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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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There was only one good Planet Of The Apes film and that was the first one. The rest are below average to terrible.



I caught part of the first one on TV the other day, seeing it for the first time in ages.


It's really easy to forget how good it is, and that's totally down to the awful sequels and the fact that it's such a classic that it's been referenced so much in shows and films over the years.

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areyou going to watch the whole series? Conquest... is my favourtite of the five.

I didnt know they made 5!


I think i had previously seend "Beneath the planet of the apes" when i was yougner, although i cant remeber much about it. Are they all as good, or does it get a bit "B-movie"-ish as the series goes on?


I too would like to know this.

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I got a soft spot for Conquest.. as I like the unapologetic political nature of it. I also really like Caesar's speech at the end.


But I have to admit that on my last watch, it was a bit naff.

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Tried to watch 'The Girl Next Door' last night, but inadvertently downloaded the wanky teen flick rather than the 2007 movie I was aiming for. Balls. Am planning a depress-o-thon tonight with Antichrist then A Serbian Film. Will post my thoughts after.


Antichrist is friggin' weird. Plus, I've yet to meet a man not wince at that scene.


A Serbian Film is just plain wrong. I wish i'd never have watched it. There's a particular scene involving a baby that has scarred me since I saw it. Bad news



If you're not sure whether to show the film to children, don't forget to consult the Imdb parents guide. (Spoilers obviously)

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My thoughts exactly, I tend to only watch films of any genre that I think I will enjoy, I wouldn't enjoy watching that movie at all. Everyone that watches it seems to have an opinion on it which at times feels like they are trying to justify why they watched that shit to themselves as much as anything else.

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There was a thread on this at time. Bottom line...context is everything, you can break any horror/thriller that has contentious or controverial scenes, put a description down & it seem sick or perverted.

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Tried to watch 'The Girl Next Door' last night, but inadvertently downloaded the wanky teen flick rather than the 2007 movie I was aiming for. Balls. Am planning a depress-o-thon tonight with Antichrist then A Serbian Film. Will post my thoughts after.


Antichrist is friggin' weird. Plus, I've yet to meet a man not wince at that scene.


A Serbian Film is just plain wrong. I wish i'd never have watched it. There's a particular scene involving a baby that has scarred me since I saw it. Bad news


I'm conflicted about 'A Serbian Film'. Firstly, I thought it was very very well made, cleverly put together, and it built the tension very well. The parts that earned it all the negative attention were absolutely horrific, the newborn scene particularly, obviously, but as this very good article clicksays, they do further the narrative, and force the audience to question themselves, rather than being there ONLY to shock. In that sense this is a cut above the usual tortureporn rubbish. I'm not so sure about the film as commentary on a war torn state however. There's plenty of nods to the political/economic/social situation in Serbia through the film, but it doesn't seem to have a direction in terms of the point it's trying to make in regards to this, beyond a very general comment on people being dehumanised by war.


All in all, I actually thought this was pretty good. There's far more nasty scenes in plenty of other films, but I think it's precisely because this is much better than most of them that it caused such a huge amount of controversy. Having said all that, I doubt I'll ever watch it again. It was interesting to see it and form an opinion, but certain scenes were very uncomfortable to sit through and I'll be honest, it took me a bit longer than normal to drop off to sleep last night.


The commentary point is about exploitation, and how it affects families, as much as about being dehumanised. It's been made by people who are very angry at the way they've been betrayed by their own government, and explaining that level of anger, and how it's made them feel, is very much the message of the movie.


Honestly, I thought it was brilliant. Unpleasant, dark, nasty and subversive, but I thought it was well written, well made, well acted, and I thought the point it was making was done well.

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I'll be honest, I was bored one late night and curious about the hoo-ha it was causing so I checked it out. Made me feel pretty sick, which I guess is the point so fairplay, and didn't add anything to my life. It's certainly not something i'd ever watch again or feel the need to and I wouldn't recommend it to anybody thats for sure

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Tried to watch 'The Girl Next Door' last night, but inadvertently downloaded the wanky teen flick rather than the 2007 movie I was aiming for. Balls. Am planning a depress-o-thon tonight with Antichrist then A Serbian Film. Will post my thoughts after.


Antichrist is friggin' weird. Plus, I've yet to meet a man not wince at that scene.


A Serbian Film is just plain wrong. I wish i'd never have watched it. There's a particular scene involving a baby that has scarred me since I saw it. Bad news


I'm conflicted about 'A Serbian Film'. Firstly, I thought it was very very well made, cleverly put together, and it built the tension very well. The parts that earned it all the negative attention were absolutely horrific, the newborn scene particularly, obviously, but as this very good article clicksays, they do further the narrative, and force the audience to question themselves, rather than being there ONLY to shock. In that sense this is a cut above the usual tortureporn rubbish. I'm not so sure about the film as commentary on a war torn state however. There's plenty of nods to the political/economic/social situation in Serbia through the film, but it doesn't seem to have a direction in terms of the point it's trying to make in regards to this, beyond a very general comment on people being dehumanised by war.


All in all, I actually thought this was pretty good. There's far more nasty scenes in plenty of other films, but I think it's precisely because this is much better than most of them that it caused such a huge amount of controversy. Having said all that, I doubt I'll ever watch it again. It was interesting to see it and form an opinion, but certain scenes were very uncomfortable to sit through and I'll be honest, it took me a bit longer than normal to drop off to sleep last night.


The commentary point is about exploitation, and how it affects families, as much as about being dehumanised. It's been made by people who are very angry at the way they've been betrayed by their own government, and explaining that level of anger, and how it's made them feel, is very much the message of the movie.


Honestly, I thought it was brilliant. Unpleasant, dark, nasty and subversive, but I thought it was well written, well made, well acted, and I thought the point it was making was done well.


What was the point it was making then? That war is hell and people can be evil? I reckon you could get that across without simulating all that, indeed many famous films have done so.

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Tried to watch 'The Girl Next Door' last night, but inadvertently downloaded the wanky teen flick rather than the 2007 movie I was aiming for. Balls. Am planning a depress-o-thon tonight with Antichrist then A Serbian Film. Will post my thoughts after.


Antichrist is friggin' weird. Plus, I've yet to meet a man not wince at that scene.


A Serbian Film is just plain wrong. I wish i'd never have watched it. There's a particular scene involving a baby that has scarred me since I saw it. Bad news


I'm conflicted about 'A Serbian Film'. Firstly, I thought it was very very well made, cleverly put together, and it built the tension very well. The parts that earned it all the negative attention were absolutely horrific, the newborn scene particularly, obviously, but as this very good article clicksays, they do further the narrative, and force the audience to question themselves, rather than being there ONLY to shock. In that sense this is a cut above the usual tortureporn rubbish. I'm not so sure about the film as commentary on a war torn state however. There's plenty of nods to the political/economic/social situation in Serbia through the film, but it doesn't seem to have a direction in terms of the point it's trying to make in regards to this, beyond a very general comment on people being dehumanised by war.


All in all, I actually thought this was pretty good. There's far more nasty scenes in plenty of other films, but I think it's precisely because this is much better than most of them that it caused such a huge amount of controversy. Having said all that, I doubt I'll ever watch it again. It was interesting to see it and form an opinion, but certain scenes were very uncomfortable to sit through and I'll be honest, it took me a bit longer than normal to drop off to sleep last night.


The commentary point is about exploitation, and how it affects families, as much as about being dehumanised. It's been made by people who are very angry at the way they've been betrayed by their own government, and explaining that level of anger, and how it's made them feel, is very much the message of the movie.


Honestly, I thought it was brilliant. Unpleasant, dark, nasty and subversive, but I thought it was well written, well made, well acted, and I thought the point it was making was done well.


What was the point it was making then? That war is hell and people can be evil? I reckon you could get that across without simulating all that, indeed many famous films have done so.


Did you read the first paragraph of my post?

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Just finished watching 'Unthinkable' with Samuel L. Jackson and Michael Sheen. Great film I thought, a lot of suspense and makes you think what really happens if/when that kind of situation really happens. Sheen is a terrific actor, I've liked everything he's been in. Strange it never got a theatrical release really..

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I've finally paid of my debt to blockbusters, which means i have rented some dvds out!


Jackass 3(D)


Let be honest, it was never going to win an oscar, but as far as jackass goes its a right cracker. There is not alot i can say other than, it may or may not be the best one (Depending on your view on the films or on jackass itself), but it is a right corker of a laugh. It sort of struck me not long ago that i hadent seen anything (TV or films) that made me laugh out loud, and just as i think that, this comes out on DVD. I missed in th cinema, but everything comes across really well on dvd (i had been told about which 3D bits were which), and all those 3D bits work jsut as well in 2D.


Again not going to win alot of awards, but its a good laugh and for me thats better that some stupidly over the top drama.







Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1


I'll get right to it, and say i'm not a fan of harry potter at all. In Fact the only reason i watched this (and the other 6) is because the Mrs. is a fan.


Long story short, i got tired of watching it about half hour in and fell asleep. Also The guy who plays Ron, is by far a better actor than Daniel Radcliff (Who is boring to watch). I liked the first and second film, (never read the books...........tried the first when it came out, and got tired of that also), but since then ive got this idea that each film gets worse as it goes on, but then again maybe its just me.


Overall, i'm guessing if your a fan you may of jizzed a little bit, but in all honesty watching it as a film, i didnt get that Harry was in any massive danger (And never have really) and again the fact Harry is out "Shon" (is that the right word?) by every other actor/actress in the movies doesnt really help.


For me personally, as a film, a bit poor but im guessing if you like them..........it's fantastic.



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