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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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End of the year's getting close, so it's almost time for Top 10's and all that. I won't reveal mine yet, because I'm pretentious, and that's going to happen at great length on my blog. In fact, here's part one of that, way too long to paste - the also-rans, and stuff that stank.


Top 20 movies of 2011 - Part 1


So what are people thinking for the best of the year? I had to stretch my regular Top 10 to a Top 20 because there was so much stuff I absolutely loved this year.


To follow this up, the first half of my Top 20 is now up.


Be warned though, even by my standards of harping on about movies, it's ridiculously in depth.

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Surprisingly good and refreshing rom-com. Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis are both deliver solid performances in this, and the chemistry between them holds the film together nicely. A note on Timberlake: he pulls off slight dorkishness very well - a stark contrast to Bad Teacher, in which the dorkishness is pushed too far to disastrous results.


This is fun and engaging throughout, especially with the little ironic jabs at rom-coms themselves.

Edited by Vice
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I thought Source Code was ok for what it was. Heard a lot of bad reviews, so wasn't expecting much, so was quite pleased.


Just watched The Inbetweeners. I approached it from a 3 episodes in 1 angle rather than as a movie, and enjoyed it as much as the show. Glad I didn't pay

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Big Trev had the flu today, so he stayed in bed all day watching films on the television. Here's the reviews:


Muppets Take ManhattanA nice little film, not amazing but still watchable enough. Here's a lovely song from said film:


Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.Never seen this before, boy has Big Trev been missing out! A great film, the two main characters had great chemistry too. All throughout the film though, Robert Redford kept reminding me of someone. Evenutally I figured it out, it was Lucas Grabeel from High School Musical. Just add that awesome moustache of Redford's and he'd be the spitting image.



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