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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Watched Kevin Smiths latest film Cop Out this morning on Blu Ray. Seeing as everything I'd heard about it had been massively negative and the trailer made it look dire. I was pleasantly suprise at how much fun it was. Its a tremendous throw back to early 90s buddy cop action movies. It would have been better if Smith had written it himself in my view but some of the comedy hits home.


I watched this the other week, being sold on the premise of "it's a buddy cop movie with Harold Faltermeyer Jr doing the soundtrack and heavy Lethal Weapon influences". I thought it was really fun, and was massively shocked when I saw Kevin Smith's name when the credits rolled because I generally don't enjoy his work. Finding out he didn't write it, this all makes much more sense to me now. I'm glad my flatmate didn't tell me it was Kevin Smith before I watched it though because I probably would've just shat on it and not given it a chance.

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Just finished watching Last Night its depressing as hell but gives you a fresh lease for life.


Patrick is a very grey man. But with the earth only having 4 hours till its destroyed it doesnt make much difference. So we follow Patrick through his last final hours of life and how other characters interweave together each having an influence over the other.


I`m suprised this hasn`t done better than it has. Its released by Lionsgate movies, the guys that do the Saw films and horror stuff so a rerelease I believe would actually do quite well. Its a really good movie if you like character development and understanding. Very dark humour but it works really well. Starts off very slowly, introduces a character here and there but as it moves foward, pretty slowely but enough to keep you interested, you begin to understand that each person has their own end of the world outlook and each connect with each other in some way.


Its pretty doom and gloom all over but by the end I had a smile on my face and realised i`d enjoyed it alot more than I thought I would.


Certainly worth a watch.


Cheers Gladstone


Mrs Small introduced me to it so she should take the credit, really. It's well worth re-watching too because there are definitely bits that don't quite go in the first time round.


Well, last night we watched Taxidermia. Which was nice. It wasn't quite as gruesome as was made out, but it did remind me of David Cronenberg's early stuff with all the body horror stuff in it. It's a great film, really funny and not as difficult to follow as some had suggested. The ending is fantastic too. Highly recommended if you want something a bit different or to make your girlfriend throw up.

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Yesterday evening, me and the good lady were at a loss for something to do.


"Fuck it" we said, and chose I Am Legend on dvd.


I was very pleased by this film. It provided some tense moments, a decent yet easy to follow story and some great acting from Will Smith. Recommended.


4 stars

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Wasn't sure where to post this, but this thread should be good for movie buffs.


Bootleg DVD covers for big blockbuster movies that haven't got it quite right. Some of these are hilarious. Bear in mind that these are scans/finds, not photoshop contest entries:
















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Watched Batman Begins again last night after resolving to give it another chance ( Id only seen it whilst pissed and wasnt very impressed) as people keep going on about that and the Dark Knight and how they should be seen.


I cant connect with Begins, Its shit. Too many jump cuts and all style over substance.. Too many characters shoe horned in for the sake of it. The narrative and heel turns dont come across well and, 'all-in-all' it's a mess.


Unless Dark Knight picks up substantially then not a chance of going out of my way to watch it.


Usless fact of the day. Bruce's Mum Martha was played by Sara Stewart, who was in the first series of Drop the Dead Donkey!

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Dark Knight is significantly better. You can see what's going on during the action sequences, Gary Oldman and Aaron Eckhart are stupendous, Heath Ledger is great and it's just generally a better movie. It's not perfect (for example, the two boats scene took a relatively interesting social experiment/moral dilemma and then dragged it out until it was boring) and many are prone to hyperbole when talking about it, but it smokes Batman Begins quite comfortably.

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The Other Guys and Dinner For Schmucks were the last couple of films I saw over here. They were both hilarious.


I have no idea if they've been released in the UK yet or not.


Before that I saw Salt. It was okay, I just believe Angelina looks far too frail to pull off the action.

Edited by Stephanie
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I watched a movie called Pontypool in which a radio show is on, and they begin to get reports of disturbance and riots through. For a movie in which not a lot actually happens on the screen for a lot of the time, this movie sent the shitters up me in the big way. The calls from the field reporter from the radio station were pretty crazy. Thought the movie got a bit worse when things got into the radio station, but it was still really good up till that point.

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I watched the Uwe Boll movie Rampage last night, I really enjoyed it, I think it would've been better if it had just been totally linear as opposed to having flash forwards and stuff but I thought it was awesome, really pleasantly surprised.


Uwe Boll












Uwe Boll









Uwe Boll













Uwe Boll
















Uwe Boll






















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^ :laugh: I can imagine that in Shane Douglas's voice as well.


I watched the Uwe Boll movie Rampage last night, I really enjoyed it, I think it would've been better if it had just been totally linear as opposed to having flash forwards and stuff but I thought it was awesome, really pleasantly surprised.


I was intrigued by Rampage because I'd heard a whole load of people say that this was supposed to be Boll showing that he could do more than video game adaptations and that he proved he can be a competent filmmaker.


Balderdash. It's even worse than Bloodrayne 3. At least that had Natassia Malthe.

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^ :laugh: I can imagine that in Shane Douglas's voice as well.


I watched the Uwe Boll movie Rampage last night, I really enjoyed it, I think it would've been better if it had just been totally linear as opposed to having flash forwards and stuff but I thought it was awesome, really pleasantly surprised.


I was intrigued by Rampage because I'd heard a whole load of people say that this was supposed to be Boll showing that he could do more than video game adaptations and that he proved he can be a competent filmmaker.


Balderdash. It's even worse than Bloodrayne 3. At least that had Natassia Malthe.


Didn't she play that purple haired whore in DoA which also stared that one and only Kevin Nash?


If I ever see a good Uwe Boll film I will start calling pro-wrestling art.

Edited by The King Of Swing
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^ :laugh: I can imagine that in Shane Douglas's voice as well.


I watched the Uwe Boll movie Rampage last night, I really enjoyed it, I think it would've been better if it had just been totally linear as opposed to having flash forwards and stuff but I thought it was awesome, really pleasantly surprised.


I was intrigued by Rampage because I'd heard a whole load of people say that this was supposed to be Boll showing that he could do more than video game adaptations and that he proved he can be a competent filmmaker.


Balderdash. It's even worse than Bloodrayne 3. At least that had Natassia Malthe.


Didn't she play that purple haired whore in DoA which also stared that one and only Kevin Nash?


If I ever see a good Uwe Boll film I will start calling pro-wrestling art.


Uh huh. She's splendid looking. Never appears in anything good though, aside from Lake Placid which is eight shades of fantastic.

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