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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Hans Zimmer has always been fairly lazy. It's hard to tell any of his scores apart, they're all so similiar. But I guess that's what people hire him for.


He doesn't even bother writing them any more. He has a bunch of underlings who pump out Zimmer-esque scores for undemanding action directors, and he'll probably write the "head", which will be that same collection of notes he always has as his themes.


I hate Zimmer. The last studio I was working at, they all loved Zimmer and thought Michael Bay was the best director in the world right now. It did my head in.

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Watched the brilliant The Revenge of Frankenstein just now on youtube. During the film I had to endure no less than 8 adverts. Thankfully, the ads were strategically placed at the ends of scenes, making them less intrusive than in other youtube movies I

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Alright, so just HOW fucking great is Taken? WHAT a fucking awesome film. THAT is how you make a completely riveting action thriller - no pissing around, simple main plot, great action scenes, strong leading man. Bloody brilliant.

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Taken is of course super awesome, but how bad is the chick who plays Kim? So shit! She's like 30-something playing a teenager, so what she does to act young is run like a retarded 5 year old in every scene.


It's good that she's not really in the film all that much. Sadly it looks like she'll have a bigger role in the sequel.

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Like in, say, Inception?


Not really. Inception had several points where it seemed like Arnie Grape wasn't going to be able to put the microchip in the Irish lad's head. I forget the plot, to be honest, but whatever Leo was trying to do didn't just come easy to him at every step. Taken was just a series of action scenes where the hero was never in any danger of failing. He didn't even have a black mate who got killed. The most trouble Neeson was in was that one bit when some red-taper wouldn't give him a VISA or something.

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Taken is of course super awesome, but how bad is the chick who plays Kim? So shit! She's like 30-something playing a teenager, so what she does to act young is run like a retarded 5 year old in every scene.


It's good that she's not really in the film all that much. Sadly it looks like she'll have a bigger role in the sequel.


She's really shit but it's a crap role so it's not really Maggie Grace's fault. She serves her purpose, though, she's doing the Alyssa Milano bit.

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Like in, say, Inception?


Not really. Inception had several points where it seemed like Arnie Grape wasn't going to be able to put the microchip in the Irish lad's head. I forget the plot, to be honest, but whatever Leo was trying to do didn't just come easy to him at every step. Taken was just a series of action scenes where the hero was never in any danger of failing. He didn't even have a black mate who got killed. The most trouble Neeson was in was that one bit when some red-taper wouldn't give him a VISA or something.


And now much peril was Dutch ever in during Commando? Was there ever a point in Rambo where you really thought he'd get killed? Beaing genuinely fearful for the protagonist isn't really a requirement of the action genre, that's more for horror. Action movies are about intense drama, fistpumping death and mayhem, and a simple good-bad division that the audience understands so that it can get behind the hero.

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Yeah, it's a staple of the vast majority of thrillers and action films. Singling Taken out for it is daft. My issue with Inception is that the enemy were so cack-handed that you didn't think ANY of them were in peril, which is ridiculous considering there was a whole team of them rather than just the one guy.

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