011). But saying "I bet your g/f is 4/10", whilst childish, is pretty small beer. I happen to agree with Ian that Neil's bullying of Dillkid is far worse.


Perhaps the admins should edit the rules again to retrospectively reflect the actions of the mods? Or perhaps a quiet word in the ears of certain new mods who are, as often happens, getting a bit trigger-happy?

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Hmmm, then fair play, much as I think the ganging up on TripleA was a bit much (okay, massive overkill, just as he shouldn't have taken the bait. Nor posted a shit comment to begin with), if he didn't actually go hunting for stuff, it doesn't make it anywhere near as bad. Doesn't change that it was still uncalled for from both sides.

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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I have read the FAQ's and still cant get my avatar to work. I typed the address of the pic from google images and it wouldnt work. I then posted the pic and put it to avatar size on Image Shack and tried to put the link in but still I got an error message. Any ideas? Thanks

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