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MMA: Past Fight Discussion

Egg Shen

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i don't think people realise how long Chris Lytle's been in the UFC, i say chuck the fucker in the hall of fame...pound for pound i dont think anyone's had as many good fights as Lytle.


This. The fact that he's been grinding out a job all that time aswell makes him putting on a show for better or worse everytime he steps into the octagon even more impressive.

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Got a couple of days off work and got round to watching UFC 41 today.After watching UFC 34 I was looking forward to the Penn/Uno and Lindland/Baroni rematches.


UFC 41: Onslaught


Ken Shamrock joins the commentary team with Mike Goldberg for this one.And they have a blonde girl doing the post fight interviews here for some reason,think she was on a few UFC's round this time.She didn't do a bad job but the fact she was taller than most of the fighters looked a bit weird.


She's better to look at than Joe Rogan though that's for sure ;)


Anyway the fights


Yves Edwards vs Rich Clementi

This was a pretty good fight.Very solid showing from Edwards,he controls most of the fight and does more damage.In the 3rd Yves gets Clementi's back and secures a rear naked choke for the win.


Gan McGee vs Alexandre Dantas

Short and sweet.Dantas keeps dropping for leglocks,McGee defends and rains down heavy punches for the TKO finish in round 1.


Matt Serra vs Din Thomas

This was a bit disappointing,not the fight you'd expect from these 2.Basically Serra tries for takedowns the whole time and finds no success with it while Thomas lands some nice counter punches.That's pretty much the story of the fight for 15 minutes.Serra finally gets a takedown right at the final buzzer but it's way too late.Din Thomas gave a pretty impressive performance,albeit not that exciting.His sprawl looked great here and his hands were good too.


So fairly comfortable decision win for Thomas....but when Buffer read the decision it was announced as a win for Matt Serra.As it turned out one of the judges fucked up his scorecard and gave Serra the points he wanted to give Thomas.Cause they look so alike right,easy mistake :rolleyes: Anyway the decision was later overturned and the win was rightfully given to Thomas.


This isn't explained on the DVD though,so anyone watching would have just assumed Thomas got ripped off.


Pedro Rizzo vs Vladimir Matyushenko

Vlad was able to control Rizzo with wrestling and ground and pound and Rizzo couldn't get anything going.Not great but a good showing for Vlad,his wrestling made the difference here and he took the decision clearly.


Matt Lindland vs Phil Baroni

Similar to their first fight with Lindland going for an aggressive wrestling attack and Baroni just trying to take his head off every chance he gets.There was a ton of trash talk for this one and the fight itself is really intense.Lindland probably took this win more convincingly than the first time but Baroni gave 100% for the whole 15 mins,he landed some big shots like the first fight and even at the very end he was hammering hard body shots in.


Really enjoyable,mega heated battle.


(UFC Lightweight Title)

BJ Penn vs Caol Uno

Surprisingly after such a short fight last time,this one goes the full 5 rounds and is so close it ends up being scored a draw.I actually thought BJ just about edged it though.I had BJ winning rounds 1,4 and 5 and Uno taking 2 and 3 but it was pretty close.


Bit of an odd fight though,there were parts with great action and some nice grappling but there were also times where neither guy would engage.Uno was taking down BJ quite a bit in this fight which was impressive and handled himself pretty well on the feet too.


Not bad but not a classic or anything.


Tank Abbott vs Frank Mir

Not much to say about this one really.Tank stuffs a takedown attempt,winds up on top,seconds later Mir's got him in a nice omaplata/toe hold combo and Tank is forced to tap all in about a minute.


Everyone thought Tank was gonna give Mir a pasting but he had no clue how to deal with someone with a really dangerous guard like Mir.


(UFC Heavyweight Title)

Ricco Rodriguez vs Tim Sylvia

Ricco comes out with Felix Trinidad waving the Puerto Rican flag and seems very overconfident since winning the title from Randy.Couple of minutes in Sylvia cracks him with a big straight right that puts him on his back and Timmy follows up with about 4 punches on the ground (2 of which luckily miss or they'd have been picking Ricco up with a dustpan and brush) and the ref puts a stop to it.Tim Sylvia is the new heavyweight champion.


The behind the scenes feature is great.Especially the Baroni-Lindland stuff and Tank Aboott.Lindland and Baroni rip into each other.Baroni's his usual foul mouthed self and Lindland joins in on the smack talk calling him 'an arrogant little prick'.It's interesting to see Lindland playing Baroni at his own game and trying to get under his skin at the weigh ins.Randy even says that was the plan to get Baroni wound up.


Tank Abbott actually comes across as a really good guy on the extras here.He's calm and totally out of character.You see him talking to fans,posing for pictures,joking around with Dana,Buffer and the Fertitta's.And the highlight - asking a guy (dunno who he was,a fan or one of Tank's mates) to go out and get him chocolate bars and Skittles :laugh:


Weird seeing a guy like Tank out of fight mode.

Edited by wandshogun09
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i don't think people realise how long Chris Lytle's been in the UFC, i say chuck the fucker in the hall of fame...pound for pound i dont think anyone's had as many good fights as Lytle.


This. The fact that he's been grinding out a job all that time aswell makes him putting on a show for better or worse everytime he steps into the octagon even more impressive.


Yeah Lytle deserves the recognition of the HOF I think.He's alway's in FOTN caliber wars,always gives 100% and he seems like a nice guy too.Doesn't bitch about title shots and stuff he just loves to scrap,he'll fight anyone.That's the kind of guy you want representing the sport.


If he beats Matt Serra I hope they give him the winner of Hardy-Condit.

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i don't think people realise how long Chris Lytle's been in the UFC, i say chuck the fucker in the hall of fame...pound for pound i dont think anyone's had as many good fights as Lytle.


This. The fact that he's been grinding out a job all that time aswell makes him putting on a show for better or worse everytime he steps into the octagon even more impressive.

Whilst at the same time as having his full time job in the fire service, for several years in the early 2000s he was also a fighting as a pro boxer aswell as being a pro MMA fighter.

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UFC 79


I've been really looking forward to this one.


Melvin Guillard vs. Rich Clementi


Rich with some taunting after the tap out causes Guillard to get pretty pissed off. It was pretty hilarious stuff from Rich to be honest. Especially the mocking on the mic. Some might not like it, but I laughed. He had a good fight though. I loved when Rich had Guillard ready for the takedown and then just held him there, causing Guillard to raise his arms as if to say "just get on with it". He then did pretty well to keep there when Guillard was looking like getting anything from it. It was a fun round of action anyroads.


Machida with world class trash talk before the next fight. "He says he's gonna give me my first loss, but that's difficult to say before the fight." ... Umm ... aye.


Lyoto Machida vs. Sokoudjou


Any Machida fight that I've watched up to this point that has gone for very long has not amused me at all. That first round was not entertaining at all. The second round was very good from Machida though. He caught Sokoudjou with the punch and from that point he was in all sorts of bother. Sokoudjou actually did pretty well to survive the ground and pound from Machida after the punch but it was only delaying the inevitable. Machida seemed determined to get that Head and Arm choke.


Eddie Sanchez vs. Soa Palelei


The tactic for Soa through the fight seemed to be to keep Sanchez close and early on in the fight, it could be excused, as Sanchez certainly has heavy hands and gives Soa a bit of a beating, but when he continues to do so when the fight and decision seems to be out of reach, then you feel that Soa should have done more to try and win the fight before the end. It was a pretty easy fight for Sanchez in the end, and he decides to emulate Rich Clementi by doing some trash talking after the fight, which isn't quite as amusing as Rich was. Especially when he decides to declare respect for Soa, kinda killing the buzz. :(


Chuck Liddell vs. Wanderlei Silva


This better match the hype it got both before and afterwards. It seemed to tail off towards the end of the fight, but you can't have it all, can you ? This was madness. There were spells in the first one and a half rounds when they actually appeared to be taking turns at landing combos. When it got to that midway point through the second round though, Chuck began to take more and more control of the fight, almost to the point that he began to pick apart Silva. Silva was a wee bit too standoff-ish when he had Chuck on his arse as well which might well have been costly in the end. This was a terrific fight though and worth the wait.


Georges St. Pierre vs. Matt Hughes


GSP decides to channel Booker T and HBK within seconds of each other with the spinaroonie and then the kip up. GSP was relentless here with the constant takedowns. Hughes got off lucky when he gave up the back at the very end of the first round. GSP looked brutal in the first round, just slamming the body and head of Hughes into the canvas over and over and over again when Hughes was trying to keep him close. To Hughes' credit, he didn't let that fucker go and got out of there. Great showing from GSP here.


GSP in a good moment after the fight drops the interim title and says that he isn't the champion untill he faces Matt Serra. Fair enough.


Manny Gamburyan vs. Nate Mohr


Manny with a BRUTAL submission there to win the fight. The twist on that had the crowd "oooooo" ing which isn't always something you hear with a submission ! Anyways, it was a good showing as Manny made it look pretty easy.


UFC 80


I've just noticed how close I must be to when I started watching, as Lesnar and Mir is coming up. Yet there's loads I haven't seen after that. Hmm.


Kendall Grove vs. Jorge Rivera


This one looks like it could be very good. Well, I suppose it was good in it's way. :laugh: That was just punch after punch after punch when he got Grove down. Grove managed to get back to his feet and it didn't make the slightest bit of difference as Rivera was just relentless. As soon as I type that, Rogan calls it relentless too.


James Lambert vs. Wilson Gouveia


Did anyone expect that knockout from Wilson ? The first round was basically Jason Lambert taking down Wilson and laying on the ground and pound and even at the start of the second round, he had Wilson against the fence in the clinch and was putting in some good left hands too, and then all of a sudden, Wilson EXPLODES out of the fence with the left hook and Lambert was knocked out as soon as it landed. Wow.


Marcus Davis vs. Jess Liaudin


Jess Liaudin has a bit of the Gary Oldman about him. Davis' corner had just told him that when Jess misses a kick, he was to "get on him" and just seconds later, Jess misses a kick and Davis lands a HELL of a left hand and it's lights out for Jess.


Paul Taylor vs. Paul Kelly


"Taylor's staying in it, but it's kinda futile."


RESISTANCE IS FUTILE !!! Come out. Touch gloves. UNLEASH HELL !!! I don't think I've seen an opening 20 seconds quite like that with both guys exploding and just unleashing rights and lefts on each other. After that it becomes more of a story of Taylor ending up on his back and Kelly really unloads with the bombs when he's down there. For the MOST part, Taylor manages to keep the defence tight, but Kelly gets enough through that Taylor took some major damage including some nasty elbows which opens up a nasty gash on the head which gushes as soon as the elbow hits. A fun fight even if you take out the first 20 seconds.


Gabriel Gonzaga vs. Fabrico Werdum


Fabricio Werdum had a cracking showing in the second round, but Gonzaga seemed to be in a really bad way through a good bit of the second round. Especially when Werdum just stated going with the final onslaught and even then, Gonzaga didn't appear to be defending himself all that well, just lifting his hands while he was eating big knees and big uppercuts, so I guess it should have been predictable that as soon as the fight went down, it'd be over soon after. It was a good couple of rounds of action.


Joe Stevenson vs. BJ Penn


All in all, that wasn't a good night for Stevenson was it ? BJ Penn came out and floored him right off the bat, floored him a second time and then inflicted a HORRIBLE cut. I felt a little sick about five seconds after the cut opened. It didn't get much better in the second round as Penn started to pick apart Stevenson with the strikes, landing some big left hands. Eventually gets the back and that's all she wrote. He basically mauled Stevenson for two rounds there.


Colin Robinson vs. Antoni Hardonk


Left hand from Hardonk and it's done. Brutal leg kicks aside, there wasn't much more to it.


Alessio Sakara vs. James Lee


Lee is a big looking bloke ! That was a bizarre fight there. James Lee's takedown attempts were brilliant. He grabs and then he just sticks to him like an unwanted rash. Of course, Sakara realises that a good way of making him let go is to punch him real hard in the face and that ends up winning the fight for him.

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Chuck Liddell vs. Wanderlei Silva


This better match the hype it got both before and afterwards. It seemed to tail off towards the end of the fight, but you can't have it all, can you ? This was madness. There were spells in the first one and a half rounds when they actually appeared to be taking turns at landing combos. When it got to that midway point through the second round though, Chuck began to take more and more control of the fight, almost to the point that he began to pick apart Silva. Silva was a wee bit too standoff-ish when he had Chuck on his arse as well which might well have been costly in the end. This was a terrific fight though and worth the wait.


Yeah that is one of my all time favourite fights by far.Nobody expected it to go the distance but in a way I'm glad it did.If it had been over in 2 minutes it would have been a bit of a 'is that it?' feeling after waiting years to see it.The fact Wand took Chuck's big shots and never went down probably made him even more popular than if he'd won.


Classic fight,one of the rare times where a huge fight lived up to all the hype and probably surpassed it.


Paul Taylor vs. Paul Kelly


"Taylor's staying in it, but it's kinda futile."


RESISTANCE IS FUTILE !!! Come out. Touch gloves. UNLEASH HELL !!! I don't think I've seen an opening 20 seconds quite like that with both guys exploding and just unleashing rights and lefts on each other. After that it becomes more of a story of Taylor ending up on his back and Kelly really unloads with the bombs when he's down there. For the MOST part, Taylor manages to keep the defence tight, but Kelly gets enough through that Taylor took some major damage including some nasty elbows which opens up a nasty gash on the head which gushes as soon as the elbow hits. A fun fight even if you take out the first 20 seconds.


I was at UFC 80 and Taylor-Tellys was fucking amazing live.2 Brits going all out for 15 minutes,the cut was real bad but Taylor gutted it out.Telly's was vicious on top.Great fight.And with so many quick finishes it made the live broadcast on Setanta which was cool.


My dad never watches UFC but I remember when I came home all he was on about was that fight and the mess BJ made of Joe Daddy's face.Or as my dad put it "that Asian bloke and John Stevens" :laugh:

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UFC 81


And we have the show that turned me into a UFC fan.


Gleison Tibau vs. Tyson Griffin


This was a very close fight I felt. I'd probably have had it for Tibau over the three rounds. The first round was probably Griffin's, but Tibau hit some good counter shots in the second and third and was also able to take Griffin down with ease a few times. The one problem though was that Griffin kept on bouncing back up like a Jack in the Box. I certainly don't see how it was a 30-27 unanimous decision and the fans seem to agree with that analysis. In saying that, the majority of the fight was on the feet and Tyson was certainly the aggressor for the most part. It was a cracking fight anyways. Tyson Griffin always seems to have good fights around this time.


Ricardo Almeida vs. Rob Yundt


Insane counter to an escape attempt from Rob Yundt from the Guillotine Choke and Ricardo just was not letting that bad boy go. He got that out of NOWHERE as well. Blink and you'll miss that bad boy. Impressive stuff.


Jeremy Horn vs. Nate Marquardt


I'm quite looking forward to this bad boy, I have to say. I loved that finish there, with Horn going for the takedown and Nate trapping him with the choke to make him tap. The first round was brilliant. Mostly had Nate in control and as soon as they mentioned how good Horn's guard was, Nate started to unload with bombs in there. He also shook Horn big time with an elbow and seemed to hurt him a bit with more of them down there. I think that was a chance to win it but it never came back to haunt him. It was a good round and a bit of action though and I'm a little disappointed that I never got more.


David Heath vs. Tim Boetsch


Boetsch has honest to god the greatest entrance music ever. Fuck knows where this came from, but it's so stupid, it's awesome. You know what ? Boetsch is awesome full stop here. He just starts punching the fuck out of Heath and then seems to get annoyed at the fact that Heath isn't going down so he just TOSSES him down as if to say "GET DOWN YOU PRICK !!!" and then he keeps on going. That's one of the most entertaining beatdowns I've seen in yonks.


Brock Lesnar vs. Frank Mir


And this is the big un. Lesnar just mauled him there. Just as much as I remembered. Lesnar seemed to learn from the first scare when Mir went for the arm, and then Mir went to the foot and made him tap there. Thought the ref taking a point from Lesnar for the shot to the back of the head was harsh, but it was fuckface, so what can you expect ? Good showing from Lesnar and you can see why there was so much potential seen in him, but he made stupid mistakes and they cost him.


Tim Sylvia vs. Minotauro Nogueira


You always have to be wary of someone like Nogueira when you're in their guard or half guard. I was just typing when Sylvia was out of it "he might want to get back to the feet" but then he stayed where he was and Nog flipped him and then got the choke to make it nighty night. Up to that point, he was coming more and more into the fight, firstly by defending the striking a bit better and then starting to land a few big shots of his own. The first round was pretty terrible for him. Reminded me of the Herring fight, but he can take everything that is thrown at him and come back for more. In the end, it was the submission skills that got him ahead which is no surprise. Tim Sylvia left himself wide open for that.


Kyle Bradley vs. Chris Lytle


I know I shouldn't laugh, but Bradley grabbing the ref into the guard was pretty brilliant. As for the fight, Lytle rocked Bradley big time and the leg kick definately didn't help. It seemed to take a while for Lytle to realise that he had it in the bag. He fucking unloads though.


Robert Emerson vs. Keita Nakamura


I found it really hard to get into this fight. I don't know if it was because of it's position on the show. Might also have something to do with me being shattered, but I just didn't enjoy it. It was certainly a busy fight. I thought Emerson did pretty well, granted I was having a hard time keeping up, but he appeared to be doing a good job adjusting to the changing in approaches from Nakamura from time to time.


UFC 82


Jon Fitch vs. Chris Wilson


I was just thinking that I hadn't had my Fitch fix in a while. The second round of this was terrible. About 30 seconds of it was Fitch basically hanging to the feet of Wilson which, while understandable, was fucking chronic. The fight on the whole wasn't bad. Wilson did well in the first two rounds with his striking with constant fakes and then landing his shots, but when Fitch figured it out in the third round, he started to pick apart Wilson on the feet with all sorts of leg kicks and combos and Wilson didn't really have an answer for him in the end. Even in the second round, Fitch just got Wilson down and controlled the fight down there. Thinking of it, that foot thing might have happened in the first round. Personally I can't be arsed going back to look for it.


Yushin Okami vs. Evan Tanner


Evan Tanner just wasn't at the races in the second round. He was getting increasingly frustrated with himself and Okami seemed to get more and more confident as he was basically picking apart Tanner. Okami was getting some success in the clinch with the knees to the body in the clinch so I suppose it was fitting that he ended it with a knee to the head in the clinch. Tanner didn't look too bad in the first round either even managing to get a couple of big strikes of his own and a couple of combos. It just wasn't happening in the second though.


Alessio Sakara vs. Chris Leben


This should liven things up a bit ! I like both guys. That was an awesome few minutes there. It's always fun to watch two guys go full pelt at each other and Sakara and Leben just stood toe to toe with each other. Sakara is upset at the end of the fight. I do think that Herb Dean was a LITTLE quick to stop the fight, although he came in just as Sakara was looking to grab something so you can see Sakara's arguement, but there was a couple of punches thrown there that were completely unanswered. Probably a premature ending to the fight, but it was a fun fight while it lasted.


Heath Herring vs. Cheick Kongo


I don't know about anyone else, but I loved this fight. I liked how any time there was a break, Herring would just fly at Kongo. Made for some good fun exchanges between the two men. Herring did a great job of making sure that Kongo couldn't keep him down and Kongo was just useless when it came to keeping Herring off of him. Herring took the side position and just stayed there and landed knee after knee after knee. Kongo probably deserved to lose for that alone.


Anderson Silva vs. Dan Henderson


The first round reminded me of the Sonnen fight where Henderson was really dictating things and then he got the takedown and completely controlled it, but in the second round, Silva went into "fuck this !" mode and just unleashed holy hell on Henderson. The big knees basically signalled the end for Henderson as Silva got him down and unleashed a pretty brutal ground and pound both from the top, and then when he got the back and the choke just finished the job that was academic.


Dustin Hazelett vs. Josh Koscheck


Have to admire Koscheck's counter striking here. Most of his effective striking in the fight came when Dustin was coming forward. In saying that, the big KO finish came through all of his own work. I loved that opening exchange between them when Dustin unloaded and then Josh clocked him and came forward after it. We also see a BIIIIG takedown in the fight from Koscheck. It was a very impressive fight from Koscheck in pretty much every way.

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Watched UFC 30 'Battle of the Boardwalk' a couple of days ago. No lengthy write up, but a must see, historic show.


This is the first event since Zuffa bought the company, and after the usual show opening and introductions we get a very pensive and nervy looking Dana White being interviewed by James Warme. Dana is the new president of the UFC and says that their goal is to make the UFC the Superbowl of MMA. We also have a three man announcing team this time around, with Frank Shamrock joining Mike Goldberg and Jeff Blatnick in the booth. I will say it again that Shamrock is far better here than he is currently with Strikeforce, it is as if the guy regresses everytime he gets a microphone in his hand.


The must see fight is Josh Barnett vs Pedro Rizzo. Just a high paced all action fight that sees both fighters exchange several hard shots and numerous crisp inside leg kicks for the duration of the fight. The ending is brutal as Rizzo lands a right to the temple of Barnett, and as he is wobbling nails him with a right to the jaw that sends him crashing to the canvas. Excellent fight.


Elsewhere, Elvis Sinosic in his UFC debut subs Jeremy Horn in a big upset (Horn was being primed as the next contender for Tito Ortiz), Jens Pulver defeats Caol Uno to become the first UFC Bantamweight (155lbs) champion in a good fight and Tito Ortiz KOs Evan Tanner in 30 seconds. The main was an anti-climax as both fighters were coming off really impressive performances at UFC 29. Ortiz got a body clinched and then slammed Tanner to the canvas, and he was knocked out from that slam, similar to Frank Shamrock vs Ivor Zinoviev from back in the day.

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Barnett is awesome.


I loved the Chuck/Wandy fight. Chuck must have thought it was close as fuck in his head to be shooting in for takedowns. That was a first for me, never saw him do that. I might go watch 79 now actually.


I think Chuck might have went for the takedowns late on cause he'd knackered himself out and wanted to keep Wand guessing.I haven't seen the fight in a while now but I seem to recall one time he goes fucking beserk trying to put Wandy away,Wand survives barely and Chuck's breathing hard and looking at the clock and stuff.He'd punched himself out.


I think he knew he was probably ahead but didn't wanna risk totally gassing out and Wand getting a late come from behind KO Scott Smith style.


But yeah,an all time classic.I'm gonna have to watch it again soon too.

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