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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Anyone seen Martha Marcy May Marlene? Thought it was really good but not as good as it easily could have been. Elizabeth Olsen is completely superb in it, though, and flippin' lovely, too.

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Bigger, Stronger, Faster




An excellent documentary about steroids. The director, Chris Bell, begins with what influenced him in the 80s and 90s - wrestling, Arnie, Sly Stallone and baseball - and looks at the male body image culture that sprouted from that era, with the clash of doing the right thing (i.e. not cheating) while having to be the best.


The documentary cuts through the media fearmongering over steroids and examines the grey areas in performance enhancement, the legal/legislative double standards and more. It's fun, personal (even bordering exploitative, I feel) and extensive.


I'd recommend this, and it's littered with wrestling to boot (the director's brother, late jobber Mike Bell, is featured heavily).

Edited by Vice
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Saw that a while back, i'll get it again for a re-viewing.


Anyone here seen Iron Sky[/i]? Its the latest of these films that caused a big stir online and created a big fan base before it was actually released. I went in expecting a sci-fi war type movie with the Nazi invading from the moom set up, instead its more of a political satire with the war thing tagged on at the end. It was alright but the tone of the movie is all over the shop and you feel that they tried cramming as much into the 90 mins as possible. The posters promise the most fun you'll have at the cinema all year, i think it fell short of that mark.


Oh, for a low budget movie though it looks awesome, i'll give them that.

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Watched Rampage today. If you've ever seen Falling Down you'll enjoy it


But I hated Falling Down.


The Guard is really great. Not in the same class as In Bruges, but really bloody good. I don't really know how many more superlatives can be written or said about Brendan Gleeson, too. What a guy.

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Race With The Devil is one of the stupidest and most enjoyable films I've seen for months. Absolutely loved it. Is Peter Fonda ever not great?

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I'm working my way through the saw films and have made some headway.


Saw 2: I really enjoyed this, better quality of acting than 1 and it felt slightly bigger budget. The story really intrigued me and drew me in and the twist and ending was great. The finish left me really looking forward to 3 without making this film feel redundant which is exactly what it should have done.


Saw 3: The triangle between John, Amanda and the saucy looking nurse whose name I forget at the moment was amazing, a really intriguing and absorbing element of the film and it felt like a really triumph and made the film very engaging for me.

The bloke and the forgiving people felt tired and very throw away. It links in at the end but I just never got into the character and found the judge a more interesting character in this branch than the main character taking the tests, which isn't a good sign. The end was its saviour as it final adds something to the film but It just didn't do it for me at all, which is unfortunate as the main "brain surgery/can you not kill people" branch was so amazing.


Also a small point he's in the freezer and his face gets stuck on the bars because of the cold reaching the key. Yet he's wearing about 4 layers of clothing, why he didn't just pull one over his face so it didn't stick to the bars? Because he's a massive bell end I'm assuming. An assumption he does nothing to ease as the film progresses and he just slots into a predictable one dimensional, flat, dull character role.


Saw 4: The main story was great fun and drew me in again and what felt like the secondary story was much strong and more enjoyable that 3. The ending again was fantastic and the filling of back story made this feel some what fresher and deeper.


The conclusion of the Eric Mathews arch ongoing from 2 was greatly received and everything felt tight and meaningful.


I was hoping for some conclusion to the girl missing from the end of 3 but I'm assuming that will be picked up next time.

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Was watching Ethan Hawke on Macbeth the other day so decided to watch Throne of Blood, its unreal. Might just become my favourite Kurosawa film.


Also saw Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter, its just not very fun. And it literally feels as if all of it was shot in green screen, it just has no heart of feelings. Some decent moments but overall its just not very good. Though it was some good fun for a "guess what that guy was in" kind of thing. Spent quite a lot of time thinking about who played Speed, only to remember that he was the weird looking kid in Zodiac.


Still havent seen Rock of Ages which pains me, though Im hoping a double bill with it and The Amazing Spiderman on Tuesday should remedy that!

Edited by Cobra1000
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Watched a few films watched recently-


The Shinjuku Incident- Jackie Chan in a down beat Payback style thriller. Utterly superb, loved every minute of it. No chopsocky as he goes to do more serious roles, Well worth seeking out.


Hostel Part II- What the very fuck is this abortion of a film? Utterly rubbish, up there with Cabin Fever (also by Eli Roth) as being amongst the worst films I've seen. Covers every horror cliche going and then adds some tourture porn, that isn't well very done either. Just awful in every single conceivable way.


Before the Devil Knows You Are Dead- Fine twisty turny bank heist gone wrong movie with much more besides including Marisa Tomei, looking smoking hot. Very enjoyable


Iron Man- Still reckon it's something of a homage to Robocop 2, but going back to it after The Avengers, meant it was much more enjoyable this time around

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Utterly rubbish, up there with Cabin Fever (also by Eli Roth) as being amongst the worst films I've seen.


Cabin fever was so tremendously bad It was nearly entertaining.


Not as hilarious as the final destination series which I stand by being the best unintentional comedy series going.

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