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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I've rented the Cemetery Junction Blu-ray. I'm watching it for the third time tonight. Watched it first with the director's commentary, then with the actor's commentary, now I'm watching the film by itself. I can't remember if I mentioned it in here when I saw it at the cinema, but it's a lovely film.

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Hot tub time machine


Well i watched this the other night and its funny......but not that funny. Basically people jump in a hot tub, go back in time to 1986 and have a bit of time trying to get back. The comedy is funny, but for example one review called it this years "hangover". And dont get me wrong its funny, but no where near as good as the hangover, nto by a long shot.


On the plus side chevy chase (sp?) is in it, playing the generic "time travel rules guy", he was doign this whilst also being the "Mr.fix it" style guy, who is fixing the hot tub.....whilst giving cryptic clues about time travel. Although i personally think it would have been funnier if it turned out he was just as he looked.....the janitor, and had nothing to do with time travel at all.


all in all, worth a rent......but no where near as funny as i was expecting.





Now this was a film i didnt want to watch at all, but for some reason we ended up renting it. And i was supried. Alot of action and mild-ish gore, and i really enjoyed jude law's charecter.


BIt of a strange ending, but i suppose in the grand scheme it fitted very well. Wont spoil for anybody but id recommend its worth a watch!



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The trailer for Repomen intrigued me quite a bit because of the interesting premise, but I never got round to seeing it so I appreciate the reminder. It had a really dark bit in the trailer where the Repomen are in a car and catch one of their clients walking to the shop or something and go "hey, how's that new liver workin' out?". Just messing with him, when he knows that they're authorised to take organs from him by force if he doesn't keep his payments up. Nasty.

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The trailer for Repomen intrigued me quite a bit because of the interesting premise, but I never got round to seeing it so I appreciate the reminder. It had a really dark bit in the trailer where the Repomen are in a car and catch one of their clients walking to the shop or something and go "hey, how's that new liver workin' out?". Just messing with him, when he knows that they're authorised to take organs from him by force if he doesn't keep his payments up. Nasty.

Yeah its really fun to watch, i read some reviews saying it went totally down hill mid-way through, (and i wont spoil it), but considering what happens, it makes sense and was actualy a really good film. Again the ending was a bit strange, as i would of prefered the ending you think of, but again after thinking about it.......it does make sense!


Deffo worth a watch!

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Who's the fucking twat on the camera in that video?!


His sister, i'm sure she says something along the lines of "get off my little brother....i'll fucking stab you" in the "Surf Graffiti and Jack Russle vs Nemisis" match.


Has anyone reported her to the police for threatening this vile violent act. Knife crime is not the way forward in this day and age.

She didn't reckon with the awesome power of the Chief of Police! Now where did I put my badge?...Hey, that duck's got it!



That was his first on-topic post and he's been here since 06. I like to think he's been just waiting in the shadows, biding his time.


You dickhead.

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It's on Channel 4 or 5 right now. I've not even bothered checking if there's anything else on, and I'm watching this with adverts, even though the DVD is on the shelf behind me.


I love this film. As a teenager, me and my friend Ben would watch this almost weekly. My VHS of the Special Edition has the most God awful picture quality because it's been played so many times.


23 years on, how good is this film? Fucking good. The effects look slightly dated in terms of style in some scenes, but the execution of them is still first class.

The script and characterisations are excellent, with so many great lines that get quoted by nerds.


Someone once said that the reason I thought Sigourney Weaver was hot in this was because she looks like my Mum. Having just watched the med-lab scene, I've finally noticed that the resemblance is uncanny from the side. Ouch, that's unconfortable.


"They cut the power!"

"How could they cut the power, man? They're animals!"

Hudson is fucking cool.


Brilliantly directed, atmospheric lighting, great soundtrack, brilliant use of the motion trackers to build suspense. Fuck Titanic, this is James Cameron's crowning moment.


"12 meters, 11, 10"

"They're right on us"

"8 meters, 7 6"

"That can't be, that's inside the room!"


Oh fucking yes. How good is that build up?

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Four lions


Now this is a film i was looking forward to watching since i saw the intial trailer many moons ago! Basically its a film about a group of islamic/muslim extremists who are trying to plan some sort of bomb attack.


The only problem with this is that most of said extremists are complete idiots and tend to just stuff things up. So there are 3 islamic/muslim guys and a white muslim extremist who is the worst of the bunch when it comes to stupidity. Great laughs come in the form of just pure stupidity and plan backfires, (such as when they are moving some supplies an one of the trip of a sheep and explodes in a field), and just the generic comedy from the guys talking.


The only guy i reconised was Kayan Novak from Fonejacker/facejacker fame, but the whole cast are very well suited. The ending fits very well, although takes a slight more serious tone, as they attempt a bombing during the london marathon. (And although i say serious, it still mostly comedy gold).


Probably the best comedy film ive seen in some time, and i will be adding it tp my collection in the near future!



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It's on Channel 4 or 5 right now. I've not even bothered checking if there's anything else on, and I'm watching this with adverts, even though the DVD is on the shelf behind me.


I love this film. As a teenager, me and my friend Ben would watch this almost weekly. My VHS of the Special Edition has the most God awful picture quality because it's been played so many times.


23 years on, how good is this film? Fucking good. The effects look slightly dated in terms of style in some scenes, but the execution of them is still first class.

The script and characterisations are excellent, with so many great lines that get quoted by nerds.


Someone once said that the reason I thought Sigourney Weaver was hot in this was because she looks like my Mum. Having just watched the med-lab scene, I've finally noticed that the resemblance is uncanny from the side. Ouch, that's unconfortable.


"They cut the power!"

"How could they cut the power, man? They're animals!"

Hudson is fucking cool.


Brilliantly directed, atmospheric lighting, great soundtrack, brilliant use of the motion trackers to build suspense. Fuck Titanic, this is James Cameron's crowning moment.


"12 meters, 11, 10"

"They're right on us"

"8 meters, 7 6"

"That can't be, that's inside the room!"


Oh fucking yes. How good is that build up?


It's pretty fucking good. For me the genius of Aliens though is varied. The pacing of the film is absolutely fantastic, quite happily taking about an hour or more for anything really horrific to happen. The casting is perfect as well, and they convincingly make Ripley into an action heroine. Plus, the moving of the plot from the claustrophobic little horror film that the original was to a full blown shoot-em-up and thriller was perfectly done.


It's just the most enjoyable film I've ever seen and one of my favourites of all time, I can always quite happily sit and watch it whenever it is on and have a damn good time. Was it the Director's Cut they showed last night and is Alien 3 on tonight? I love Alien 3 as well.

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It was indeed the Director's Cut, with robot sentries (which after I read the book always wished had been included in the film - and then all of a sudden it was!) and even more Burke sleaziness.


You're spot on about the pacing. The amount of setting up that goes on in the first hour is absolutely immense. The loaders, the Newton family being sent out to the crash site, the corperate control over everything, Gorman's inexperience, the weapons and vehicles, Bishop, etc..


I remember watching Aliens as the ITV 10:00 movie, where they managed to edit out every single swearword.

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It was indeed the Director's Cut, with robot sentries (which after I read the book always wished had been included in the film - and then all of a sudden it was!) and even more Burke sleaziness.


You're spot on about the pacing. The amount of setting up that goes on in the first hour is absolutely immense. The loaders, the Newton family being sent out to the crash site, the corperate control over everything, Gorman's inexperience, the weapons and vehicles, Bishop, etc..


I remember watching Aliens as the ITV 10:00 movie, where they managed to edit out every single swearword.


I recorded that version and forgot about it. A few years' later I found it by accident thinking it was something else. There were so many films I saw first as a TV edit - Die Hard, Aliens, The Terminator and Robocop - and then when you watch the full versions they are like watching different films. Especially Robocop. I remember the hatchet job ITV did with Robocop especially - out went all the swearing, almost all the violence, all the nudity, drug taking and sex, and I am amazed it lasted more than 20 minutes. I heard they got so many complaints about what they did to it that they showed the uncut version only 2 months after its first airing.


The best bit is the "FUCK ME! FUCK ME!" bit at the petrol station that ITV made into "WHY ME?! WHY ME?!"

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