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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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anyone heard this yet? had mine through the door this morning (2 days early, i love pre-order)will-haven-voir-dire.jpg

Did you order it from Amazon mate? I ordered mine last night, so fingers crossed I get it. Cant wait. Im buzzing Grady is back on vocal duties, nobody else should be the frontman for Will Haven. The song I heard off it was awesome, really different from their usual stuff
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Any discussion of sludge metal should begin with, end with and be comprised entirely of Iron Monkey.Beastwars and Hour of 13 tracks are cool. Nice one. I've not been following this thread so don't know score but I'm very open to some sludge sounds. My tiny musical brains usually baulks at the more technical metal so prefer the heavier, more atmospheric, doomy, occasionally excruciatingly slow stuff of Electric Wizard et al. Oh. Here's some Acid Bath.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy6WM8THTwg

I'm going to be rather blasphemous here and say Mistress were doing the Iron Monkey sound better than the originators, the way they added a nasty ammount of grind into the act was perfect. Maybe it's a little bit of bias as i've met them multiple times but i do prefer thier sound. Related band Fukpig should really be given a listen as well, one of the better Blackened Grind/Crust bands around.Talking of Blackened music have some Dishammer, awesome head banging D-Beat.
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Any discussion of sludge metal should begin with, end with and be comprised entirely of Iron Monkey.

You misspelled Melvins ;)I love me some Iron Monkey, but come on, there far from being the greatest sludge act in this great sub-genre.And if we're keeping the discussion on sludge than Cult of Luna deserves a mention as today they are one of the best with the last 3 albums being fucking magnificent work of sludge. Edited by steve rayson
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I'm still not sure where I stand with Anaal Nathrakh. On one hand they have some brutal tracks that I fucking love and on the other hand they tend to be way to repetitive without any charm. for example - "In the Constellation of the Black Widow" in my opinion has about 4 killer tracks and the rest pretty much worthless fillers.

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Not to mention another one of hunts side projects, the mighty anaal nathrakh.They're very metal indeed.

They're TOO metal i guess, i love myself a bit of good Black Metal but Anaal were just speed and fuck all else. No idea if they have changed at all but that old impression has kept me away from them.Currently listening to the Inerrant Rays of Infallible Sun (Blackship Shrinebuilder) split by Om and Current 93 (who are not metal but in my top "bands" of all time), i always seem to forget about Om for some reason even though i love Sleep so this needs to be rectified.
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Ha! You know Melvins was the name that ran through in my head as I typed my dismissive Iron Monkey comment. Obviously Melvins for their almost inhuman prolificness are the fucking bosses. I'd give a mention to early Black Flag who pretty much carved out the whole fucking genre. BUT the sheer intensity of those two Iron Monkey albums to me is just unreplicable (if that's a word?). I was going to start a thread a while back about not necessarily everyone's favourite/greatest band but the band that made the biggest impression (whether by sheer accident/circumstance/novelty/whatever) on their first listen. And the first time I heard Web of Piss, that uncompromising riff and those horrible, tortured vocals I was actually a bit fucking scared that people made music like that.


Nods go to Crowbar, Down and Buzzov*en.


I will give Mistress a go I have never heard of them.

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Nods go to Crowbar, Down and Buzzov*en.


I will give Mistress a go I have never heard of them.


Never got the hype over Crowbar myself yet I absolutely love Down, a great band in the studio and freaking amazing live (Windstein and Anselmo are just phenomenal on stage). Buzzov*en never gave me the impression they have anything special to offer, but I'll gladly try and give them a second chance if anybody can tell me which album I should grab to see what's all the buzz about :)


If you want to check out a great young band in the genre, I tell thee to check out Baroness - "Red Album" is full of mighty powerful stuff!

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Any discussion of sludge metal should begin with, end with and be comprised entirely of Iron Monkey.


Beastwars and Hour of 13 tracks are cool. Nice one. I've not been following this thread so don't know score but I'm very open to some sludge sounds. My tiny musical brains usually baulks at the more technical metal so prefer the heavier, more atmospheric, doomy, occasionally excruciatingly slow stuff of Electric Wizard et al.


Oh. Here's some Acid Bath.




I'm going to be rather blasphemous here and say Mistress were doing the Iron Monkey sound better than the originators, the way they added a nasty ammount of grind into the act was perfect. Maybe it's a little bit of bias as i've met them multiple times but i do prefer thier sound. Related band Fukpig should really be given a listen as well, one of the better Blackened Grind/Crust bands around.


Talking of Blackened music have some Dishammer, awesome head banging D-Beat.


This man has stupidly good taste. Dishammer and Fukpig (who are even more amazing live than on record, by the way)? <3

Edited by Forrest
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Hey lads, know of some good catchy death metal you can recommend me? It can be super heavy but I don't want any melodic stuff or anything that sounds too radio friendly but I don't want just technical noise either, definitely none of that extreme metal crossed with emo shit, Cannabis Corpse are perfect. I'm normally more of a Black Metal fan but I've been really feeling death metal vocals recently and was wondering if there was much good stuff about. Someone mentioned a Torture Killer album on this thread ages ago and that was wicked.


PS I'm seeing Enslaved tonight, yes!

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Hey lads, know of some good catchy death metal you can recommend me? It can be super heavy but I don't want any melodic stuff or anything that sounds too radio friendly but I don't want just technical noise either, definitely none of that extreme metal crossed with emo shit, Cannabis Corpse are perfect. I'm normally more of a Black Metal fan but I've been really feeling death metal vocals recently and was wondering if there was much good stuff about. Someone mentioned a Torture Killer album on this thread ages ago and that was wicked.


PS I'm seeing Enslaved tonight, yes!


Vader, they are my goto band when i need something heavy and catchy to nod along with. The third Carcass album is always a good bet too.



Also, how were Enslaved? I saw them once but it was during an odd period when they just started the whole "post-metal" era before it clicked.

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anyone heard this yet? had mine through the door this morning (2 days early, i love pre-order)





Did you order it from Amazon mate? I ordered mine last night, so fingers crossed I get it. Cant wait. Im buzzing Grady is back on vocal duties, nobody else should be the frontman for Will Haven. The song I heard off it was awesome, really different from their usual stuff

nah, i got mine from HMV online.


going back to the album, ive had time to digest it...


It's a fucking beast. Will Haven were always a bit special, it's hard to pin-point why but they always stood out for me. I think the whole package was tremendous, creepy artwork, laid back persona's, and one of the best frontmen in metal. Will Haven's comeback a few years ago was pretty cool, but it fell like the bottom fell out when Grady left the band. It was nice to see them kinda keep it in house and have Jeff Jaworwski sing, but although they put out a decent album it just wasn't the same.


Grady Avanell is one of my favourite vocalists, it aint like he does anything special the guy just has a presence when fronting a band, again it's hard to say why but he just oozes this serious, aggressive charisma, fucking great.


This album definately sounds like a classic Will Haven album, all them creepy interludes and the atmosphere they created on the first 2 records are back and you have to take this whole album as a body of work. It doesn't really work in single tracks, but thread em all together and it's just a fucking crazy listen. It could very well top my album of the year lists come December.


Get it, then get the 3 other albums the band have released...then get the one with Jeff Jaworski singing.

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