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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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Speaking of which, the new Pure Love album is streaming on Noisey UK.


I think it's great, just good ol' fashioned fun time rock n' roll. It's got touches of The Clash, Dropkick Murphys, Cockney Rebel... And it's ace.


I don't think there's much of a market for it, unfortunately. But, I already own like 3 shirts, a bag and have pre-ordered the album. So, I'm in.

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yeh i'll check that out.


I've had a few listens to the Gallows record, i like it, short, snappy, pissed off punk rock. I was never really a fan of the band before, i heard bits and pieces of the first two albums but i never really gave em much thought.


Gallows were a weird band in that despite having a thoroughly underground type sound, they went and signed with a major got on the front of Kerrang! which has probably harmed em down the line because it turned as many people off to them as it turn on. You can bet that the majority of the bandwagon jumpers have moved on to other shit now so Gallows are trying to build themselves back up from scratch.

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I've never really liked Diabolus In Musica bar Bitter Peace, Scrum and the second half of Perversions of Pain. Undisputed Attitude, on the other hand is probably one of my favourite Slayer albums of all time. It's just such a fun album to listen to.

Undisputed Attitude was the first Slayer album i ever bough, it came out when i was first starting getting into metal so i bought it off the back of hearing I Hate You on Headbanger's Ball, i had no idea it was a covers album at the time, and i didn't listen to the classic Slayer albums until at least 5 years later. I was a bit of a slow starter with Slayer, and i went about it backwards :laugh:

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Gallows were a weird band in that despite having a thoroughly underground type sound, they went and signed with a major got on the front of Kerrang! which has probably harmed em down the line because it turned as many people off to them as it turn on. You can bet that the majority of the bandwagon jumpers have moved on to other shit now so Gallows are trying to build themselves back up from scratch.


The story I heard about Gallows (from the Metal Hammer podcast) was that Warner Bros were having an internal management reshuffle after a bunch of failed/disappointing signings. One of their new executives held a meeting telling the agents they wanted them to go out & sign the hottest new band in England. At the time Gallows were building a reputation for their live shows & were quickly signed up on a

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At the time they were signed it wasn't unheard of for a heavy 'core' band to get signed, and wanting to have a British equivalent to the American 'core' bands made sense.


But, Gallows were never a band with smooth edges like A Day to Remember or Alexisonfire.


They were, more so than now even, an ugly, gritty, nasty band that were never going to appeal to the fairweather, bandwagon jumping kidcore fans. That audience might've wanted heavy music, but they still wanted chorus' and heartthrobs. Gallows had a ginger bloke with face tattoos who'd openly punch an audience member if they pissed him off.


Gallows were great. They were never going to crossover.

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I only moved here 6 months ago.


And you know how people say that London is somewhere you like from afar but you could never live there? It's bullshit. It's ace.


And it makes you feel younger, too. Everywhere else in the country, it seems you hit 25 and people think its strange you haven't got 2 kids.


But, yes, drinks are good.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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I only moved here 6 months ago.


And you know how people say that London is somewhere you like from afar but you could never live there? It's bullshit. It's ace.


And it makes you feel younger, too. Everywhere else in the country, it seems you hit 25 and people think its strange you haven't got 2 kids.


But, yes, drinks are good.


Agreed 100%. People are always slagging off London, to my annoyance. I know it's loud, crowded and has a bit of a shit attitude, but it's still the world's most cosmopolitan city and it's a shitload of fun. It's my home town. I find that people who slag it off just haven't had the best of it yet.


And definitely agree about the "younger" thing - although in my case, it's more the reverse: whenever I leave London, I'm surprised at how young parents are, and how many there are of them.

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Can I ask, how highly do people rate Brian Fallon here?


He's fast becoming an icon for me, in the same way Springsteen, Morrissey and Dave Grohl are.


I mean, I'd say Gaslight are the greatest straight ahead rock n roll band in the world right now but his side project, The Horrible Crowes are bloody excellent, too. Their album is a blues-y, Tom Waits-y masterpiece. The lead single Behold the Hurricane is a modern classic.


Annnnnnd, I've just discovered his demo's for an aborted solo project that are just beautiful.


Lyrically and musically, he's just ace.

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