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Yeah basicly. Its a lot of stuff about the hows and whys of myth, their place in history and the influence they had on culture (and that culture had on them). In fact a couple of days ago I finished my final essay for that bit of the course, a 3000 worder on the evolution of the Achilles myth. Its not great, but such is life.

If you're interested I could certainly do with it reading through for feedback to make sure it makes sense before I send it in.



Its through the OU, and was surprisingly hard in places.

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The new Scottish Government is making all the right noises thus far;


Scottish first minister Alex Salmond has laid out his five-year vision for government, with a pledge to tackle "bigotry and booze".


Following the SNP's landslide election victory, Mr Salmond has made new laws on tackling sectarianism and minimum alcohol pricing a priority.


He also outlined a "social wage" with the people of Scotland.


Mr Salmond pledged to retain vital services, in return for measures like public sector pay restraint.


The Scottish government's detailed programme for government, including a list of planned bills, will come after the summer break.


Speaking at Holyrood, the first minister laid out plans for economic recovery and pledged to put a "jobs agenda" at the heart of his programme for government.


In the next few weeks, the Scottish Parliament is expected to pass new laws on increasing jail terms for sectarian-related disorder to a maximum of five years.


And ministers will also bring back plans to set a minimum price per unit of alcohol - proposals which were defeated in the last parliament when the SNP was in minority government.


The first minister told MSPs: "In the age of Twitter and texts, the dreams of a free-speaking world are contaminated by viral strains of bitterness.


"Technology has given fresh energy to old hatreds and pustulant sectarianism again seeps across our land.


"Well, it will be stopped - I will not have people living in fear from some idiotic 17th Century rivalry in the 21st Century."


Mr Salmond said sectarianism "must stop", adding: "Not because it is embarrassing to our national image - though it is.


"Nor that it is embarrassing to ourselves - though it is that too - but because it is a pointless cause pursued by the pitiless."


Turning to Scotland's "booze culture", Mr Salmond went on: "I think that we have confused our appetite for fun with a hunger for self-destruction.


"We tolerate a race to the bottom of the bottle, which ruins our health, our judgement, our relationships, our safety and our dignity."


"Thus, early legislation in this parliament shall address both bigotry and booze."


Mr Salmond said his government had committed to helping hard-pressed Scots by freezing the council tax over the course of the five-year parliament and moving against public sector compulsory redundancies.


The SNP has also committed to keeping prescription charges and bridge tolls free, while maintaining free bus travel for the elderly and protecting NHS spending.


Defining the social wage as a "pact" between politicians, public services and the people, the first minister said: "We shall deliver the social and economic circumstances that allow for people to dream, to aspire and to be ambitious - but it is for the individual to realise their dreams, to reach for their hopes, to meet their ambitions.


"People understand that public spending must be restrained, and, in return, we will stand alongside the family in Dumfries that wants to send their daughter to university.


"We will support the commuter in Dunfermline who travels daily across the Forth or the family in Ayrshire who would otherwise have to choose which medicine they can afford this month.


"And we will protect the pensioner in Inverness who lives off her savings and fears ever-rising prices and bills."


Mr Salmond said the SNP's planned Scottish Futures Fund would tackle "endemic problems" with support for young people, transport, housing and new, digital technology.


And the government would also prioritise the "internationalisation" of Scotland's economy, in areas such as renewable energy.


Hitting out at the UK government, Mr Salmond said: "Elsewhere on these isles, the tolerance of the poor is being tested - budgets slashed, priorities changed, hope crushed in the braying tones of people who claim to know best.


"We should aspire to be different. In Scotland the poor won't be made to pick up the bill for the rich."


Mr Salmond again called for Westminster to devolve control over increased borrowing powers, corporation tax, excise duties, control over the Crown Estate, broadcasting and increased influence in Europe.


And, turning to the SNP's promised independence referendum in the second half of its term in office, Mr Salmond told MSPs: "The age of benign dictat is over.


"This parliament is not a lobby group, begging Westminster for what is already ours. This parliament speaks for the people of Scotland and they shall be heard."

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I don't mind so much.


Tbh, I'd be a bit embarassed for us if the US President went to our Prime Minister's house and it was a bit shit.


I think the general point is that when the nation is in the shape it is in it is not the best idea to pose for a pic in your designer Kitchen not that it it wrong for them to have a decent Kitchen.


Still though I'm with Magnum

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Bearing in mind how much money Cameron's family have behind them regardless of his position as Prime Minister it shouldn't surprise anyone that he can throw cash around like that.

Edited by David
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Having been listening to Cameron, Clegg & Ozzy talk shite for the past year or so I have to admit to being more than happy about our new majority Government in Scotland saying the likes of this;


Mr Salmond said his government had committed to helping hard-pressed Scots by freezing the council tax over the course of the five-year parliament and moving against public sector compulsory redundancies.


The SNP has also committed to keeping prescription charges and bridge tolls free, while maintaining free bus travel for the elderly and protecting NHS spending.


Defining the social wage as a "pact" between politicians, public services and the people, the first minister said: "We shall deliver the social and economic circumstances that allow for people to dream, to aspire and to be ambitious - but it is for the individual to realise their dreams, to reach for their hopes, to meet their ambitions.


"People understand that public spending must be restrained, and, in return, we will stand alongside the family in Dumfries that wants to send their daughter to university.


"We will support the commuter in Dunfermline who travels daily across the Forth or the family in Ayrshire who would otherwise have to choose which medicine they can afford this month.


"And we will protect the pensioner in Inverness who lives off her savings and fears ever-rising prices and bills."

If Scots are smart (and I doubt that many of them will be able to see through the propaganda that we'll undoubtedly see when the time comes) they'll opt for independence and get ourselves as far away from these jokers as possible.

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I don't mind so much.


Tbh, I'd be a bit embarassed for us if the US President went to our Prime Minister's house and it was a bit shit.


I think the general point is that when the nation is in the shape it is in it is not the best idea to pose for a pic in your designer Kitchen not that it it wrong for them to have a decent Kitchen.


Still though I'm with Magnum

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If Scots are smart (and I doubt that many of them will be able to see through the propaganda that we'll undoubtedly see when the time comes) they'll opt for independence and get ourselves as far away from these jokers as possible.


Good luck without the massive Wminster subsidies that pay for your prescriptions and University fees


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Having been listening to Cameron, Clegg & Ozzy talk shite for the past year or so I have to admit to being more than happy about our new majority Government in Scotland saying the likes of this;


Mr Salmond said his government had committed to helping hard-pressed Scots by freezing the council tax over the course of the five-year parliament and moving against public sector compulsory redundancies.


The SNP has also committed to keeping prescription charges and bridge tolls free, while maintaining free bus travel for the elderly and protecting NHS spending.


Defining the social wage as a "pact" between politicians, public services and the people, the first minister said: "We shall deliver the social and economic circumstances that allow for people to dream, to aspire and to be ambitious - but it is for the individual to realise their dreams, to reach for their hopes, to meet their ambitions.


"People understand that public spending must be restrained, and, in return, we will stand alongside the family in Dumfries that wants to send their daughter to university.


"We will support the commuter in Dunfermline who travels daily across the Forth or the family in Ayrshire who would otherwise have to choose which medicine they can afford this month.


"And we will protect the pensioner in Inverness who lives off her savings and fears ever-rising prices and bills."

If Scots are smart (and I doubt that many of them will be able to see through the propaganda that we'll undoubtedly see when the time comes) they'll opt for independence and get ourselves as far away from these jokers as possible.


Youve been saying that there shouldnt be any cut to public spending until the economy is back to one piece though.


It sounds like a lot of gas coming from the SNP, I dont think they actually know whether it'll be a positive move or not and I think they are being very cautious to let others come to their own conclusion so their hands are clean.

Edited by Van Dammer
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