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Yes, I guess one has to put their faith in the American public to realise that the Republicans have been hampering the economy for their own political gains for the last four years. The fact that the Republican front runner is a man who left his wife with cancer for a younger, healthier woman, along with preaching for the "sanctity of marriage" whilst asking for an open relationship, is worrying to say the least.

He is a vile human being. What's really unnerving is that he's seemingly managed to counteract that in the eyes of the Republican base by playing the right-wing-victim-of-the-media card and by coming out with absurdly offensive stuff like "blacks should demand pay cheques instead of food stamps" and "Andrew Jackson knew how to deal with his enemies." And it's been especially beneficial for him ahead of a Southern primary. It really shows have far to the right the Republican base has swung, if not US politics generally.

Edited by Vice
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If you were scared about the prospect of him becoming the Republican candidate before, Vice, wait until you read this article from the Guardian's Chris McGreal:


With Obama, though, it is different to any other president. The undercurrent is not only that Obama does not know his own country but that he is not a real American.


The attempts to claim that the president was not born in the US - led by bits of Fox News, right wing radio talk show hosts and an East European immigrant dentist in California - have largely been put to rest.


But the implication of otherness

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Bring him on. He may appeal to the crazed Republican right, but his utterly insane policies and racist stumps will put the swaying voters right off, and they're the people who decide who's President.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, Abu Qatada.


He's getting let out


As shit as it is that this guy is being released, it's the right thing to do. If they actually had anything substantial on him then they needed to produce it in court. They clearly don't. We're not a country that detains its citizens indefinitely, habeus corpus is a fundamental of our legal system. So he has to be released.

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  • Paid Members

Yep. From what I'm given to understand, the Government has around three months to get some form of guarantee from Jordan that he won't be tortured if he's deported and that torture-derived information won't be used against him. If they don't then he can't be deported and his bail conditions over here will have passed, making him a free man. They'd better get to work.


As a side issue, isn't it odd that a Jordanian gets to appeal to the European Court to overturn the decision of the UK authorities? I'm sure UKIP and co will have fun with that one.

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Yep. From what I'm given to understand, the Government has around three months to get some form of guarantee from Jordan that he won't be tortured if he's deported and that torture-derived information won't be used against him. If they don't then he can't be deported and his bail conditions over here will have passed, making him a free man. They'd better get to work.

I think the judge said he would "relax" the bail conditions after 3 months. I'm sure that means he'd still be under whatever they're calling control orders now. Curfew, very limited communication, heavily monitored.

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Did anyone see Newsnight last night? There was a good discussion about the whole PIP implants fiasco. Naomi Wolf totally shredded Anne Milton, the health minister, showing her up as either a liar or completely out of her depth. Actually, it's probably both. Katie Price was quite interesting on it too.


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