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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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i really like that Pure Love tune, i been looking forward to hearing em and it didn't disappoint. It's just catchy rock music with a bit of an old school twist, Frank Carter sounds great too.

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Biffy peaked with Just Boy.


Everything since has sounded almost exactly the same but with increasingly multi-tracked production. Fans pretending they're anything more then just a straight up, no frills rock band does my head in too. They're not big, they're not clever, they're just a more pretentious Foo Fighters.

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they're just a more pretentious Foo Fighters.



Fans pretending there anything more? Why would they pretend? You can't have an ear for music if you think all there stuff sounds the same. That's such a ridiculous statement to make. Each of their albums have unique identities instrumentally and lyrically.



Edited by Harvey Dent
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they're just a more pretentious Foo Fighters.



Fans pretending there anything more? Why would they pretend? You can't have an ear for music if you think all there stuff sounds the same. That's such a ridiculous statement to make. Each of their albums have unique identities instrumentally and lyrically.




But I'M not pretending you utter fool. I genuinely think there a brilliant band. Great lyrics and instrumentally phenomenal. The Foo Fighters have absolutely nothing on Biffy. There not even in the same league. If liking a band because of there lyrics and whatnot makes me "pretencious" then you're a cretin.

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Between the occasionally a-tonal vocals, often asinine lyrics, predictable melodies and straightforward musicianship i'm still completely surprised that people try and argue that these days Biffy Clyro are some sort of deep, cultural experience wrapped within exquisite, revolutionary musicianship.


They're not the worst band in the world, they're just a pop-rock band who wear there Americanisms more proudly on some songs more than other.


They are the most perfectly marketed band ever, though.


You know like how Avril Lavigne, or The Script, or Maroon 5, play guitars and want you to believe that they're proper musicians/bands but between their bad execution and half-arsed marketing/promotion you can't quite believe it?; well, Biffy Clyro are a perfect example of the zenith of that particular approach to music promotion. Their fanbase has been convinced they're something they're not.


In reality, they're there to eek money out of the people that are a tad too hormonal for The Script but too middle class, and in a possession of too good a relationship with their paternal grandfather, for anything actually alternative or edgy.


As these sort of things usually need referencing, have my favourite blog ever; http://musicblogssuck.blogspot.co.uk/2011/...clyro-suck.html


And, a personal selection of my 'favourite' Biffy lyrics ever;


You'll never catch me.

My belly is black, and, red.

Black and red. [x3]


No, i'm not shitting you, that does say TIMES THREE.


Come on baby do you think it's good to feel

Like I'm lying here swimming in memories

I fear God because everything dies babe




I'm drowning caught in a shit tide

Tape my face to the inside of love

Nothing to eat but fears in the back seat

Well I've met God and he had nothing to say to me


The absolute worst thing in the world is, I imagine they high-five'd and got celebratory star tattoos after writing this. 'YEAH, THIS IS LIKE REALLY CLEVER AND DEEP.' Fuck off.


When we collide we come together

If we don't we'll always be apart

I'll take a bruise; I know you're worth it

When you hit me hit me hard


Good work, Shakespeare.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Hmmm. What is this marketing you speak of? You do realise Biffy Started in 96 and only relatively recently gaiined any sort of mainstream publicity? I grant you Only Revolutions was a pop rock record, but what is so wrong with that? You've went and picked out some "duff" lyrics out of there extensive back catalogue of records. A few shit lines mean there crap lyrically? Biffy Clyro are a unique band that's why people love them so much, hence the reason people use the term " the Biffy sound. " Honestly, I understand people like different bands and whatnot. I probably hate everything you think is good, but to say that most of there fans "pretend" there something there not is bullshit. None of my friends are into rock music. Point being I made up my own mind in thinking there fucking brilliant. The first album I listened to and enjoyed was Infinity Land, and it had nothing to do with "marketing." Can I also ask you, what IS alternative and edgy? In relation to this utterly pretencious guff that you wrote.


"and in a possession of too good a relationship with their paternal grandfather, for anything actually alternative or edgy. "


I actually cringed when I read that line.

Edited by BiffingtonClyro
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Come on baby do you think it's good to feel

Like I'm lying here swimming in memories

I fear God because everything dies babe






that Bob Dylan was a right twat for using the word 'Babe' too.


I want to hurt the guy who writes that blog, I like a lot of the same music he listens too, but hes so annoying. Especially in that Biffy piece you linked !

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Hmmm. What is this marketing you speak of? You do realise Biffy Started in 96 and only relatively recently gaiined any sort of mainstream publicity? I grant you Only Revolutions was a pop rock record, but what is so wrong with that? You've went and picked out some "duff" lyrics out of there extensive back catalogue of records. A few shit lines mean there crap lyrically? Biffy Clyro are a unique band that's why people love them so much, hence the reason people use the term " the Biffy sound. " Honestly, I understand people like different bands and whatnot. I probably hate everything you think is good, but to say that most of there fans "pretend" there something there not is bullshit. None of my friends are into rock music. Point being I made up my own mind in thinking there fucking brilliant. The first album I listened to and enjoyed was Infinity Land, and it had nothing to do with "marketing." Can I also ask you, what IS alternative and edgy? In relation to this utterly pretencious guff that you wrote.


"and in a possession of too good a relationship with their paternal grandfather, for anything actually alternative or edgy. "


I actually cringed when I read that line.


I wasn't particularly talking about any bands per se, I was just pointing out that Biffy aren't unique, or challenging, or alternative, or edgy but their fans say they like them because they're all of the above. You kind of proved my point, to an extent, that their fans have lofty claims for them. So far in this thread you've actually called them 'unique', pinpointed the awful term 'the Biffy sound' (which, we should add, like 'MON THE BIFFY is used exclusively by their fans, affectionately, to separate their music from other music despite, as i've covered, them just being a pop rock band) and accused me of having a 'poor ear for music' just because I thought their songs sound the same. You didn't accuse me of just being an idiot, or in possession of a differing opinion, but you actually were so affronted by the suggestion that Biffy didn't display 'unique identities instrumentally and lyrically' you condescended to suggest my ears were faulty.


Whether you're actually 'right' or not, you can't argue that Biffy fans (with, apparently, you as an archetype) have set them apart as something that transcends music.


In general, though, I have a problem with that sort of attitude about any type of music. Music is music is music. Pink Floyd are just a band, Queen are just a band etc. etc.


Music is just a touch of skill, creativity, a shitload of luck and quality marketing.


Not one successful band has got to where they are without label backing and a touch of a marketing objective. It's just intrinsic to any music that exists above the underground. Plus, whether a band has been 'marketed' or has someone trying to 'market' them has nothing to do with their level of success or whether they are on a major label. The nice people at Beggars Banquet had an idea for how Biffy should be marketed based on the music Biffy made. They wouldn't have just left it up to chance. That work will have been followed on by 14th Floor. And, the marketing strategy would have been something along the lines of 'push this band as a thinking mans alternative rock band, for the discerning listener'. And, as such, that's been particularly successful considering they arent that avant garde.


I don't even overly dislike Biffy, which is odd. I just think they're an okay pop rock band with some duff lyrics and some poncey fans.


Also, the 'paternal grandfather' line was a clearly a joke. You big fruit.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Fans pretending there anything more? Why would they pretend? You can't have an ear for music if you think all there stuff sounds the same. That's such a ridiculous statement to make. Each of their albums have unique identities instrumentally and lyrically.


But I'M not pretending you utter fool. I genuinely think there a brilliant band. Great lyrics and instrumentally phenomenal. The Foo Fighters have absolutely nothing on Biffy. There not even in the same league. If liking a band because of there lyrics and whatnot makes me "pretencious" then you're a cretin.






Fucking hell man, learn the difference!


Biffy Clyro are a bit like the Foo Fighters, don't care to delve deeper than that but that's how they sound to me on the surface.

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When they first started to make any sort of impact in the late 90s I thought Biffy were poor and their more recent stuff is worse. At Sonisphere last year they headlined on the Saturday and after Weezer played I just fucked off back to the camp to get pissed. The amount of twunts shouting "'mon the Biffy" did my fucking nut in.

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