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So what? They're rich! Good for them - it doesn't really matter. They should be judged by the decisions they make rather than their bank balances and if affluent colleagues wish to treat them all to a nice party then so be it. There's no way I'd want to do the job and the should enjoy the odd perk here and there - particularly as it's not taxpayer's money.


On the Universities issue I don't see them implementing the unlimited fees cap but I'd be very dissapointed if they did. It's just not fair to put the best Universities out of reach of the intelligent but less wealthy families. It's just utterly wrong in fact. I'd actually like to see far less University places available but have the ones that are fully funded with grants etc included. There's just too many people going to Uni. If there's jobs available for all these graduates then great but far too many people go and then in no way use their defree in a meaningful way. Often because it's pointless. Degrees like history of art, art, psychology, sports science, marketting should be vastly cut back upon. (Especially psychology - what a waste of time). We need to encourage more engineering, chemistry, physics, maths, computer science etc. Things that will actually benefit people in our modern and hi tech economy.


You said art twice. You like art.


In seriousness, we could also do with, well, industries and trades that may employ the large number of people who would be priced out of University, so they can do a productive job and make a living and the UK might start exporting instead of importing. Isn't that right, Conserv.. bugger.

Edited by sephjnr
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I'm running the budget of my private Halloween party past David to check that it doesn't break the Socialist Workers Party's guidelines on how much you should spend to have fun.

Edited by Loki
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I have no problem with people having money just dont expect me to buy into their "we all feel the pinch/have to make sacrifices" bollocks and that goes for all politicians and not just the ones in Government.


Whats that got to do with a former Tory Treasurer holding a party? Its not like they were lighting cigars with

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Do you have something against people with money David?

No, I have something against people with money telling the regular Joe in the street that we all have to make sacrifices, when what they really mean is that we have to make sacrifices, while they don't.

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Do you have something against people with money David?

No, I have something against people with money telling the regular Joe in the street that we all have to make sacrifices, when what they really mean is that we have to make sacrifices, while they don't.

So what are they meant to do? Somebody has tens of millions in the bank. Do they just stop buying cars, going out, eating and drinking nice foods and wines? I hate David Cameron with a passion but all I remember him saying from the debates is how as a country we are going to go through a difficult few years and we will all have to bear the brunt of it. I dont remember him saying he's going to lower his quality of lifestyle.

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I hate David Cameron with a passion but all I remember him saying from the debates is how as a country we are going to go through a difficult few years and we will all have to bear the brunt of it. I dont remember him saying he's going to lower his quality of lifestyle.

That's just it though, we all won't have to bear the brunt of it.


The people at the lower end of the scale, the people who depend on the social services, such as old people, disabled people and the like will be the ones having to "bear the brunt of it".


For some reason I don't see anyone from his circle of friends feeling the pinch over the next few years.


It still comes down to the fact that the majority of people don't actually comprehend what's coming. They seem to think that the cuts will be bad but that somehow it won't affect them too badly.


This is going to far surpass anything that happened during the Thatcher years, and some have said it's going to be the worst level of spending cuts we've seen since the 1930's.


That era wasn't called the great depression for nothing.

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I hate David Cameron with a passion but all I remember him saying from the debates is how as a country we are going to go through a difficult few years and we will all have to bear the brunt of it. I dont remember him saying he's going to lower his quality of lifestyle.

That's just it though, we all won't have to bear the brunt of it.


The people at the lower end of the scale, the people who depend on the social services, such as old people, disabled people and the like will be the ones having to "bear the brunt of it".


For some reason I don't see anyone from his circle of friends feeling the pinch over the next few years.


It still comes down to the fact that the majority of people don't actually comprehend what's coming. They seem to think that the cuts will be bad but that somehow it won't affect them too badly.


This is going to far surpass anything that happened during the Thatcher years, and some have said it's going to be the worst level of spending cuts we've seen since the 1930's.


That era wasn't called the great depression for nothing.


So what is your explanation to resolve the problem of certain people being wealthy and not having money issues. Would you just take all of their money off of them and share it out amongst all of the people on benefits etc so that we dont have such a burden on society?


I just dont udnerstand what you're saying. Are you saying that these people shouldnt have the money they have earned in their lifetimes or are you saying they should struggle like other people?

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So what is your explanation to resolve the problem of certain people being wealthy and not having money issues. Would you just take all of their money off of them and share it out amongst all of the people on benefits etc so that we dont have such a burden on society?

Of course not.


I just dont udnerstand what you're saying. Are you saying that these people shouldnt have the money they have earned in their lifetimes or are you saying they should struggle like other people?

What i'm saying is, first of all, they need to stop bullshitting us with their condescending banter.


Only a complete fucking moron is buying into this "were all in it together" nonsense.

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So what is your explanation to resolve the problem of certain people being wealthy and not having money issues. Would you just take all of their money off of them and share it out amongst all of the people on benefits etc so that we dont have such a burden on society?

Of course not.


I just dont udnerstand what you're saying. Are you saying that these people shouldnt have the money they have earned in their lifetimes or are you saying they should struggle like other people?

What i'm saying is, first of all, they need to stop bullshitting us with their condescending banter.


Only a complete fucking moron is buying into this "were all in it together" nonsense.

So, do you want them to say "fortunately, you proles are fucked, but I'm alright"?


As a nation, we are in this together, but it is true that some of us will feel it more than others. And that's ok....because that's just life. Some are more equal than others.

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As a nation, we are in this together, but it is true that some of us will feel it more than others. And that's ok....because that's just life. Some are more equal than others.

Y'see, that's where I disagree.


It's not okay when the people primarily responsible for this fuck up are the ones who are pretty much back to "business as usual", whilst the people who never really shared in the so-called "good times" are facing the sharp end of the stick.

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So, do you want them to say "fortunately, you proles are fucked, but I'm alright"?


As a nation, we are in this together, but it is true that some of us will feel it more than others. And that's ok....because that's just life. Some are more equal than others.



You fucking doormat. No wonder you wiped people's arses with a smile on your face. You could do with some of David's righteous indignation.

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So, do you want them to say "fortunately, you proles are fucked, but I'm alright"?


As a nation, we are in this together, but it is true that some of us will feel it more than others. And that's ok....because that's just life. Some are more equal than others.



You fucking doormat. No wonder you wiped people's arses with a smile on your face. You could do with some of David's righteous indignation.

It's not so much being a doormat....I have plenty of indignation when appropriate, righteous or otherwise. However, the only things that will affect me as an individual from this are universal; property prices falling, fuel prices rising etc. In that respect, we are all in it together.

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I've always been a supporter of the license fee funded BBC, but after reading the following argument on a Facebook group calling for the licence fee to be scrapped, I'm persuaded.


I agree with getting rid of tv license as u only need it for bbc channels but if u get a free view box u still need a tv licence so y call it FREE VIEW if its u need to pay makes me sick as thay pull in over 10 billion a year just on coller tv license there is a black n white licence n aparrently you need one if u have net access ie pc laptop mobile phone and a veriaty of consouls

its all bull crap if u ask me the eu dont pay for a tv licence and were apart of it rnt we so y do we have to pay


Sadly that's actually a representative sample of the comments on the page.

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