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Egg Shen

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yeh, its part of the new 145lb tournament that starts on that show.


Patricio Freire vs. Diego Nunes - featherweight tournament opening round

Houston Alexander vs. Vladimir Matyushenko

Shahbulat Shamhalaev vs. Akop Stepanyan - featherweight tournament opening round

Desmond Green vs. Fabricio Guerreiro - featherweight tournament opening round

Andrew Fisher vs. Joe Taimanglo - featherweight tournament opening round

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There was an interesting discussion regarding the Ortiz and Rampage fight on Observer Radio. Lance Storm and Dave Meltzer were talking about how bullshit wrestling angles have a great chance of killing any interest in this fight. Ortiz hitting Rampage with a hammer for example is sort of killing the validity of this fight. The fact is, wrestling isn't to be taken very seriously. So to see two blokes who are going to actually have a real fight messing about in wrestling doing the worst kind off ham, like using hammers and knocking about with pretend bikers could actually hurt Bellator and make people think this fight is a fix. Which obviously isn't the intention, because they think cross-promotion with TNA can only be a good thing. They already have the aging star thing going against them. Now they have this tarting about on TNA to further kill the credibility of it.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Im on the shelf.


If they were dragging the wrestling feud into Bellator it would suck, but they're not. On the Bellator end they're talking of being friends, respecting each other and that its all simply business.


The whole TNA spin is trying to make that crossover between the two, im not sure hardcore TNA fans will be interested enough to fork out money to see a real fight or not though? My guess it'll alienate as many it attracts. As for MMA fans, they are indifferen to the fight as it is, the strength of the rest of the card is enough to sell it to them though.


Its a new way of promoting MMA in America and i commend them for trying but i aint sure it'll work.

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I actually saw Tito hit Rampage with the hammer on a MMA website. I found it mildly amusing to say the least, I do not think it will do the fight any harm as such, but will not add viewers. It will make hardcore MMA fans roll their eyes, but they will buy anyway given the status that Tito/Page have, or at least had.


I am sticking with around 75k-100k for it. 200k? they are having a laugh.

Edited by jimufctna24
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Yeh MMA blog type websites will still cover it, they still cover Brock Lesnar's WWE venture.


Buy wise, it'll probably end up being a crushing disappointment. Theres just too many PPV's about for people to fork out, in the day and age where its fairly simple to obtain a HD copy of the show within hours of the event taking place its a tough market to be succesful in.

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There was an interesting discussion regarding the Ortiz and Rampage fight on Observer Radio. Lance Storm and Dave Meltzer were talking about how bullshit wrestling angles have a great chance of killing any interest in this fight. Ortiz hitting Rampage with a hammer for example is sort of killing the validity of this fight. The fact is, wrestling isn't to be taken very seriously. So to see two blokes who are going to actually have a real fight messing about in wrestling doing the worst kind off ham, like using hammers and knocking about with pretend bikers could actually hurt Bellator and make people think this fight is a fix. Which obviously isn't the intention, because they think cross-promotion with TNA can only be a good thing. They already have the aging star thing going against them. Now they have this tarting about on TNA to further kill the credibility of it.


Yeah, people were trying to say Anderson Silva getting knocked out by Chris Weidman was a fix so to the MMA conspiracy theorists, and there's a fair few on places like Sherdog, they'll probably have a field day with this.


I still think this is the wrong time to try the PPV experiment for Bellator. It doesn't make sense right now. If it was Bellator's decision to try to show they're competition to the UFC, well they're going to look silly when it bombs on PPV. If it was Spike's decision, why? They're a TV station, what do they gain by Bellator cobbling together a PPV that won't sell? It does nothing for Spike. If it was Viacom's idea, then they must like losing money because expecting Rampage vs Tito to be a PPV hit in 2013 is almost comical. It doesn't seem to do anyone any good really. The only reason I can think why they decided to do a PPV now would be to win the Eddie Alvarez case. They announced the PPV before Alvarez settled, maybe they were going to try to use it as leverage in the 'PPV points' argument in court. And all this to keep Alvarez who they could survive without, just to get one up on the UFC.


Dana said recently that his video blogs get more viewers than Bellator's free shows on Spike. How they expect people to pay for their product when they won't even watch it for free is quite baffling.

Edited by wandshogun09
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Dana's stance on Bellator seems to have changed recently. At one point he was angry and was really having a pop at them, but in recent interview he just smirks at hints at the money they are losing. It's almost as if Dana believes the writing is on the wall.

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It tells you something about how little of a threat Dana sees Bellator as when he's not even bothering to counter program their PPV on Nov 2nd. When Affliction started up he announced a free Fight Night on Spike with Anderson Silva headlining to go up against Affliction. I'm sure he went up against Strikeforce head to head once or twice as well. With Bellator, he just laughs.

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It tells you something about how little of a threat Dana sees Bellator as when he's not even bothering to counter program their PPV on Nov 2nd. When Affliction started up he announced a free Fight Night on Spike with Anderson Silva headlining to go up against Affliction. I'm sure he went up against Strikeforce head to head once or twice as well. With Bellator, he just laughs.

Bellator have nothing or no one that Dana should be worried about. Plus Dana, must be jaded about the "new kid on the block" he has seen several promotions come and go, all with different gimmicks and approaches. I bet he thinks that Bellator is not worth the bother, and judging by previous form he might be right. No one is going to challenge Dana/UFC, they have a stranglehold on their market as strong as WWE has on theirs, any promotion is bound to be the "TNA" of MMA at best.


I am not sure what Bellator/Viacom's aim is generally speaking, Bjorn says he is very ambitious and for P.R reasons (and risk of being mocked no doubt) will not disclose how far he wants Bellator to go. For me, the potential of a viable contender to the UFC will not come from America, the Market is too oversaturated and has been presented MMA in several different ways or angles to the point of tiredness. MMA is not something in massive demand nor is it the cool underground interest it was in 2006, even though the UFC is by no means faltering.


UFC will not draw in every market worldwide, but it does hold a strong presence in most now. The only place that could have a uprising is Japan, if a fighter grabs the nation of Japan for a Japanese promotion with backing behind it. Japan is a fad based culture, so that promotion theoretically could only challenge for a short term of say 3-5 years, like the period Pride thrived.


The days of the money marks - 2006-2008, and the days of a viable competitive alternative - Pride 2000-2006 are all gone I am afraid. Bellator and WSOF are just picking up the scraps of a dilluted marketplace.

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the fight between War Machine & Vaughan Anderson at Bellator 100 is turning into a bit of a grudge match, Anderson aint got much nice to say about War Machine, check this.


Anderson seems to be a bit of a Brian Ebersole type character, an American who's primarily fought overseas, he's 16-1 and according to some reports is one of MMA most unsung talents. Should be good.

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I'm pulling for Anderson. Balls to War Machine. He's gone beyond the wacky, car crash TV type character to just plain scum to me. The recent rape tweets were pathetic and pretty vile and he doesn't even seem to see why people called him on it.


As Anderson said to him in a recent interview - "Weaken the dose, son."

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