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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Punisher War Zone


RUBBISH. I only watched it because it was the only film I hadnt seen that was on Sky Anytime TV. Its just pointless.


No way! this film's not bad for a bit of mindless shit and it's much better than the other 2 punisher films.


I'm with The Lick there, gents and scholars. I enjoyed War Zone. It's easily the most loyal to it's source material of all three Punisher movies and you won't get a better MAX based Castle than Ray Stevenson.


Went on a bit of a mad one last night and watched ol' Gaspar Noe's new flick Enter The Void, which is just utterly surreal. Not as intense, or even as good a movie, as Irreversible, but half decent. It's a bit Lynchian in parts, Cronenberg in others, then mindless Noe for the rest. Plenty of shaky-cam, first person views, titties and random borderline pornographic shots, which is always nice...

After that - and especially because of that - I needed to make some sort of sense of anything whatsoever in my head before beddy byes, I watched Tiny Toons - How I Spent My Summer Vacation, which has been a stellar stalwart in my collection since I was a wee lad!

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Punisher War Zone


RUBBISH. I only watched it because it was the only film I hadnt seen that was on Sky Anytime TV. Its just pointless.


No way! this film's not bad for a bit of mindless shit and it's much better than the other 2 punisher films.

Dolph was brilliant as Punisher because... well.. he's Dolph! Not seen the Travolta Punisher so cant comment on that.

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Battle Royale


Loved it. I watched it with someone who hates subtitled movies, but he ended up enjoying it much more than he thought he would. A totally unique plot, and I actually cared about a lot of the characters due to the brilliant way each one was portrayed.


Good film but the book even with some flaws pisses over it imo.


Which version did you see? I presume it was the extended version personally I hated the Mitsuko flashback in that version because it ruined the flow of the whole Sugimura, Kotohiki, Mitsuko & Kiriyama scene for me which played out perfectly in the original cut.

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Funny Games (Austrian version)


Again, another subbed film that hit the spot. The film has a great way of building up great tension for the viewer.. there were times where I was on on the edge just waiting to see what would happen next. The thing I love about the film is that you dont actually see much violence, but it makes it obvious that its happening (if that makes sense).


I've seen the American remake of this which is supposedly a more or less shot for shot remake of the original. Whether it is or not I couldn't comment but it was quite well done. Its genuinely quite chilling at times and I think its because you don't see the violence. It seems to make it more real, perhaps because we've all just becoe too desensitized from seeing violence onscreen. There's a brilliant bit somewhere in the middle where they do something unrealistic (I'm trying not to give away spoilers) that pisses you off in all the right ways. Certainly worth a look for anyone that hasn't seen either version. ITs quite tense pretty much all the way through.

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Watched Scott Pilgrim last night, what the fuck was that all about eh :bored:

wow really?


i thought it was fucking ace. It really spoke to me being in the style of late 80's/early90's video games and/or various fighting games/manga.


i thought it was really really good!

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Watched Scott Pilgrim last night, what the fuck was that all about eh :bored:

wow really?


i thought it was fucking ace. It really spoke to me being in the style of late 80's/early90's video games and/or various fighting games/manga.


i thought it was really really good!


Seconded. I loved it. Edgar Wright can do no wrong in my eyes though...

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Not seen Scott Pilgram yet but anything with Micheal Cera in is a turn off for me since he can't play any character apart from the awkward/bumbling/geeky/shy teenager he's been playing since Superbad and that got old really fast. Same goes for Jesse Eisenberg(who's basically his clone) but at least he had the good fortune of starring in the awesome Zombie Land.

Edited by insert_name_here
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Not seen Scott Pilgram yet but anything with Micheal Cera in is a turn off for me since he can't play any character apart from the awkward/bumbling/geeky/shy teenager he's been playing since Superbad and that got old really fast. Same goes for Jesse Eisenberg(who's basically his clone) but at least he had the good fortune of starring in the awesome Zombie Land.

Someone hasn't seen The Social Network...

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Not seen Scott Pilgram yet but anything with Micheal Cera in is a turn off for me since he can't play any character apart from the awkward/bumbling/geeky/shy teenager he's been playing since Superbad and that got old really fast. Same goes for Jesse Eisenberg(who's basically his clone) but at least he had the good fortune of starring in the awesome Zombie Land.

Someone hasn't seen The Social Network...



yeah Social Network might be my favorite film of the year, based on performance, writing, score and overall look and feel. Even though the character of mark zuckerberg as portrayed in the film is kinda derivitive of the type of awkwardness that eisenberg has played in other films, he's still really good in it. Adventureland, Zombieland and The Squid & The Whale all get recommendations from me too.

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