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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Paranormal Activity 2


Just got back from watching this, and now i need to find a clean pair of pants!


I cant really say to much as it may spoil the film, Totally worth a watch if you liked the fisrt one though. The only down side to both of these films is that id imagine you cant ever watch them again, and /or on a smaller screen. But then again thats just me!


Either way, i was shaking when i went for the obligatory "After-the-film-wee", and i love these films as a scary film........as i dotn normally get scared that easily.


Top notch stuff, well worth a watch!






The final of my 3 for

Edited by Bowyo T
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^ Really? All my mates who have seen Paranormal Activity 2 say it was terrible, largely predictable and more set on attempting to shock people every minute than telling a good story.


Looks pretty poor by the adverts, then again I personally never rated the first one either.


Just got back from watching RED.


It is awesome, and John Malkovich totally steals the show from Willis/Freeman/Mirren. A great action flick with some really funny moments.


Agreed, its an entertaining film. Malkovich is brilliant in it, some of his lines are cracking.


Willis seemed to be phoning it in abit though I felt. Mirren did a decent job though.

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A Serious Man


A good movie, with great acting, but I was left confused by a few things. The starting scene of the film had no connection to the rest of the film at all. I thought it would somehow connect to some part (namely the end), but as far as I know it didnt.


Also, the ending was a bit 'is that it?'. I didnt read into the film as much as I might have needed to, so I may have missed the point!

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i must admit i'm a little bit dubious about seeing Paranormal Activity 2 as i've heard from various people that it's packed with cheap shocks a la every shit horror movie of the last 10 years. I've no doubt i'll still see it so i can make my own mind up about it but i really hope i enjoy it because i thought the 1st one was a cracker.

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4,3,2,1 - Not sure what to say really. It wasn't a bad film, but it wasn't good either. Being a Noel Clarke film it wasn't what I expected. Obviously the usual faces were there that you tend to see in his films (all playing cockney knobheads, as usual) but this focused more on "chick flick" side of things. What was more surprising were the cameos. Two in particular I didn't expect to see:


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Kevin Smith (who was quite amusing) & Eve.



I'm going to give it a very average 5/10. I usually add a point on for female nudity. There was a hint of a bare boob and in one instance full frontal, but it didn't happen. This angered and annoyed me. Although I did appreciate the lesbian scene.

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^ Really? All my mates who have seen Paranormal Activity 2 say it was terrible, largely predictable and more set on attempting to shock people every minute than telling a good story.


Looks pretty poor by the adverts, then again I personally never rated the first one either.


No way dude, i honestly thought it was very good. For me personally it worked alot better than last years, and if anything the scary bits are the same style, again, as last year. There are no "cheap shots", and its all mainly down to anticipation to be hoenst. When you here the noise, its all going down!


For example last years was mildy ruined by the "oh look , ive found some shit about ghosts on the internet, and oh look hes a a video of it....although it happended in the 40's, and it clearly a picture of one of us doctored because the budget it low, and/or it doesnt really make a lot of sense and add to this film, does it?". Where as this year, they have come up with a ,(all be it a breifly mentioned one), story that bascially explains everything.


Bar that everything tis in perfectly with the first one, and even makes you go "aaaaaaaahhh" when you start connectiong the 2 films together.


Its well worth a watch as, if anything, although its the same sort of tricks as last year, some are done on a grander scale.....and IMPO timed to perfection.


Still very scary, and at the end of the day, thats what i expect from these films. They are never going to win an oscar, and lets face it, as "A film", they are totally shite. But as a scary film that you'd watch down the cinema, for me, its top notch and the best in its field at the moment,

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Just got back from watching RED.


It is awesome, and John Malkovich totally steals the show from Willis/Freeman/Mirren. A great action flick with some really funny moments.

i saw it yesterday. Malkovich is by far the best thing in it, some funny stuff. I thought the movie was abit hit and miss. It was the kind of the thing that didn't really know what it wanted to be. The action went from cartoony/comic book stuff (it was based on a comic book) to be straight action, and the tone went from ridiculous to serious to rom com, it was abit all over the place. It's a fun watch though.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

and Morgan Freeman dies in the most instant and out of the blue way ever.


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In a good way.


It was pretty full-on, and some of the scenes are quite uncomfortable, but in a realistic kind of way.


I was be surprised at how entertained I was by a movie that pretty much focuses on one location. Despite that it doesn't feel drawn out or slow.


Oh, and the writer doesn't want you to download it;


When the trapped-on-a-ski-lift thriller Frozen opened last February, it made less than $250,000. So when it turned up on IMDbPro
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Cheers for all the recommendations. It's going to be a hard sell because she didn't like Back To The Future 3, and she loved the first two, but I'll give it a shot.


I watched House on Haunted Hill yesterday. It's one of the many horror dvds Poundland have in for Halloween. I've bought a few and enjoyed them so far and the artwork on the covers are awesome too. This one was great. Vincent Price is really good, it has quite a good story and does manage to be creepy in places.


Bollocks, I just bought that off Amazon for

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