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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Right, can anyone tell me whether Melancholia is better than Anti-christ?

I was going to pick it up from ASDA toda based on good reviews, however these reviews come from Lars Von Trier fans (the type that dont find a talking fox ridiculous)

Ill clarify, I thought Anti-christ was boring, pointlessly vulgar and also ridiculous (see "talking fox")


Yeah, way better. It's Von Trier's masterpiece.


That said, you may well hate it. No middle ground with that guy. Don't blame me if you come back to this thread to report that it was two hours of pretentious piss.


Finally got around to watching Melancholia, Ill separate it into its parts to properly review it.

The introduction had me hooked, It looked really beautiful.

Part 1 was boring as hell. It was a drag to get through, he could have easily cut out half of this stuff and it wouldn't have made much difference to the film as a whole.

Part 2 was where it really got going, and its where Ill agree with you about it been Von Trier's Masterpiece. Every aspect is wonderfully done and by the end sequence I was in complete awe.


The last hour was so good, ill give it a 7.5. it would have been a 9 if the first hour didn't drag so much.

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Okay, let's have some love for The Breakfast Club in this thread right now.


Just watched it for the first time last night, absolutely loved it. I bloody want to see this version right now, though.


I love The Breakfast Club. It's brilliant. Don't know what else to say, really.

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Paul Gleason was excellent in The Breakfast Club. He does the devil horns far better than any metalhead. Much like Ferris Bueller, I was rooting for the teacher all the way.


I was surprised that he hadn't been in more of note. I obviously remembered him from Die Hard but I was really surprised that he had mostly done guest TV slots. He was far too good an actor to have been that limited in what he ended up doing, a real shame.

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Breakfast Club is great, found it a little slow when I first watched it but have grown to really love it. Sixteen Candles and Weird Science are other fun little John Hughes teen films from around that period with a similar cast.


Dazed and Confused is probably my favourite teen 'coming of age' film that takes place over one day/night still, just ridiculously entertaining, just beats out American Graffiti for me.

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3 High school guys (1 guy is a high school popular, 1 guy is average, 1 guy is an emotional wreck) go investigate a hole while at a party (!) and they end up with telekenetic powers.

Using the `found footage` style of film making, it manages to jigsaw the documented adventure together for a before, during and after the events of these 3 guys.


I didnt know anything about this film, except for the trailer, before I went to see this film. Its a strange feeling film and at only around 85 minutes its quick. The first half feels like any found footage film, monolouged and alot of single person shots, then it adds in another camera for a couple of shots then during the last segment uses (in my opinion) some great use of multi camera stuff, a very nice twist to the found footage style.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler


the whole film just felt like a build up to the fight scene. the emotional breakdown of the main character isnt fully exploited or covered in my opinion and the lack of an emotional anchor for him meant you knew he wouldn`t be saved (perhaps the inclusion of a school councillor as a go to point that knew his family position would have given the emotional hero he didnt use).


The use of the mobiles and ipads for the stand off was well done but was lacking the rawness of badly shot footage.


The fight scene itself was excellent in my opinion. in any action film would have well recieved and i suspect that the director will go on to direct some sort of action film.



[close spoiler]



Overall I didnt like it though. it just felt that although it was `found footage` the shots were too professional to give any graininess to them. It was a teenage boys film aimed at teenage boys (my 14 year old daughter didnt like it). Plus it all seemed like one big set up purely for the last 15 minutes of the film.


It looks like this is the first major film for the director and I know we`ll be seeing his work again in the future, the last 15 minutes are worth the watch but the first hour or so doesnt seem to give anything worthy.


on a side note or two:

I`ve been reading more reviews elsewhere and alot of folk are shouting `AKIRA` but since I havent watched Akira in about 10 years i`ll not pass comment.


and the main character just looked far too much like skywalker from empire in my opinion!

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They had a dvd combo set of the breakfast club/weird science in sainsburys before christmas for a fiver so nabbed it. Thebreakfast club is awesome even ifya could see them all going from hating each othr to becoming mates at the end of it. Plus paul gleason is brilliant in it i ended up looking on imdb to see hat else he'd made and found out he was dead.

Edited by hitman89762000
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They had a dvd combo set of the breakfast club/weird science in sainsburys before christmas for a fiver so nabbed it.


Got it for my wife as a stocking filler at Christmas and I'm glad I did now, it's quite possibly my favourite John Hughes film now.


Watched a couple of other things recently (by the way, The Breakfast Club gets 9/10 from the Redhill panel):-




The original French one. I actually saw the sequel at the cinema and only just got round to seeing the first. It's okay. I can't help but feel it's been massively overtaken by The Transporter series since it was released but it's still good fun if completely loopy - in a pretty good way.


I quite enjoyed it but whilst it's a distinctly un-French film, you can tell it's French immediately when one of the actresses (Marion Cotillard in this case, for the win!) gives a gratuitous tit and beaver flash. God bless France. Pretty disappointing ending, though. I think the sequel's better.




A Perfect Getaway


Seen this before but gave it another viewing to see if it really was as great as I remember it. It is!


In fact, it's so good that I might give David Twohy's Pitch Black another go because I really didn't like it when I first saw it but I figure I might be missing out on something if this is this good. You think it's going to be your usual stalk and slash thriller and it's really not and even when things get slightly silly at the end it's really unpredictable. Absolutely cracking little film that snuck under the radar.


Plus, just how bloody great is Steve Zahn? That man is all kinds of excellent.



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Pitch Black is a cracker, Gladders. I'm totally gay for Vin Diesel anyway, but I really like this film.


Mind you, I liked the sequel too which everyone seemed to shit on :(


I will track down A Perfect Getaway though; sounds like the film The Beach should have been.

Edited by Loki
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