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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I watched Hostel 3 yesterday. There will probably be *SPOILERS* below:


I watched this too. I particularly detest Hostel II, but I saw that III was directed by Sam Raimi buddy, Scott Spiegel, so I gave it a go. It's an odd one. One thing that really stands out is how flat it is as regards framing, or camera movement. You totally take that for granted in 'proper' movies, then you watch a straight to DVD or made for TV, and everything feels so static and limp. Another thing is how, for an R rated torture porn movie, you really don't see much at all. There's a lot of stabbing and stuff, but all the cutting is all offscreen, so you'll see flashes of a bloody knife coming back up, but not the actual impact.


It's worth sitting through for the three or four half-second reaction shots from a fantastic looking bald chap in the audience, and there are a few nice little expectation-confounding mini twists, like the swerve at the beginning. It does feel very, very low rent though. As abhorrent as the first two were, they were incredibly well shot. Always hated Hostel II, but I loved this scene, with the haunting folk song over the top:

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Finally got round to watching Drive.


Decent film, and generally good performances throughout, but I just didn't care that much. The gorgeous night-time shots of the city and the soundtrack were holding my attention way more than the plot by the end, which to be honest, felt a bit contrived. Like I say, I enjoyed it, but it was pretty bloody run-of-the-mill for something that seemed to want to do away with the convention. I don't know much of the director to be honest, but I did love the bursts of violence that shook you out of the Shane Meadows-esque slow moving musical melodrama that it was all too guilty of. The lift kicking, in particular.


Overall, it was okay, but I liked a shitload of other stuff more than this, which I didn't expect.

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As is tradition, I watched the Lord Of The Rings trilogy today. Still really enjoy them, and they do flow very well despite the length. It's been mentioned before but the ending is the only part that drags. Just when you think it's over another scene cops up, even with the fade to white when they sail off.


With the upcoming Hobbit films, I may have to span this tradition over two days.

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Boss Nigger is a great little Blaxploitation flick, but I'm a massive fan of Fred Williamson as it is.


Tonight I'm finally getting round to watching Slacker. I've been meaning to watch this film for years, I like a few of Linklater's earlier films so I'm hoping it's a little more Dazed and Confused than Waking Life.

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