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Egg Shen

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The UFC pulling out Anderson Silva for the London show probably will prompt Bellator to do something big-ish to. Other than Daley/Koscheck and McGeary/Davis though not sure there's much else that'll sell well to anyone but the die-hard MMA fans in the country. Even then they're not all gonna travel to London either. If they're serious about it some celebrity involvement wouldn't surprise me or something gimmicky. 

Edited by seanz25
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im not sure if Bellator can do anything to compete with the UFC putting an Anderson Silva fight on over here. It'll be interesting to see how they go about promoting a show here though considering the established UK shows don't really pull in great numbers.

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Bellator returns tonight (it's on Spike tomorrow night at 10 on a delay).




Main Card:

Paul Daley vs. Andy Uhrich

Paul Bradley vs. Chris Honeycutt

Ryan Couture vs. Patricky Pitbill

Raphael Butler vs. Tony Johnson


This was originally set up as a bit of a Daley/Koscheck showcase, with the obvious outcome hopefully being both guys winning on the same night then setting up the rematch. Koscheck got injured so Daley's moved into the main event slot. Good lil card remains.


There's VFC card live on Fight Pass tonight too if anyone's bored, few UFC vets on there. Josh Neer/Anthony Smith headlines it.



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dunno if anyone saw the Bellator show (it's over on Demand Five if you wanna see it), but it was a great start to the year for Bellator and the perfect hop on spot for 2016 for anyone new to Bellator. 3 big KO's in 4 fights on the main card, a big upset, a feud fuelled, can't really fault it.


* Paul Daley seems to have more 'squash matches' than anyone else in MMA but they are always worth watching. Uhrich was willing to stand in front of Semtex and he paid the price, BOINK, the big kabosh! just scary power as always. Great to have Koscheck cage side too. Gonna be one of the biggest fights in Bellator history when it finally happens. Loved the pre-fight video thing they showed on the screens too, pure pro wrestling, cool with me.




* Ryan Couture has now made two step ups in his career and both have ended in disaster. He attempted to stand and trade with Pitbull and paid the ultimate price, unless Ryan could wangle this to the ground it was always going to end badly, it did. I like Ryan Couture, and i like his fighting style but i think it's safe to say he's never gonna crack anything near top level.




* Paul Bradley upset Chris Honeycutt with some scary power. Paul Bradley's one of those hard nosed wrestler types that usually grinds shit out, but fucking hell he was in beast mode, scary as fuck. Honeycutt is derailed, he was one of Bellator's better prospects too.

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Alexander Shlemenko vs Vyacheslav Vasilevsky is happening in Russia on Friday under the M-1 banner. And it's airing live on Box Nation apparently...






What's the crack with Shlemenko then? Last I heard he was fined and suspended for years for failing a drug test after the Manhoef fight. Obviously Russia don't give a fuck about the NSAC or CSAC or NASDAQ or NESQUIK etc. Never bothered much with M-1 before but I'll give this a whirl seeing as I can just Sky+ it and it's got Shlemenko on it. Worth a go.

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Yeh he's just sitting out his ban. I know Bellator have given him their blessing to fight though.


Wild that Boxnation has the show. They tried to venture into MMA a few years ago but it died on its arse as soon as it began.

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I vaguely remember that. Can't remember what MMA they showed though. It'd be great if they start picking up some shows like this semi-regularly now. Even just European cards like this.


Actually, if they're willing to try out airing other combat sports now, I wonder what the chances are of them picking up GLORY. I miss the days when BT Sports were airing the GLORY shows live. Just as shame hardly anyone must've watched them. That Last Man Standing tournament/event in particular was fucking quality. Real throwback to the K-1 glory days that was.

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well, it's nearly here! wand. really should be breaking out a preview for this one but anyways:




Ken Shamrock vs. Royce Gracie

Kimbo Slice vs. Dada 5000

Linton Vassell vs. Emmanuel Newton

Derek Campos vs. Melvin Guillard

Daniel Pineda vs. Emmanuel Sanchez


what you have really is a solid looking set of fights opening up the night followed by two of the stranger fights you're gonna see this year. Shamrock/Gracie is impossible to call, who knows how that's gonna go down?


What weight will the fight even be at? Ken last fought at Heavyweight, the last time Graice fought he was at 170lb i believe? I can see it hitting the deck and it being a 15 minute stalemate but who knows? I might even put a few quid on Gracie winning by KO, fuck it!


Then there's Dada/Kimbo? again, who knows? Kimbo clearly still has big power and there's an inkling that Dada 5000 is a bit of a fraud. I'd say Kimbo is gonna win by KO but hopefully Dada holds up his end of the bargain and has a go.


I get that feeling that come Saturday morning all the negatives of the show will outweight the positives :(


weirdly, Spike doesn't appear to have this show listed? can anyone see otherwise?

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I hope Kimbo wrecks him. I love Kimbo. Seems like such a down to earth likeable guy. Total opposite to the first impression you get off him as some horrible thug. It showed what a good dude he is when he was on TUF and you had that bit where they brought him into the gym and all the cunts like Meathead and Schaub were being all hostile and going 'fuck that guy' under their breath and stuff...then a couple of episodes in, everyone on the show seemed to love him. He's a really different character than you'd expect. Just a proper laid back family man.


Royce vs Ken is a complete mystery at this stage. I'll piss myself if Royce KO's him. Worth a bet. You could sneeze on Shamrock these days and there's probably a decent chance he'd take a dive. I don't even think it's a fight fixing thing like some have speculated either. I just think Ken gets in there with the best intentions, but if he takes a good dig he'll often just go 'fuck this, I've got my money, I'm done for tonight' and look for a soft looking bit of canvas to fall on. It's a shame because he is a pioneer and a legend, but he's got that Bob Sapp thing for me where he just seems to look for a way out as soon as he gets in a bit of bother in a fight.


Saying that, on the Sapp point, anyone ever seen Sapp's MMA fight against Jerome Le Banner from K-1 Dynamite 2004? He takes a right battering from JLB and he somehow survives until the final bell. He even had Le Banner in trouble when he mounted him in the second round. Sapp had his moments throughout his career, to be fair.

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That was the mixed rules fight right? Where they had a round of MMA and a round of K-1? i've seen it but don't remember it. Sapp was probably a lot tougher than he got credit for, he basically admitted that he took dives later in his career. I'll always have a soft spot for the big bastard though.


Can't find odd's on a Royce KO, i bet it's a decent shout though.


Newton/Vassell is gonna be worth tuning in for as well, they had one of the better grapple-heavy MMA fights of last year.

Spike UK have it listed for 10pm on Saturday night. 

ahhh, i must have been looking at the wrong day.

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Yeah I think it was a mixed rules thing. The version I saw had no commentary though so I wasn't sure as I was watching it. It was actually a pretty fun fight as well.


I quite enjoyed Sapp vs Akebono 2 from Rizin actually, car crash that it was.

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