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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Got this out on Blu Ray, and it entirely exceeded my expectations. A really funny, really exciting and stylish film. Woody Harrelson is particularly good, I thought, plus there's a hot emo looking girl to mope over. There's also a fantastic cameo by a much loved Hollywood star that I had no idea about, which was a nice treat. No idea if there'll be a sequel.


From Paris With Love


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Got this out on Blu Ray, and it entirely exceeded my expectations. A really funny, really exciting and stylish film. Woody Harrelson is particularly good, I thought, plus there's a hot emo looking girl to mope over. There's also a fantastic cameo by a much loved Hollywood star that I had no idea about, which was a nice treat. No idea if there'll be a sequel.


From Paris With Love



JLM EDIT!: The secrecy of the Zombieland cameo is sacred and makes the film a whole lot more enjoyable if you don't know about it, so I've removed it. You didn't break any spoiler rules or nothin', but it might save you some grief from people who haven't seen it.


It's a class film and that Emma Stone is a lasher alright. Decent soundtrack too.

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The biggest benefit of them in my experience has been the sound more than the picture. If you have a good set up there then I'd recommend them. The picture is obviously lovely as well, but I wouldn't expect to have your mind blown by it. Toy Story 3 is rather lovely on both counts though I must say.


I saw Zombieland with the cameo unspoiled as well. It really is amazing.


The last film I watched was Season of the witch. I wouldn't recommend it.

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Funk Kontrol - I'd spoiler that, mate, as most of the enjoyment comes from the surprise, which you'll now be ruining!

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Watched 'Let the right one in' last night. The swedish version. It was all a load of nothing really. Loads of weird kids and it was obvious from the start what was going on witht he girl and her Dad. It was just liek a weird, love story for 12 year olds with random add ons to the story. Having said that, it was OK, just not that great.

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I saw Zombieland with the cameo unspoiled as well. It really is amazing.


I didn't have that pleasure as a video of the Hollywood star collecting an award for said cameo was posted on here a while back, and I saw that before seeing the film.


But it was still tremendous, and count me in as another Emma Stone superfan too. :love:

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Watched The Sasquatch Dumpling Gang yesterday which is from the creators of Napoleon Dynamite. At first this put me off watching as I've never really 'got' ND. But I thought it was brilliant, not in a laugh out loud kind of way but I did have a few chuckles to myself. If you've 90 minutes that need filling I'd certainly give this a go. :sneaky:

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Watched The Sasquatch Dumpling Gang yesterday which is from the creators of Napoleon Dynamite. At first this put me off watching as I've never really 'got' ND. But I thought it was brilliant, not in a laugh out loud kind of way but I did have a few chuckles to myself. If you've 90 minutes that need filling I'd certainly give this a go. :sneaky:


Yes, i love this film. Odd characters and a strange storyline but a very enjoyable film.

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Watched 'Let the right one in' last night. The swedish version. It was all a load of nothing really. Loads of weird kids and it was obvious from the start what was going on witht he girl and her Dad. It was just liek a weird, love story for 12 year olds with random add ons to the story. Having said that, it was OK, just not that great.


Uh... I think, to paraphrase my favourite comedian Stewart Lee, it's just not for you.

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She's playing Gwen Stacey in Spiderman, which I'm slightly perplexed by. Surely she's the perfect MJ?


apparently she isn't a natural red head tho, not that that matters. I'm sure they just want to erase Kirsten Dunst from everyone's mind and leave MJ out... Also be perplexed no more - Schwing!

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