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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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That's what put me off going back to Bloodstock for so long, elitists moaning that a band wasn't tr00e metal! And this is back when it was a predominantly power metal festival. You get them everywhere, and there's no point getting wound up by them cos that's what they want.



I've never experienced that at Bloodstock. I've been on the message boads over on their website and i could see why people would have that impression but at the actual festival it's very friendly and i've never seen a negative reaction to any kind band there. There was uproar to bands like Hatebreed getting put on the bill and they've killed it both times they've played to a huge reaction. I think the elitists go quiet and hide at the back when shit actually goes down.

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My only previous experience of Bloodstock was in 2003 when it was still the small indoor festival, and there were ALOT of what we've discussed as elitists which is what put me off.

But like I say, you get them everywhere. Last year at Damnation I had a guy giving me shit because I had a Ghost tshirt on


People will just moan about anything. Twitter was harious the other day when the KISS announcement was made official. People saying "three shit headliners, I arn't going", "when are one direction confirmed" etc.


Slipknot- one of the few 'younger' bands who you can call a credible headliner

Muse- not for me, but I can understand why they've been booked. They have a massive following and puts eyes on Download as a festival

KISS- outside of Aerosmith, probably the biggest name in American rock that Download can realistically book


You just wonder what people want/expect from festivals these days

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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My mate is guilting me cause he's acting like if i don't go, he won't go but i think when you dread something more than you're excited for it it's probably best to sit it out.


Maybe i just need to man up?



Just go. You're bound to have a blast, it's a holiday away with your mates & a shedload of good bands. Even if it doesn't live up to your expectations it's better to do it & (slightly) regret it than not even experience it at all.

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We drove down this year, dead easy to get to and parking is plentiful, bit of a walk around once you do get there but nothing you wouldn't experience at any other festival.


Two smaller camp sites and then two larger ones , but get there early enough and you'll find a spot no bother. We got there at 10pm this year and had to try find a space in the dark which wasn't fun. The camp is dead close to the arena too, 5minutes if that, not a real trek like at Download.

It is a real good site. Main stage is about the size of Download's second stage.


We're defiantly thinking of going again for 2015

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Yeh the logisitical thing is one of the reasons why i keep going back. The carpark walk to the camp site is no more than 10mins. Theres the convenience of just nipping back to your tent if you fancy it during the day as well, none of that at Download.


The actual crowd is never too packed either, of course if you goto the front you're gonna get squished but you can stand central towards the back and have a sound view and still be relatively close to the stage.


As for what Dead Mike said, i get that and it all goes back to me thinking just man up and go, but ive done enough festivals now to know that i just cant be fucked with the hassle, :D Bloodstock gives you the big festival experience on a much smaller scale and thats the appeal for me...as well as the killer lineup.

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Does anyone know a good site to buy CDs from that are not available on Amazon?


Im after The Adversary by Thy Art Is Murder but cant find it anywhere. There is one on ebay International, but thought I would check with you guys if there is anywhere else I can be looking

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