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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Gosling is great in everything ive seen him in.


He can be great, and I even loved the Notebook, but he was terrible in Stay and also in Fracture. He had one good moment in Stay, when he mocked the 'suicide' motion to McGregor, but other than that he was horrendous.


Yeah, Lars and the Real Girl was tremendous, I thought anyway.


Please, please please check out Half Nelson for another one of Gosling's great performances.


Also, The Believer.

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Also, The Believer.


The Believer was great. I seen that years ago though. Half Nelson was a bit overrated, but then, that's just an opinion.

He was excellent in Murder by Numbers also. Look, I'm not dismissing his talent in any way, I'm just saying that in Fracture and Stay he was a bit wooden and looked like he was going through the motions. It was just that Blue Valentine volleyed it home, that he is a phenomenal actor when he wants to be.

This isn't a major spoiler, before anyone has a mickey fit, but there's a scene in Blue Valentine when he counts down from five in a threat to punch somebody and he is mesmerising in that scene. I can't recommend this flick enough and I'm going to watch it again today. It's very very VERY true to a real life relationship I've had and I'm sure a billion others have had. It really did a number on me.

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Black Swan


I loved this movie. i cant really say alot without spoiling it, but (for example) i had heard its a "Sister" movie to "The Wrestler", as aparently is very similar. Now this is true.......in part, but other than that it gets very dark and leaves you with one or two minor questions unanswered, (or at least i thought so anyway.).


This film gave me 100% more than i ever expected from it, and natalie portman is really really awesome, (how had i not seen her in anything before?).


If you can get out there and see it,


9/10, great film!

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The Killer Inside Me. "A West Texas deputy sheriff is slowly unmasked as a psychotic killer."


I'm undecided on this. I really wanted to like it despite the average reviews. Casey Affleck played his part as the nutbar sheriff rather well and the story looked good on paper, but it got to a point where I just wanted the film to get to the ending (which in itself was pretty awesome). Although it's not a film I'd be in a rush to watch again anytime soon, I think it might fare better on a second viewing.


Just one more thing (Columbo stylee). When it first came out, it was deemed a tad controversial and got some complaints due to Jessica Alba's character getting somewhat smashed about. I'd put money on it that the same mob wouldn't batter an eyelid if it wasn't a precious Hollywood starlet playing the role. If the filmakers didn't want controversy, they would've cast the Trampy Bird Shit Woman from Home Alone 2.



I also watched Fargo for the first time, but taking into account that it's been around for 15 years, that I've never heard a bad word about it and that I'm probably the last person to watch it, I don't see any point in saying anything other than "Brilliant stuff".

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Darfur by Uwe Boll. This is quiet a pickle, coz it's actually decent, harrowing at parts and for some reason Edward Furlong impressed me...

I'm very confused about it all. I mean, I did enjoy Postal, and Rampage was pretty good, but to get 3/3 on the last three Uwe Boll flicks I've watched either tells me, he's improving or I'm becoming easier to please. I'll probably go an spoil it all by doing something stupid like putting Far Cry or Alone in the Dark on, though.

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I watched Point Break last night, and was surprised to realise that Body (Swayze) is actually an utter bastard, rather than the hippie guru I remember. He lies constantly, is clearly "in it for the money" and is a dangerous, violent lunatic. I can't believe Keanu lets him surf at the end, he should have just shot him. I'm struggling to remember a film with less likeable protagonist and antagonist.

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I watched Point Break last night, and was surprised to realise that Body (Swayze) is actually an utter bastard, rather than the hippie guru I remember. He lies constantly, is clearly "in it for the money" and is a dangerous, violent lunatic. I can't believe Keanu lets him surf at the end, he should have just shot him. I'm struggling to remember a film with less likeable protagonist and antagonist.


The dichotomy from start to finish is amazing isn't it? It's still one of my all time favourites, but it's insane how we all look through the Bodhi character with rose tinted glasses. I still do, but your point is rammed home when he casually leaves Roach dead in the desert and picks the money bag up without so much as a look back at his fallen buddy.

He is a great character though, and I still rock my Bodhi clothes.


Oh, and I tell ya, I know they don't count as films really, but Saw III, that Jeff character, was far and away the least likeable protagonist I've ever bore witness to.

In fairness, Bodhi was a Tyler Durden of his day (for want of a comparison to a much liked cunt of a character), and Palahniuk even admitted he got points from the Bodhi character while writing Fight Club. I think unlikeable's a harsh word for Bodhi, coz he does have a cult following in spite of, or probably because o,f 'that' nasty side to his character, he remains one of the classics...

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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She's not aged well:




Let's compile a list of least likeable protagonists in film.



Johnny Utah

Donnie Darko

Jesse James (in the Assasination of Jesse James)

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If im not watching wrestling or the lass isnt watching tv i usually stick comedy on.


Whats been on in the last couple of weeks, i always stick one of the following on (or something like it) before i go to bed.


The Thick of It

The Day today (vhs video 1)

Im Alan Partridge (vhs video 2)

Time Trumpet

Stewart Lee (stand up comedian)



I think you get the picture, generally Armando type stuff.



Me and friends had an all night messy seeion the weekend before last, some of us kept it to booze, the others.. well yeah. Anyway, around 7 in the morning, someone thought it would be a cracking idea to put Irreversible on, stupid nob.


theres a few things i want to see soon, such as 'the way back' or 'the way home'.. something like that, it looks like it could be quite good, anyone seen it? Without spoilers, is it worth a watch?

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