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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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RE: Within Temptation. I had it on good authority that it was a simple case of the safety cut off kicking in. Much like surge protected plugs cut the power to prevent damage to other equipment, this was the case with Within Temptation's set. That spot in that song for whatever reason pushed the the setup too far and the safety kicked in. This is why it happened at that exact point 3x. We were discussing it on the stage while waiting for Sepultura to come on. It's just an unfortunate happening and left the end of their set pretty flat.

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RE: Within Temptation. I had it on good authority that it was a simple case of the safety cut off kicking in. Much like surge protected plugs cut the power to prevent damage to other equipment, this was the case with Within Temptation's set. That spot in that song for whatever reason pushed the the setup too far and the safety kicked in. This is why it happened at that exact point 3x. We were discussing it on the stage while waiting for Sepultura to come on. It's just an unfortunate happening and left the end of their set pretty flat.

I thought they dealt with it pretty well to be fair.

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RE: Within Temptation. I had it on good authority that it was a simple case of the safety cut off kicking in. Much like surge protected plugs cut the power to prevent damage to other equipment, this was the case with Within Temptation's set. That spot in that song for whatever reason pushed the the setup too far and the safety kicked in. This is why it happened at that exact point 3x. We were discussing it on the stage while waiting for Sepultura to come on. It's just an unfortunate happening and left the end of their set pretty flat.

I thought they dealt with it pretty well to be fair.



Yeah, once it became clear it wasn't goign to happen and they skipped past the song, it was handled as well as it could be. It's just a shame it meant the crowd didn't get back into it properly again as they played one upbeat song and 2 slow songs to finish. I felt bad for them. Met them earlier in the day and they were all great, Sharon especially.

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I was genuinely surprised at how much i was enjoying their set though. They had a fairly thin headline crowd but it was going down well.


I was wrecked for the Trivium set on friday (got carried away with it being opening day an' all), but i recall enjoying the hell out of that too.

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Trivium knocked it out of the park once the tech issues were sorted by the third song. The Bloodstock forum is chocked of people still moaning that they were even there but that will always happen.


Apparently after Trivium's set, Venom were announced for 2016, which I can't remember happening at all which is saying a bit as I don't even drink. Not a headliner either, so that's Venom & Behemoth already confirmed neither of which are the headliners, so it will be interesting to see who they go for.

Judas Priest are the one people seem desperate for, with people saying "I've got a feeling they'll do it next time". It's like before debuted Sting in WWE, if you say it enough times you'll be right eventually

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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A lot thought Judas Priest would have been there this year with it being the 15th festival, and the same thinking for next year for the 15th anniversary.

They are a logical booking who would draw, but it all comes down to asking price I imagine.


They also spoke of a massive clue of one of next years headliners over by the bar next to the New Blood Stage. The only thing I can think of was the massive ad for the new Slayer album that was there on the Saturday. It was on a massive trailer rather than a poster on one of the walls like the other upcoming Nuclear Blast releases

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Judas Priest are the one people seem desperate for, with people saying "I've got a feeling they'll do it next time". It's like before debuted Sting in WWE, if you say it enough times you'll be right eventually

If I keep saying Danzig will headline I hope I'm eventually right, I've wanted it for years.

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A lot thought Judas Priest would have been there this year with it being the 15th festival, and the same thinking for next year for the 15th anniversary.

They are a logical booking who would draw, but it all comes down to asking price I imagine.


They also spoke of a massive clue of one of next years headliners over by the bar next to the New Blood Stage. The only thing I can think of was the massive ad for the new Slayer album that was there on the Saturday. It was on a massive trailer rather than a poster on one of the walls like the other upcoming Nuclear Blast releases


Price is always a key factor. It's actually the reason they haven't had some of the big power metal acts. Vicky Hungerford was telling me that it's a simple case of those power metal acts being huge in Europe, thus they can command big money there. But they don't draw as well in the UK, thus the return on that kind of investment isn't viable. Then there are the travel expenses to take into account for all the kit.


Slayer would surprise me as they headlined 2013 and it seems way too soon. Granted Behemoth headlined 2012, but as they aren't headlining this time around it's not quite the same.

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Slayer would suprise me too because, as you said, they did it in 2013 but it was the only thing that I could link to the so called 'clues at the bar'.

Blind Guardian are a band that constantly crop up as a band people want to headline, but they arn't a band that are going to shift tickets en mass over here compared to what they can in mainland Europe, hence how they command the higher price. If you've got the choice of playing somewhere you know they will draw for big money compared to somewhere where you will only draw a certain amount of hardcore fans, I know which they're more likely to take


Bloodstock seem to take a bigger risk with their headliners which I think can only be a good thing. It's difficult for bands to ascend to main event status (© New Generation Project Podcast) if you don't give them that opportunity, Download could learn from doing similar rather than having the same bunch of rotating headliners

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Id be happy with Slayer again.


Mastodon and Volbeat are two bands id like see get a crack at it.


There's always a bit of backlash to the headliners but they always go down well, Trivium were no exception. I always find Bloodstock's band ordering weird though, some of the bands earlier in the day get way bigger crowds than the later bands. Might be down to festival fatigue, whos on the other stages etc. though.

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Volbeat are a band who I'd love to see do it, one of the best live acts going and Michael Poulsen is the biggest metal mark going.

Another one I think would be greT for it are Ghost, who have great tunes and a great theatrical stage show and look to them. But again, they'd be greeted with the "not troooo! metal" bullshit that everyone who isn't singing about elves & wizards gets

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